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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. France

ID #1565106774
Added Tue, 06/08/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Two gendarmes (M Simon, and M Barboule), returned from duty, pushing their Bicycle as they went up the hill. When he reached the barn they heard a noise that quickly turned into a "deafening racket".

Then, 50 yards above the earth, there was a round black disc shaped, about 35 feet in diameter and 4 feet thick, under which was a number of openings of the chimneys, looking red hot, which had short reddish flames.

A strong hot wind blew from the object and pushed them to the barn. The object continued to land on the smooth field. Red neck tubes darkened, as if cooling down.

About a minute later, the object flared dome opaque ivory, and at the same time dazzling rays of several colors - yellow, green, and blue came from the base of the dome in all directions.

Then a glowing "hot air balloon" appeared from the source of the rays broke away and slowly twice made a tour of the nearby peak at the top of the hill "Castelai". After that, he reunited with the object and disappeared. During the flight, this "balloon" witnesses noticed similar to human silhouettes (maybe 4) that are slowly walking around the UFO, as if inspecting him. They walked around it several times.

When the "balloon" is back, the silhouettes disappeared.Then the rays of light and the dome went out, and again began to blow hot wind with a deafening noise the object rose vertically and disappeared in the sky.

During observation, the gendarmes felt paralyzed. M Simon put his hand on his revolver holster, but was unable to remove.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Two gendarmes, M Simon & M Barboule, were coming back from tour of duty, pushing their bicycle as they mounted a hill, and had reached a barn when they heard a noise that quickly became a “deafening racket.” Then there appeared about 50 yards away, a few yards above the ground, a round black disc shaped mass about 35 ft in diameter and 4 ft thick, beneath which was a row of flue-pipe mouths, appearing red hot, from which emerged short reddish flames. A strong hot wind blew from the object and pushed them against the barn. The object continued on to land in a flat field, passing within 50 yards of them. The red tubes mouths darkened, as if cooling down. After about a minute, a cupola of an opaque ivory white color lighted up atop the object, and at the same time dazzling rays of several colors—yellow, green, and blue—emerged from the base of the cupola and were given off in all directions. Then a sort of luminous “balloon” emerged from the source of the rays, detached itself, and slowly twice made the circuit of the nearby hilltop peak, “Castelai.” After this it rejoined the object and disappeared. During the flight of this “balloon,” the witnesses noticed human like silhouettes—perhaps 4 of them—slowly walking around the UFO, as if inspecting it. They went around it several times. When the “balloon,” returned, these silhouettes disappeared. Then the light rays and the cupola went out, and the hot wind began to blow again, with a deafening noise, the object rose vertically and disappeared in the sky. During the observation, the gendarmes felt paralyzed; M Simon put his hand on his revolver holster, but could not remove it. M Barboule’s watch never ran properly again.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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