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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1532346096
Added Mon, 23/07/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
United Kingdom

Two mysterious glowing fire was seen in the sky on 21 July 2018, with the onset of darkness. These lights were observed in the area Saltaş.

In online Newspapers Plymouth and Cornwall Live Live messages posted by the Internet users that claim to have seen unexplained lights. Many sent pictures and video of this UFO.

Some thought it was a firework or two Chinese lantern.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

De mystérieuses lumières incandescentes ont été aperçues dans le ciel le 21 juillet 2018, à la nuit tombée.

Les journaux en ligne Plymouth Live et Cornwall Live ont été inondés de messages d'internautes affirmant avoir vu des lumières inexpliquées. Beaucoup ont envoyé des images et vidéos de cet OVNI.

Ces lumières ont été observées dans la région de Saltash. Personne ne semble savoir de quoi il s'agit véritablement.

Certains ont pensé qu'il s'agissait d'un feu d'artifice ou encore de deux lanternes chinoises.

Un journaliste local pense que c'était simplement des avions participant à un meeting aérien privé organisé par FireFlies Aerobatic Display Team ou par Twister Aerobatics Team, deux équipes de voltige aérienne.

Rich White, un témoin oculaire, a déclaré : « Cela a commencé comme quatre lumières extrêmement brillantes dans le ciel, je me suis levé de mon canapé et je me suis précipité dehors. J'ai ensuite appelé ma femme. »

« Nous pensions qu'un avion en détresse avait explosé dans le ciel, puis ils ont commencé à faire des boucles, puis deux lumières ont complètement disparu, puis les deux autres ont disparu et ont réapparu. »

« J'ai raté les deux premières minutes car je pensais que mon téléphone enregistrait alors quece n'était pas le cas. »

D'autres ont été en admiration devant cette scène, certains affirmant que c'était vraiment un objet non identifié.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Parachutist/delta glider

Parachute - a device made of fabric to slow down the movement of the object in the air. Parachutes are used for safe descent and landing of cargo and people, braking aircraft during landing.

The hang glider is a heavier aircraft than air, made under the scheme of "tailless with a arrow-shaped wing", the flight control of which is carried out by shifting the center of the mass due to the movement of the pilot relative to the suspension point (balance glider).
Parachutists often line up in different shapes during free fall.


This category includes not only pyrotechnic projectiles visible in the sky, but also traces of exploded projectiles, their fragments and other similar activities. 

Pyrotechnics is a branch of technology related to the technology of preparing combustible compounds and burning them to obtain a certain signal or effect.

Divided into:

Airplane / Helicopter

An aircraft heavier than air for flights in the atmosphere (and outer space (e.g. An orbital aircraft)), using the aerodynamic lift of a glider to keep itself in the air (when flying within the atmosphere) and the thrust of a power (propulsion) installation for maneuvering and compensating for the loss of total mechanical energy to drag. 

A rotorcraft in which the lift and thrust required for flight are created by one or more main rotors powered by an engine or several engines. They differ in maneuverability, the ability to hover and almost vertical takeoff.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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