ID | #1562834492 |
Added | Thu, 11/07/2019 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Investigation
Initial data
TV Studio "Granada Studios" (located in Manchester, in the North of England), according to your legends, are pursued by several objects that could never be identified.
This place opened its doors in the 1960-ies and was particularly known fact that it put the TV series "Coronation Street". In June 2013, he closed. Today this picturesque place has become a real tourist attraction. Indeed, according to many accounts, it has ghosts .
Guides that show the place claim to have scared many ghostly sightings. In addition, they certify that the building was built on the remains of the old cemetery.
Angela Barnes, 69-year-old tourist from Halifax, West Yorkshire, was a witness to paranormal phenomena while on vacation in Manchester.
"Was cloudy day, and I said to the guide, it's a little scary. She told me he had seen the Ghost of the child and women. She told me that they look like they came from the Victorian era, because she had heard that this place was built on a cemetery. She also told me that once or twice she saw the woman who floated down the corridor before disappearing in the air."
Several television crews have already visited the Studio. And over the years there have been many spooky sightings.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Original news
Les studios de télévision « Granada Studios » (situés à Manchester, dans le Nord de l’Angleterre) seraient, selon de persistantes légendes, hantés par plusieurs entités qui n’ont jamais pu être identifiées …
Ce lieu a ouvert ses portes dans les années 1960. Il a notamment été célèbre pour avoir produit le soap opéra « Coronation Street ». En juin 2013, il a fermé ses portes. Aujourd’hui, ce lieu pittoresque est devenu une véritable attraction touristique. En effet, il serait, selon de nombreux témoignages, habité par de nombreux fantômes.
Les guides qui font visiter les lieux affirment d’ailleurs avoir déjà été effrayés par de multiples observations fantomatiques. En outre, ils certifient que le bâtiment aurait été construit sur les vestiges d’un ancien cimetière.
Angela Barnes, une touriste âgée de 69 ans et originaire d’Halifax (dans le comté du Yorkshire de l’Ouest), a été témoin de phénomènes paranormaux alors qu’elle était en vacances à Manchester.
« C'était un après-midi nuageux et j’ai alors dit au guide que cela semblait un peu effrayant. Elle m’a alors dit qu'elle avait vu des fantômes – celui d’un enfant et d’une femme. »
« Elle m’a dit qu'ils avaient l'air de provenir de l'époque victorienne car elle avait entendu que le lieu avait été construit sur un cimetière. »
« Elle m’a également dit qu'elle avait vu une femme seule une ou deux fois – qui flottait le long des couloir avant de disparaître dans les airs. »
Plusieurs équipes de télévision ont déjà visité l’ancien studio. Et, au fil des ans, de nombreuses observations fantasmagoriques ont été rapportées …
But one of the guides has been spooked by a string of ghostly sightings on the set, which is reputed to have been built on the site of an old cemetery.
“She said they looked like they were from Victorian times which fitted in because she’d heard the whole place was built on a cemetery”
Angela Barnes, 69, of Halifax, West Yorks, was told of the ghostly goings-on when she took the tour in Manchester.
She said: “It was a bleak afternoon and I said it seemed a bit spooky. The guide then told me she had seen a ghost – a child and a woman.
“She said they looked like they were from Victorian times which fitted in because she’d heard the whole place was built on a cemetery.
“She also said she’d seen a woman on her own a couple of times – just floating along and then disappearing into the air.”
TV staff have reported several spooky sightings down the years and in 2005 TV’s Most Haunted show visited the set.
Objects in motion, captured on a long exposure

Most often this artifact is called skayfish if the lens gets a passing bird or insect. It is based on the discrepancy between the speed of the video and the frequency of the flapping of insect wings. Essentially, each video drops a few strokes of the wings of an insect, which when viewed looks like "arrow", provided with long protuberances. The motion of the insect by its translucent body seems to "boom" and vibration of the wings give the appearance of bumps.
If the photo is relevant to the incident, then it's not a Ghost, but ordinary people, blurred because of motion (the person or camera).
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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