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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1563550628
Added Fri, 19/07/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
25.11.2014 21:30
Брайтон, Хоув, Патчам и Марин
United Kingdom

Many Britons believe that the unidentified flying object flew over Brighton on Tuesday, 25 November 2014, evening. A few pictures of this UFO was made by stunned witnesses.

From 21:30 to 23:30, when night came around Brighton and Hove, a coastal town in the South of the United Kingdom, had seen a round glowing object. This thing that some people think the alien ship was moving slowly and at low altitude.

The same phenomenon was observed in Hove, Patchme and Marina. Some witnesses noted the presence of several red, blue and white lights that glittered wildly. Sometimes they were obscured by clouds.

Two brothers, Danny and Matt Daley both filmed what they saw from the Windows of his room, located near Cricket ground, Hove.

24-year-old Daley, working in the field of digital marketing, said:

"We saw about 15 flashing lights that danced within the hour. They were green, blue, red and white. We could see the shape, but its size was difficult to determine. It was definitely a solid object. But it was not a helicopter or plane. Sounds crazy, but we think it was a UFO."

Diving instructor, 25-year-old Oliver Bailey, living in Misthaven, thought he saw an unidentified flying object near Brighton Marina around 11 PM.

At that time he was at a relative's house located on the pier. He says:

"I wasn't too shocked, but I just want to know what it was, and I'm sure other people noticed it too. I've never seen anything like this before."

According to witnesses, Patchme the object hovered in the sky to the West of the high school Patcham about 20 minutes.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Beaucoup de britanniques sont persuadés qu’un objet volant non identifié a survolé la ville de Brighton, le mardi 25 novembre 2014, dans la soirée. Plusieurs images de cet OVNI ont été prises par des témoins médusés …

Entre 21 heures 30 et 23 heures 30, la nuit tombée, un objet rond et lumineux a été observé juste au-dessus de Brighton and Hove, une ville côtière du Sud du Royaume-Uni. Cette chose, que certains pensent être un vaisseau extraterrestre, se déplaçait lentement et à basse altitude.

Le même phénomène fut aperçu à Hove, Patcham et Marina. Quelques témoins ont constaté la présence de plusieurs lumières rouges, bleues et blanches qui scintillaient frénétiquement et en silence. Parfois, elles étaient masquées par les nuages qui encerclaient alors la région.

Deux frères, Danny et Matt Daley, ont tous deux filmé ce qu'ils ont vu à partir des fenêtres de leur chambre, située près du terrain de cricket de Hove.

M. Daley, âgé 24 ans, qui travaille dans le marketing numérique, s’est exprimé :

« Nous avons vu environ 15 feux clignotants qui ont dansé pendant une heure. Ils étaient verts, bleus, rouges et blancs. »

« Nous avons pu voir une forme, mais sa taille était difficile à déterminer. C’était certainement un objet solide. Mais il ne s’agissait ni d’un hélicoptère, ni d’un avion. »

« Cela semble fou, mais nous pensons que c’était un OVNI. »

« Nous voulons savoir si quelqu'un d'autre a vu la même chose. »

Un professeur de plongée, Oliver Bailly, âgé 25 ans, et qui vit à Peacehaven, a cru voir l'objet volant non identifié près de Brighton Marina à environ 23 heures.

A ce moment-là, il se trouvait dans la maison d’un parent située dans le port de plaisance. Il raconte :

« Je n’étais pas trop choqué, mais je veux juste savoir ce que c’était et je suis sûr que d'autres personnes l’ont remarqué aussi. Je n’ai jamais vu quelque chose de semblable auparavant. »

A Patcham, l'objet a plané dans le ciel, à l'ouest de Patcham High School, pendant environ 20 minutes, selon des témoins.

Joanne Summerscales, fondateur d’une association ufologique locale (The Anomalous Mind Management, Abductee, Contactee Helpline), basée à St Leonards et Hastings, a déclaré que des observations sont similaires à ce qu’on lui avait déjà rapporté.

« Souvent les observations impliquent des lumières clignotantes et colorées. Ces objets sont absolument silencieux. »

« Il y en a déjà eu à Hastings. On pense que ces vaisseaux se dirigent vers les eaux, parfois pour des raisons énergétiques, et certains scientifiques croient qu'il y a des bases sous la mer. »

« Cela pourrait être une observation paranormale, mais il serait intéressant d'en apprendre davantage. »


Lights flashed around the skies of Brighton and Hove on Tuesday night, prompting onlookers to believe they were seeing an extra terrestrial spacecraft flying low over the city.

Sightings were reported in Hove, Patcham and near Brighton Marinabetween 9.30pm and 11.30pm.

Red, blue and white flashing lights were seen, slightly masked by cloud, silently circling the area.

Brothers Danny and Matt Daley both took videos of what they saw from their bedroom windows near the cricket ground in Hove.

Mr Daley, 24, who works in digital marketing, said: “We saw about 15 flashing lights bobbing around for an hour. They were green, blue, red and white.

“We could see a shape but its size was not exactly clear. It was definitely a solid object in the sky. It wasn’t a helicopter or a plane.

“It sounds crazy but we do think it was a UFO. Straight away you could tell it was something abnormal.

“We want to know if anyone else saw the same thing.”

Scuba diving master Oliver Bailly, 25, from Peacehaven, believed he saw the unidentified flying object near Brighton Marina at about 11pm.

He was staying at a relative’s house in the marina and said: “I wasn’t too shocked but I just want to know what it was and I’m sure other people do too. I haven’t seen anything like this before.”

In Patcham, the object hung almost stationary in the sky, west of Patcham High School, for about 20 minutes, witnesses said.

Joanne Summerscales, founder of UFO support group The Anomalous Mind Management, Abductee, Contactee Helpline, based in St Leonards and Hastings, said the sightings were similar to others reported.

She said: “Often sightings involve flashing, coloured lights and the object is absolutely silent. Sometimes the area where the ship is also goes eerily quiet.

“There have been some in Hastings. It is thought the ships are drawn to bodies of water, sometimes for energy reasons, and some scientists believe there are bases in the sea.

“This may be an anomalous sighting but it will be interesting to learn more.”

Sussex Police said they did not receive any reports of UFO sightings.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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