ID | #1564419138 |
Added | Mon, 29/07/2019 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Research
Initial data
Milton-Torres UFO encounter on May 20, 1957 in East Anglia, United Kingdom
A young fighter pilot named Milton Torres was ordered to intercept and shoot down a suspicious aircraft spotted in the skies over East Anglia. Attempts to intercept and shoot down the ship were in vain.
Torres, who was flying in the US Air Force at the time, tried to approach the strange ship in an incredibly fast F86 D Sabre. He was able to fix the target and get closer. But as he was preparing to shoot, the UFO reportedly took off at an amazing speed.
The day after the incident, an NSA man interviewed Torres in an interrogation room. He was told that the incident was classified, and if he told anyone about it, he would lose his pilot privileges and his career.
As part of the declassification of UFO files by the UK Ministry of Defense, the Torres case became known in 2008.
According to the pilot, the UFO showed strange behavior and gave radar readings similar to a "flying aircraft carrier".
According to the released secret documents, during the Cold War, two American fighter jets were lifted into the air to shoot down an unidentified flying object (UFO). However, their mission did not go according to plan: the mysterious object demonstrated much higher capabilities than the fighters.
In his description, one of the pilots said that he was a few seconds away from firing missiles at the object. According to Milton Torres, a former pilot, the object hovered motionless in the sky several times, and then developed a speed of more than 12231 km per hour.
Torres remained silent for more than 30 years after a government official forbade him to talk about what happened. It was only after dozens of UFO sightings were published in the National Archives in London that his story became known. In May 1957, Torres described how he took off his F-86 D Sabre aircraft from Manston Air Force Base, Kent, in calm weather.
The story says that Torres received an order to fire missiles at an unidentified flying object. His authentication was valid, and Torres chose the rockets that were prepared to launch at the facility.
In a written statement, Torres reports that the object was the size of an aircraft carrier. In other words, the larger the object, the easier it is to detect it.
However, just before Torres was about to launch a barrage of missiles, the object disappeared from the radar screen, flying off into the distance at an incredible speed.
After returning to the base, a certain person approached the pilot, who threatened him with disclosing information about national security if he ever told about what had happened.
The documents do not give any explanation for this incident, which occurred during the tense relations between the Soviet Union and the West. During the Cold War, British bases were in constant readiness for a possible Soviet attack.
Torres' encounter with UFOs is just one of countless cases of pilots meeting with objects with advanced technology and maneuverability.
Torres' experience also shows how much the situation has changed over the past few decades when it comes to UFO encounters.
Today, UFOs are already a common phenomenon, which is freely spoken about not only by "believers", but also by the military, government and scientists. However, over the past years, humanity has not come close to solving this phenomenon.
Original news
In a case similar to the Fukuoka Incident, a young fighter pilot named Milton Torres was allegedly ordered to intercept and shoot down a suspicious aircraft seen flying in East Anglia skies. And just like the Fukuoka case, attempts to intercept and shoot down the craft proved futile. Torres, who was flying for the US Air Force at the time, tried to approach the strange craft in an incredibly fast F86 D Sabre. He was able to lock on the target and approach. But when he prepared to fire, the UFO reportedly took off at an amazing speed. The day after the incident, a man who identified himself as NSA debriefed Torres in an interrogation room. He was told that the incident was highly classified, and if he spoke about it to anyone he would lose his pilot privileges and his career. As a part of the UK Ministry of Defense's declassification of UFO files, the Torres case came to light in 2008.
Nowo ujawnione dokumenty opisują incydent, z czasu zimnej wojny, kiedy to dwa myśliwce nieomal zestrzeliły niezidentyfikowany obiekt latający (UFO). Według jednego z pilotów Miltona Torresa, obiekt kilkukrotnie zawisł nieruchomo na niebie, a w chwilę później osiągał prędkość ponad 12 000 km/godz.
Torres milczał przez ponad 30 lat, ponieważ służby zabroniły mu mówić o tym incydencie. Dopiero teraz, gdy dziesiątki raportów o obserwacjach UFO zostało opublikowanych w National Archives w Londynie, jego historia stała się znana.Torres opisał, te pamiętną noc w maju 1957 roku. Zgodnie z jego wspomnieniami, przy spokojnej pogodzie wystartował swój samolot F-86 D Sabre z bazy sił powietrznych Manston w hrabstwie Kent. Po przechwyceniu intruza w brytyjskiej przestrzeni powietrznej, Torres otrzymał rozkaz wystrzelenia salwy pocisków w niezidentyfikowany obiekt latający.
W pisemnym oświadczeniu Torres mówi, że obiekt był wielkości lotniskowca. Jeśli wierzyć jego relacji, tuż przed tym, jak Torres miał wystrzelić grad pocisków, obiekt zniknął z ekranu radaru, odlatując w dal z niewiarygodną prędkością. Po powrocie do bazy pilot został zmuszony do milczenia w tej sprawie.Dokumenty nie wyjaśniają szczegółów tego incydentu. Agresywną reakcję brytyjskich sił powietrznych, można tłumaczyć napiętymi stosunkami między Związkiem Radzieckim a Zachodem jednak skąd ta zmowa milczenia?
Doświadczenie Torresa pokazuje, jak wiele zmieniło się w ciągu ostatnich kilku dekad, jeśli chodzi o spotkania z UFO. Dziś jest to już powszechnie badane zjawisko, o którym swobodnie mówią nie tylko „wierzący”, ale także wojsko, rząd i naukowcy. Kto wie, być może badając sprawy sprzed lat, jeszcze zbliżymy się do rozwikłania zagadki tego zjawiska.
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