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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Mexico

ID #1560935780
Added Wed, 19/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Нуэво-Ларедо NLE

A video lasting two minutes caused confusion and doubt in the social networks in Mexico and the United States. The video was made by mobile phone. On it was engraved a strange pink figure with long, thin neck, walking on the roof of the house, in the vicinity of Nuevo Laredo, a city in Eastern Mexico. Humanoid figure called the Stranger.

Some Internet users believe that it is mounting. Specialist on UFOs said intrigued by his appearance and that the authenticity of the video has already been confirmed. Scientists have confirmed that the video is true and not a fraud.

Because the thin shape, they are nicknamed "The Slender Alien" (thin et) against another legendary figure, Slenderman (Slender Man).

The alien became famous and was featured in Newspapers and on television, radio and on the Internet.

The owner of the farm was by the pool. Suddenly he hears a noise, looks up and sees the creature on the roof, where the moving humanoid. The locals do not recognize him.

A creature with long arms and legs and saw that he was being watched, and stopped, looking down.

The newspaper reports that there was found such editing effects, like trimming, animations, and other similar manipulations.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news


Um vídeo de dois minutos, causou confusão e dúvidas nas redes sociais, no México e EUA. A filmagem foi feita por um celular, grava uma figura esquisita e cor rosa, pescoço longo e fino, caminhando em cima de um telhado de uma casa, em uma fazendo ao redor de Nuevo Laredo, cidade no leste do México. A figura humanoide foi chamada de Alien.

Os internautas, alguns, acham que é montagem. Especialista em ufologia entraram na discussão, e disseram está intrigado com aparição. Mas a autenticidade do vídeo já foi confirmada. Os estudiosos de ufologia, pelo menos, atestaram que o vídeo é verdade e não é fraude.

Como a figura é fina, apelidaram The Slender Alien, em referência a outra figura lendária, o Slender Man.

O Alien ficou famoso e foi principais destaque em jornais e TV, rádio e internet.

O proprietário da fazenda, estava na piscina gravando, quando avistou a criatura no telhado de sua casa, mas ele não foi identificado pelos telejornais locais.

De repente, o homem ouve um barulho e olha para cima e vê a criatura no telhado, onde o humanoide estava se mexendo.

De braços e pernas longas, o bicho viu que estava sendo observado e para, olhando para baixo. (ele queria, com certeza, ser famoso hahah).

O jornal disse que não foi encontrado, efeito de edição, como corte, animação e manipulação.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Photo editing began to be used almost immediately after the advent of photography techniques. They were divided into methods of photomontage without manipulation of the image after receiving the photo and retouching of the photo itself or its negative (plate, film, etc.)


Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Centre Spatial Guyanais (CSG), Kourou (France) Vehicle: Vega Payload: Sentinel 2A
  • Site: Plesetsk (NIIP-53, GIK-1, GNIIP) (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Soyuz-2-1b Payload: Kosmos 2506 (Persona #3, Kvarts #3)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Was found the original source of this video (the author of the JJPD Producciones of March 24, 2015). 21 July 2015, the same author JJPD Producciones has published a videowhich fully reveals the principle of creating the video using computer graphics.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation


Photo editing began to be used almost immediately after the advent of photography techniques. They were divided into methods of photomontage without manipulation of the image after receiving the photo and retouching of the photo itself or its negative (plate, film, etc.)

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