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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. United Kingdom

ID #1561639944
Added Thu, 27/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
United Kingdom

Scared of the paranormal people are in no hurry to call the police, knowing that they would be ridiculed. However, when an old Navy ship gave the appearance of a Ghost with an axe, the guards became no laughing matter.

Recently the Internet has raised a stir because of photos posted on the online service Imgur. The fact that, according to the words of the author, John, he accidentally managed to capture the Ghost.

About where and under what circumstances the photo was taken, Internet users said the colleague of John, who introduced himself as Stevgoldhound.

“Last month we came into dock for repair and conversion. Next to our ship was an old military frigate, decommissioned for scrap. After all the fragile items were removed, workers were free and could go about their business. Then superintendent John got up on the old frigate with a camera to photograph the interior”, — he said.

According to British tabloid Metro, John then transferred the images to her boss. The chief was the first to notice the outline of a man and asked the foreman: “Who's the guy with the axe?”

“When the boss asked this question, John first considered for a photo figure and completely confused. He had no idea who it is, because at the time of shooting not seen a single living soul. Due to the fact that the strange entity was seen on a Navy ship, to investigate the incident police were deployed,” said Stevgoldhound.

The guards searched, but it proved fruitless.

“Even if it was a man, he could get on the ship and go down with him exclusively on the ladder, and then he had to zafiksirovat surveillance cameras,” said a colleague of the author's photo.

One Internet user responded to the man's request for assistance in the investigation into the incident and made the image clearer.

After improved the picture appeared on Reddit, some users suggested that a more logical explanation.

“It's just an old bum living in an abandoned ship, which heard the sounds of steps, grabbed an axe and peeked out from the corner,” — says one of the participants in the discussion.

Another added: “If this man lived on the ship for a long time, he knows the location of all marine areas better than the police. The ship is huge and it was not difficult to hide.”

These versions was shown to the colleague of John unconvincing.

“I'm a skeptic, he said. But this guy is not like any man we have ever seen in the dock. I have goosebumps. Of course, I'm not going there to look at it.”

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Un homme, dont l’identité exacte n’est pas connue, affirme avoir photographié un véritable fantôme dans une ancienne frégate militaire. Ce revenant paraissait porter, dans ses mains, une hache. Canular ou authentique apparition fantomatique ?

Cette image a été publiée sur Internet par un certain « Stevgoldhound » sur le site « Imgur ». Ce dernier affirme que c’est l’un de ses collègues, un contremaître de quai prénommé John, qui a pris cette photo alors qu’il se trouvait à bord d’un navire militaire désaffecté en cale sèche.

Au moment des faits, John se promenait à l’intérieur du bateau à l’aide d’une lampe-torche. Durant cette exploration, il prit plusieurs clichés de l’endroit sans voir personne ou remarquer quelque-chose d’anormale. L’internaute témoigne :

« Parce qu'il s'agissait d'un navire militaire, la police a été appelée. Une recherche a été effectuée, mais personne n’a été trouvée. Il n’y avait personne non plus à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur du navire, puisque des caméras de surveillance contrôlaient constamment les lieux.»

Il ajoute :

« Je suis sceptique. Peut-être que c'est un truc du flash qui se reflète sur quelque chose, mais si vous zoomez dessus vous pouvez voir son visage, ses oreilles, le col de sa veste ainsi qu’une hache. »

Le photographe fut « véritablement ébranlé » par cette histoire. Après une brève enquête, il s’est avéré que cette silhouette ne ressemblait en rien aux travailleurs rencontrés sur le quai.

Alors de quoi s’agit-il ? Un fantôme ? Un squatteur ? Autre chose d’inexpliquée ? La vérité est ailleurs …


A man clutching an axe inside an old military frigate doesn’t make for your typical ghost story, nor does it make typical fodder for an internet hoax. But a photograph showing a ghostly figure with an axe in his hand aboard a decommissioned military vessel on a dry dock has gained a lot of traction on social media sites. Stevgoldhound, who posted the picture on Imgur yesterday, claims it was taken by a colleague of his called John who works as a dock foreman. John apparently took the picture while snapping work areas and navigating deep within the ship with a torch. He didn’t see anyone while taking the images. Another user of the site cleaned up the image and came up with this. Creepy huh? ‘Due to the fact that it was a military vessel the police were called,’ Stevgoldhound wrote. ‘A search was carried out but no one was found. There was one way on and off the ship, and that was by a gangway covered by CCTV. (You couldn’t jump over the side as it was a 25 meter drop on to concrete).’ Stevgoldhound added: ‘I am a sceptic. Maybe its a trick of the flash reflecting off something, but if you really zoom in you can just make out the f—— face, ear, collar of his jacket and the f—– axe in a meaty f—— fist. ‘Now it could be John blowing smoke up my ass, but when he was telling the story he seemed genuinely rattled. And the guy in the pic looks nothing any of the other workers we met at the dock.’ What do you think? A ghost, someone who somehow snuck on the boat or something else?


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.

There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.

Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.


Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) Vehicle: Atlas-5(401) Payload: GPS-2F 7 (Navstar 68, USA 256)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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