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Werewolf. France

ID #1561547570
Added Wed, 26/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

In 1598 in the small town of Chalons, in the French province of champagne, suddenly without a trace began to disappear children.

At first the locals thought that the child who is kidnapped for sale into slavery or for the servants in wealthy mansions, but then began to receive messages about the horrible-looking creature half beast -half man that roams around the city.

Given that it was a time when even educated people believed in witches, dragons and other monsters, very soon there were rumors that this creature is actually a werewolf and he attacks children.

So begins the story of the tailor demon of Chalons.

Every week became more and more missing children and a strange creature often seen in the woods. Soon shalone started mass hysteria, people began to lock themselves and their children at night in homes and even in the day trying not to go out unnecessarily.

One day someone noticed the corpse of a child in the forest, which is eaten by "the wolf man" and then a few children said that they managed to escape when they were pursued in the woods snarling creature. After this, several bands of hunters took their guns and went to search the local woods to find and kill the monster. But they did not see anybody (including not found and they are the corpses of children).

Then the children continued to disappear, and the inhabitants of Chalons have become to believe that their town is cursed the unknown dark forces. Unexpectedly, however, began to appear new information related to the house of a local tailor, which was located on the outskirts of the city. Someone from neighbours has told that heard that the house of the tailor could hear the children screaming...

It should be noted that the local tailor has always been considered a weird person. He was not fond of human society and almost never left his Studio. And when it came to the children of customers to pick up clothes or give money, he showed them genuine interest, asked them about different things, was given sweets.

After reports of children's screams from the house of a tailor, it was reported that he was seen night had fled to the woods. And then the locals broke down the door of his house and went inside, to finally find out what's going on.

What they've found, has become their worst nightmare.

For the innocent and nondescript facade of the house of the tailor hid the lair of a predator. In one room was found a variety of barrels filled with children's bones and their number was so great that it was impossible to understand how there are dead children.

In another room, more like a room of the butcher, lay chopped pieces of meat, over which swarmed hundreds of flies. Some of them contain in themselves the traces of human teeth. In the yard were found with newly dug mounds of earth and there also were found the remains of children.

Soon arrested the tailor, and for some reason do not break it on the spot, and decided to get his recognition and be judged by the law. Tailor were calm and friendly and said that didn't do anything wrong and that he was slandered.

He was put in prison, where he was tortured and finally achieved recognition. The tailor answered that they killed about 50 children, luring in his shop, and then cutting their throat. Then he arranged their bodies some kind of carnival, dressing them in different clothes, but in the end invariably dismembered and ate their meat.

There are also reports that before his death, he raped children. From the point of view of modernity, this was a typical serial killer pedophile with severe mental disabilities. But what's a werewolf?

The strange thing was that the tailor even under severe torture confessed that he was a werewolf and that running around in the form of half animal-half man. He also denied that chasing children through the woods and that was eating baby corpses in the image of the beast.

In his workshop found during the search of henbane, which he loved to use witch and it is for the authorities was proof that he was still a werewolf. The tailor until his death denied it.

The court ultimately sentenced him to be burned at the stake, which was soon fulfilled.

Still it remains a mystery what the Wildman saw the inhabitants of Chalons, if it really was not a tailor. After the execution of a tailor, the children stopped going to disappear, but then also stopped to see and werewolf.

Official documents of the court in this case does not exist, as their supposedly soon burned, so the case was creepy and scared everyone. At the moment the whole story has been preserved only in local legends.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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