ID | #1561050086 |
Added | Thu, 20/06/2019 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Result
Resume |
Initial data
Surveillance cameras from the old 184-year-old pub in Wales took a white and ghostly figure.
One 49-year-old David Langley-Evans, the owner of the site, was very surprised, watching videos taken by his cameras. They show us a kind of distorted little cloud of white smoke, slowly moving in one of the rooms of the institution. Then the Ghost climbs on the black couch, then flies to the ceiling and finally disappears.
"I've seen something like this before and with my own eyes, but now I have proof and people believe me. Over 10 years of experience in this pub I saw all kinds of ghostly things."
Today David hopes that the experts on the paranormal will be able to explain the origin of this mysterious cloud, which is shown in this video, filmed at the hotel Thomas Arms Hotel in Llanelli, Wales.
He and his wife Christine, 48, have also seen firsthand how the aquarium will slide down the bar before falling to the ground without any physical intervention.
The owner thinks that his pub was targeted because of the painful history of the old cellars of this place, which dates back to 1830.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Original news
Les caméras de vidéosurveillance d’un vieux pub âgé de 184 ans et situé au Pays de Galles ont filmé une forme blanche et fantomatique …
Un beau jour, David Langley-Evans, âgé de 49 ans et propriétaire des lieux, a été fort surpris en visionnant patiemment les images prises par ses caméras. Celles-ci nous montrent une sorte de petit nuage difforme de fumée blanche se mouvoir lentement dans l’une des pièces de l’établissement.
Le fantôme grimpe ensuite sur un canapé noir avant de s’envoler en direction du plafond et de disparaître définitivement.
« J'ai déjà vu quelque chose comme cela auparavant et de mes propres yeux, mais maintenant j'en ai la preuve et les gens peuvent me croire.
Depuis 10 ans que je travaille dans ce pub que j'ai vu toutes sortes de choses fantomatiques. »
Aujourd’hui, David espère que des experts en phénomènes paranormaux pourront expliquer l’origine de ce mystérieux spectre qui apparaît sur cette vidéo prise au Thomas Arms Hotel, situé à Llanelli, au Pays de Galles.
Lui et sa femme Christine, âgée de 48 ans, ont également vu, de leurs yeux, un bocal à poisson glisser le long du bar avant de tomber sur le sol sans aucune intervention physique.
Le propriétaire pense que son pub est hanté à cause de l’histoire tourmentée de l’ancienne cave de l’endroit qui date de 1830.
« Je m'entretiens souvent avec nos habitués sur les expériences étranges et merveilleuses qui se produisent ici. »
« J'ai déjà entendu des voix, j’ai vu des globes et toutes sortes d'autres choses qui ne sont pas de ce monde. »
L’homme est persuadé, probablement avec raison, que le spectre n’est ni une poussière, ni un insecte coincé dans l’objectif de l’appareil.
Christine raconte :
« Nous pensons tous que cela a quelque chose à voir avec la cave Les gens qui vont là-bas en reviennent en pleurant et refusent toujours d’y retourner. »
L’établissement possède six chambres. Un matin, les propriétaires remarquèrent que l’ensemble de leurs clients, qui y avaient passé la nuit, étaient totalement terrifiés. En effet, d’inhabituels bruits avaient été entendus toute la nuit durant.
Ce n’est pas la première fois qu’un fantôme est filmé dans l’un des nombreux pubs du Royaume-Uni. Et, à chaque reprise, les sceptiques jugent qu’il s’agit d’un simple coup marketing tandis que les chasseurs de fantômes se frottent allègrement les mains …
Spooky CCTV footage shows a mystery ghost appear from nowhere before crawling up the wall of a 'haunted pub'.
Landlord David Langley-Evans, 49, was stunned when he checked the hallway CCTV from the night before and noticed a ghostly figure rise up out of the floor.
The strange white shape materialises from nowhere then grows into a ghostly form before rising up to the ceiling.
David said: "I've seen it before with my own eyes but now I have proof and people believe me.
"In the 10 years I've been at the pub I've seen all kinds of ghostly things going on."
David is hoping paranomal experts can explain the spectre on the video from the Thomas Arms Hotel in, Llanelli, Wales.
He and his wife Christine, 48, have also seen a fish bowl sliding the length of the bar and fall off the end.And they blame the pub's ancient cellar which dates back to 1830 for the ghostly goings on
David said: "I often entertain our regulars with the weird and wonderful experiences we have.
"I've heard voices, seen orbs and all kinds of other worldly things.
"I know this presence isn't dust catching the light or an insect inside the camera.
"You have a sense while it's happening that it's a spirit. I can't explain it.
Christine said: "We all think it's something to do with the cellar. People go down there and come back up crying and refuse to go back down.
"But the whole place is spooky - we had someone staying and we put them in room six.
"We came down in the morning to find them downstairs. They said they'd had no sleep. They were terrified.
"There's always been lots of banging and bumps in the night and when you go downstairs there's no-one there.
"When you go up again you get the feeling that someone is chasing you up the stairs."
Objects and light sources out of focus

When the objects are out of focus, their silhouettes blurred and poorly recognizable. They can look like dark or colored translucent stain. This is often the cobwebs, spiders, insects in front of the camera.
Take pictures and video from the screen

Most often this method is used to hide the detail, allowing to identify a fake, because of the fear of lost a significant part of fine detail, distorted image, etc.
However, it may be a special case of the use of frames from films, broadcasts etc. for fraud.
Based on the appearance of an object is something that is very close to the camera. If based on the nature of the movement is a spider.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Objects and light sources out of focus

When the objects are out of focus, their silhouettes blurred and poorly recognizable. They can look like dark or colored translucent stain. This is often the cobwebs, spiders, insects in front of the camera.
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