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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Yeti. United States

ID #1543745640
Added Sun, 02/12/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
United States

It is alleged that the photos below were obtained at the beginning of last autumn the American resident of Maryland. A man named Ryan SAG went on a hike through the woods and suddenly came across there... on the monster from Greek mythology. At least, so suggests the witness. On a couple of images of our hero, clearly shows a creature with a humanoid body and a bull's head. Is this in fact was the legendary Minotaur?

According to Ryan, the amazing monster was only 25-30 metres away from him. Our hero is very carefully pulled out his cell phone and twice captured the mysterious creature on camera, and then estimated the Minotaur standing in there, fell suddenly on all fours, and rapidly ran away into the thicket. When the creature stood on its hind legs, its growth clearly exceeded two meters. Fortunately for Saga, a chilling creation is either not noticed it or simply ignored the appearance of a human in their realm.

Materials American very interested in many users of the world wide web, although opinions regarding the reality of the existence of the alleged monster, but still – mythical Minotaur, yet divided.

Some regulars Network found that in front of us just bear the truth, with a cow's head in his mouth. According to the opinion of others, we are talking only about the photo montage or the man in the suit. If you believe the third, it was a bizarre mutant. Others say it's about an alien from another planet, who comes from a parallel world or even someone's materialized imagination. In short, the theories put forward enough, but is it true at least some of them, we are unlikely to ever find out.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

These photos were spread around online in April of 2016. They are said to show proof of the Maryland Goatman. One witness described it as “Sasquatch with horns”. The photos was sent to WBALTV - a Baltimore news station - in two emails. The local urban legend of the Goatman refers to a beast that wildly swings around an axe and attacking cars. Typical descriptions of the Goatman say that it is 7 to 8 feet tall. It is covered in fur, has the upper half of a man, and the legs of a goat. The creature was first seen in the 1960s. 


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

The art of the action

Various promotions advertising and art can be priniti randomly for the paranormal or issued for them intentionally.

A mysterious and mystical theme attracts people's attention so it can be used to attract the audience.

Here are various advertising companies for products, individuals, media, and various hudojestvennye installation, objects, land art (from the English. land art — landscape-art) and the like. This category can also be considered Museum pieces.

Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.

There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.

Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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