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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1529136776
Added Sat, 16/06/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Берли в графстве Гэмпшир
United Kingdom

An English tourist who recently visited the village of Burleigh in Hampshire, took a mysterious picture there, showing an unidentified flying object in the shape of a saucer. According to an eyewitness, a metal UFO, similar to the classic "flying saucer", rapidly swept low over the trees, but our hero managed to clearly capture it on the smartphone camera. Amazed by his discovery, the man hastened to post an amazing frame on the Internet.

British ufologist and blogger Ben Curtis commented on this material as follows:

Yes, this is a real "flying saucer", I have no doubt about it. As we can see, the contours of the unidentified object are blurred, but this only means that it was moving at a high speed during the shooting. In addition, some devices of "green men" are often surrounded by an invisible protective field, creating a similar blur in the photo. But ironically, this is one of the most clear and high-quality UFO images I've ever seen. Not just a dot or a monochrome ball in the sky, but a real aircraft that leaves no doubt that we are really looking at something from another planet.

Users of the World Wide Web agreed with the British ufologist that the picture turned out to be really great, very impressive, and it can compete with many videos in its significance, in which almost nothing can be seen properly.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Beetles and other insects

Flying insects in photos and videos can be mistaken for UFOs.

Shooting can take place in the daytime or in the evening. When moving, the outlines of the insect can be both blurred and clear. Depending on this, dark spots or spots of bizarre shapes can be taken for UFOs. The video shows UFOs hovering in the sky, flying in a straight line or moving along a complex trajectory (for example, shooting May bugs near a tree against the background of the evening sky). Insects can be mistaken for UFOs by accident, or given out intentionally. At night, they can be highlighted by a flash.

Objects and light sources out of focus

When the objects are out of focus, their silhouettes blurred and poorly recognizable. They can look like dark or colored translucent stain. This is often the cobwebs, spiders, insects in front of the camera.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Based on the blurriness and size - the object is quite close to the camera. Thus, you can estimate its size (quite small). This is an insect or a small object placed quite close to the camera accidentally or intentionally.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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