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Poltergeist. United Kingdom

ID #1529327391
Added Mon, 18/06/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Wansford Grove, 4
United Kingdom

Darren and Chris battery live in hull in Yorkshire. In the 1970-ies, when they were kids, they lived in the house at Wansford Grove, 4. Now the house was empty and boarded up, like many others on this street, but according to the brothers in the years of their youth, there lived a very aggressive Ghost.

This Ghost frequently pushes people off the stairs, hit in the back, slammed the door, moved the furniture, and stole various items. who then were in other places. In the house lived a man with his wife (the parents of Darren and Chris) and their three children, all boys.

"This house was a real house of horrors," says 47-year-old Darren, - "at First we thought that the Ghost is playing with us when he slammed the doors and locked them so we couldn't open. Then he moved things into positive thinking rooms. But then things became much more sinister"

Once in the living room, the Ghost turned everything upside down, and at other times he moved the rocking chair from sitting in it the toy clown from one side of the room to another and moved the sofa in the living room. Steps on the stairs creaked as if on them someone goes, and the house is regularly heard a baby crying but could not understand from where he comes. Then invisible started to push people and try to throw them off the ladder. His jokes are completely not harmless.

"In the end, our parents broke down and invited to the house of the vicar, the Reverend Tom Willis, so he spent the rite of exorcism. But this invisible poltergeist hit him in the stomach and pushed down the stairs," says Darren.

After the antics of the vicar told the local Council that the house should take the children, as this may be dangerous. Darren and his brothers moved to homes of relatives and neighbors, and the house left by their parents. But their lives also were in danger. Mother of Darren and Chris's was only 32 years old she suddenly became very ill when she was in the house. She fell and died. Prior to that, she also believed that the house was haunted. 49-year-old Chris buttery says that he was 7 years old when he noticed an unusual phenomenon in the house. Someone was thrown into the wall of his things, stomped out of the closet, and then somewhere in the wall a child was crying.

"For us children it was all very scary, no one understood what was happening. In 1980, we end up completely gone from that place to another house. The Council decided to demolish our house and even the other houses, as many people around, too, feared for their life".

Judging by the photos, the house is eventually demolished, but the boarded up Windows and doors and there is now no one lives. When Darren ferry became an adult and had my own family, they lived very close to these houses. First, they felt safe, but then the house started to lose things, and their dog began for someone to growl. The parrot also began to behave strangely.

"The worst thing happened when my son who was born with cerebral palsy, tried to jump out the window. It noticed my neighbor and rushed to save. Later my son said that the Ghost who was called Ryan, told him to jump".

Back in the house called the priest, but he is terrified soon left the room. To protect your child, Darren left home, and later found under the floor of the items was missing. The Ghost dragged them there. After moving Darren and his family into a new house on the street Amethyst Road, the Ghost soon appeared and there. He began to scatter Legos and move other toys. More Darren didn't move, as the Ghost began to show more aggression, but he tried to capture it, setting the home security camera. However to no avail. Camera someone knocked over.

"If the Ghost will become stronger, my brother will do in this house "Ghost tour" for tourists," says Darren.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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