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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Ukraine

ID #1552664627
Added Fri, 15/03/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

A local elderly pensioner suffering from insomnia, spent one of his sleepless nights in his one room house. When he suddenly looked out the window, I was amazed to see several humanoid figures in the garden of his neighbour.

A strange figure was surprisingly high and seemed to be "horned". The frightened man turned off the light and hid in the house. In the morning it was observed that all the apples on the neighbor's trees were removed. After this incident in this city and the neighboring villages began to appear the rumors about the strange horned creatures that steal food.

Most of the reports concentrated around an ancient fortress located in the city. They say that the castle has underground tunnels, and, according to local legend, these or similar creatures lived somewhere under the ground and occasionally visited the surface using several well-hidden tunnel with a disguise.

Also talked about the UFO crash in the area in the distant past (probably deep in the waters of the Black sea) and is about aliens lurking under the ancient fortress.

These horned humanoids reportedly not appear in the daytime, apparently they can not tolerate strong sunlight (presumably they live in wet and marshy places on his own planet with a humid climate or under the earth, and the sun on their planet is probably a lot dimmer than earth's sun).

Others point to the fact that there is no connection with a UFO crash, so how about those horned creatures reported in the area since ancient times.

Another legend says that the sanctuary of the Egyptian God RA was located deep under the fortress, and priests who worshipped there wore horned hats.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

A local elderly pensioner suffering from insomnia was spending one of his sleepless nights in his one room house when he suddenly looked out the window and was amazed to see several humanoid figures in the garden plot of his female neighbor.

The strange figures were tall and amazingly appeared to be “horned”. The frightened man switched off the light and hid in the house. In the morning it was noted that all the apples on the neighbor’s trees had been removed from the trees. After this incident rumors began circulating in this town and from neighboring villages of strange horned entities that were stealing food.

Most of the reports concentrated around an ancient fortress located in the town. The fortress is said to have underground passageways and according to a local legend these or similar entities used to live somewhere underground and visited the surface periodically using several well hidden and camouflaged tunnels. There was also talk about a UFO crash in the area in some distant past (probably deep into the water of the Black Sea) and of Ufonauts hiding under the ancient fortress.

These horned humanoids reportedly do not appear during the daylight hours, apparently they can’t tolerate bright sunlight (allegedly they live in humid and marshy locations in their planet with a damp climate, or underground and their sun in their planet is probably much dimmer that the earth’s sun). Others indicate that there is no connection with a UFO crash since these horned entities have been reported in the area since ancient times. Another legend says that a sanctuary to the Egyptian God Ra was located deep below the fortress and the priests who worshipped there wore horned caps.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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