ID | #1562582245 |
Added | Mon, 08/07/2019 |
Author | July N. |
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Phenomena | |
Status | Result
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Initial data
Family living in the village of Al (Lancashire, UK), discovered in the kitchen the skeleton of a creature whose appearance is similar to a character from a science fiction movie of Hollywood.
Kevin Ri (55 years old) lives with his wife Georgie (age 47) and his son Eden (13 years old) in an old stone house in the estate Leverhulme. One day he found the water leak. After the plumber fixed the pipes, the man started drying room. Suddenly, moving a step between the kitchen Cabinet and the floor, he made an amazing discovery. He saw a cocoon-like nest. He says:
"A plumber told me that I should dry the bandwagon after the leak. When I grabbed one of them, I found a collection of cleaning products, and also this weird nest. And inside was this. I have no idea what it was. However, I thought it looked like an alien emerging from the chest of John hurt in the movie [Alien]. "
Ri took a few photos of the skeleton. According to him, it was about 6 inches (15 cm) in length, and, considering it "disgusting", he decided to throw it away.
Stuart Hine, head of the identification service of the natural history Museum, said:
"If we look at its size, we can assume that it is either a rat or a mouse. Extraterrestrial aspect of his skull connected with the fact that he is completely deformed. The front legs and shoulder blades are also absent, which helps to give it the shape of an alien. The tail always looks like it's covered with skin, so probably he was dead within a year or two. "
Also, according to the expert, the nest is more likely to be a conglomerate of the remaining skin and fur.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Original news
Une famille, habitant dans le village d’Altcar (dans le comté de Lancashire, au Royaume-Uni), a découvert, dans sa cuisine, le squelette d’une créature dont l’apparence paraît tout droit sortie des films de science-fiction hollywoodien.
Kevin Rea (55 ans) vit avec sa femme George (47 ans) et son fils Eden (13 ans) dans une ancienne maison en pierre sur le domaine de Leverhulme. Un jour, il découvrit une fuite d’eau. Après qu’un plombier l’ait réparé, l’homme s’attela à sécher la pièce. Soudain, en déplaçant le marchepied situé entre le placard de cuisine et le sol, il fit une surprenante découverte. Il vit un cocon qui avait l’apparence d’un nid. Il raconte :
« Un plombier m'a dit que je devais sécher les pieds de lit après cette fuite. Quand je me suis saisi de l'un d'eux, j'ai trouvé une collection de produits de nettoyage, mais aussi ce nid étrange. Et, à l'intérieur de celui-ci, il y avait cette chose. »
« Je n'ai aucune idée de ce que c’était. Toutefois, j'ai pensé qu’elle ressemblait à l'extraterrestre qui sort de la poitrine de John Hurt dans le film [Alien]. »
M. Rea, qui a notamment contribué à faire connaître le groupe Technotronic et son tube « Pump Up The Jam », a pris quelques photographies du squelette. Selon lui, il mesurait environ 6 pouces de long, puis, le trouvant « dégoûtant », il décida de le jeter.
Stuart Hine, qui dirige le service d’identification du Musée d'Histoire Naturelle, s’est exprimé :
« Si l’on considère sa taille, on peut suggérer qu’il s’agit soit d’un rat, soit d’une souris. L’aspect extraterrestre de son crâne est due au fait qu’il est complètement retourné.
Les pattes avant et les omoplates sont également absents, ce qui contribue à lui donner la forme d’un extraterrestre. »
« La queue a toujours l'air d'être recouvert d'une peau il est donc susceptible d’être mort depuis un ou deux ans. »
Toujours d’après l’expert, le nid n’en serait pas un mais il s’agirait plutôt d’un conglomérat de peau restante et de fourrure.
Amy Fensome, chercheur au Biosciences College of Life and Environmental Sciences de l’Université d'Exeter, penche pour une théorie similaire à celle de son prédécesseur :
« Cela ressemble beaucoup à un très gros rat, mais la tête est retourné de sorte que le crâne se met à regarder par-dessus l'épaule. »
D’autres ont évoqué l’hypothèse d’un petit singe.
Hélas, on ne pourra probablement jamais être sûr et certain de l’origine de cette petite créature. Est-ce un simple rongeur ou un véritable extraterrestre ?
This extraordinary looking skeleton looks more suited to a Ridley Scott movie than a Lancashire kitchen.
The mysterious remains, which bear more than a passing resemblance to the terrifying creature in the Alien horror film, were discovered under a kitchen cabinet in the Rea family home in Altcar, Lancashire.
Former record label boss Kevin Rea, 55, found it when he pulled out the footboards between the cupboard and the floor to dry the units out after a leak.
Now he is trying to discover what on earth the skeleton may have been.Mr Rea, who has lived at the ancient stone cottage on the Leverhulme Estate with wife, George, 47, and son, Eden, 13, for five years, said he found it in a cocoon-like nest under the cupboard.
He said: 'A plumber told me I had to dry out the footboards after a leak, and when I took one of them off, I found a collection of cleaning products but also this weird nest.
'And inside it was this thing.
'I have no idea what it is, but when I saw it I thought of the alien that bursts out of John Hurt's chest in the film.' Mr Rea, who revolutionised dance music with his hit, Technotronic's Pump Up The Jam, took some photographs of the skeleton, which he said was around six inches long, and then threw it away because it was 'disgusting'.
In Ridley Scott's 1979 classic, the Alien stalked and killed the crew of Nostromo after being brought on board the craft using hapless Kane, played by John Hurt, as a host.
The terrifying film, which starred Sigourney Weaver as heroine Ripley, became a cult classic and spawned a franchise with three sequels and an Alien Vs Predator spin-off.
The creature was designed by Swiss surrealist painter and sculpter H.R. Giger, who won an Oscar for his design work on the film.
Today experts were divided on what the remains might have been.
Famous creatures

There are a huge number of different living organisms on our planet. According to recent estimates, the number of species of organisms on our planet is approximately 7-10 million. However, only 15% of the data are described today.
According to the calculations of Canadians, 2.2 million species live in the world's oceans, 6.5 million on land. There are only about 7.8 million species of animals on the planet, 611 thousand fungi, and 300 thousand plants.
Post-mortem changes

Because ordinary people are rarely familiar with the nuances of postmortem changes in organisms, it can often take them for something mystical.
Gray meat flies eat rotting tissue, leaving a sharp edge. This explains the "surgical" removal of organs and parts of the skin. However, such behaviors of the flies many take for the interference of aliens or attacked by unknown creatures.
The main signs of this injury:
Rocket launches (from
- Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) Vehicle: Atlas-5(401) Payload: Nemesis 2 (CLIO, USA 257)
Presumably deformed skeleton it belongs to the rat, mouse or someone similar. Here is the picture of skillet for comparison.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Post-mortem changes

Because ordinary people are rarely familiar with the nuances of postmortem changes in organisms, it can often take them for something mystical.
Gray meat flies eat rotting tissue, leaving a sharp edge. This explains the "surgical" removal of organs and parts of the skin. However, such behaviors of the flies many take for the interference of aliens or attacked by unknown creatures.
The main signs of this injury:
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