ID | #1568193205 |
Added | Wed, 11/09/2019 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Result
Resume |
Initial data
Ilya Nagato, a fisherman, was more than surprised when his colleagues caught a strange creature in the sea of Azov (Russia). This humanoid creature was amazing and totally mysterious.
"I've never seen anything like it in my life," said Nagato.
Fishermen from Taganrog, studied this mysterious, lifeless creature. Quickly, they found that he had physical characteristics similar to siren. Eyewitnesses of incident have described this sea monster as a two-meter creature with the head of a catfish, body of a man, hands and tail.
Yet, little is known about what kind of fish. Some biologists argue that this may even be a completely unknown biological entity.
According to preliminary information, it looks like a mermaid being caught in early August, could be killed by the storm.
The male equivalent of a siren, as in this case, is the Triton. Although their stories are less common than about mermaids, it is generally assumed that they coexist with their colleagues-women.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Original news
Ilya Nogatov, un pêcheur, a été plus que surpris lorsque ses collègues ont attrapé une étrange créature dans la mer d'Azov, en Russie.
Cette créature humanoïde était étonnante et complètement mystérieuse. Rien de connu ne ressemblait, de près ou de loin, à ce monstre marin.
« Je n'ai jamais rien vu de tel dans ma vie », a M. Nogatov.
Les pêcheurs, originaires de Taganrog, ont brièvement étudié cet être énigmatique sans vie. Rapidement, ils ont repéré qu’il possédait des caractéristiques physiques semblables à celles d’une sirène !
Les témoins oculaires de l'incident ont décrit ce monstre marin comme étant une créature de 2 mètres de long dotée d'une tête de poisson-chat, d'un torse d'homme, de bras et d’une queue.
Jusqu'ici, on sait peu de quel type de poisson il s'agit. Certains biologistes ont déclaré qu'il pourrait même s'agir d'un être biologique complètement inconnu.
« Nous devons encore mener beaucoup d’investigations », a expliqué l’un des principaux biologistes s’étant intéressés à cette affaire.
Selon des informations préliminaires, cette créature ressemblant à une sirène, et capturée au début de mois d’août, aurait pu avoir été tuée par une tempête.
Une sirène est habituellement représentée comme étant une créature aquatique avec la tête et le haut du corps d'un être humain et la queue d'un poisson. Les sirènes figurent dans le folklore de nombreuses cultures du monde entier, notamment au Proche-Orient, en Europe, en Asie et en Afrique.
L'équivalent masculin de la sirène, comme dans ce cas, est le triton. Bien que les traditions les concernant soient moins communes que celles des sirènes, ils sont généralement supposés coexister avec leurs homologues féminines.
Fisherman Ilya Nogatov was surprised when his colleagues caught a strange creature from the Sea of Azov.
“I have never seen anything like it in my life”, he said.
Taganrog fishermen focused on the fact that they were able to fish out some semblance of a mermaid, which did not show any signs of life.
Eyewitnesses of the incident described the sea monster as a 2-meter creature, endowed with a catfish head, male torso, arms and tail.
So far, little is known what kind of fish it is. Some biologists have stated that it may even be a completely different biological being.
“We still need to do a lot of investigations”, said one of the main biologists of this case.
Preliminary information says that a mermaid-like creature, which was caught in early August, could have been killed by a storm.
In folklore, a mermaid is an aquatic creature with the head and upper body of a female human and the tail of a fish. Mermaids appear in the folklore of many cultures worldwide, including the Near East, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
The male equivalent of the mermaid, like in this case, is the merman. Although traditions about and sightings of mermen are less common than those of mermaids, they are generally assumed to co-exist with their female counterparts.
The art of the action

Various promotions advertising and art can be priniti randomly for the paranormal or issued for them intentionally.
A mysterious and mystical theme attracts people's attention so it can be used to attract the audience.
Here are various advertising companies for products, individuals, media, and various hudojestvennye installation, objects, land art (from the English. land art — landscape-art) and the like. This category can also be considered Museum pieces.
Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.
There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.
Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.
When searching for additional information in the phase "Study" was found and Russian news. It was argued that:
The only alternative to the emergence of a mermaid on the shore of Taganrog experts believe the drop in the sea of Azov Rover Opportunity. The car was gone about six months ago on Mars. Ufologists put forward a version that the Rover could bring down a meteor shower, causing the machine threw out from the atmosphere because of weak gravity.
It was further found video with the same pictures from June 29, 2018, but utverzhdaetsya that mermaid was found in Indonesia. Thus, the story about the mermaid in the sea of Azov is a deliberate falsification.
But that's not all.
They also found information from may 23, 2018 in several albums on facebook that this sculpture Attakoreda Parades (Parada Pattarakunpreeda) made of silicone, resins and artificial hair. The idea of the sculptures to show that animals have feelings.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
The art of the action

Various promotions advertising and art can be priniti randomly for the paranormal or issued for them intentionally.
A mysterious and mystical theme attracts people's attention so it can be used to attract the audience.
Here are various advertising companies for products, individuals, media, and various hudojestvennye installation, objects, land art (from the English. land art — landscape-art) and the like. This category can also be considered Museum pieces.
Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.
There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.
Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.
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