ID | #1528302065 |
Added | Wed, 06/06/2018 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Fact
Initial data
A resident of the British County Staffordshire spoke about the meeting with a rare kind of werewolf — British man who was returning home late in the evening, met a "man-cat".
The creature that ran in front of a man, most of all resembled something between a man and a cat. While not reported, how many limbs has used the werewolf to travel to two or four. And this, according to experts on werewolves, quite an important detail.
"I didn't even think about the fact that you extremity to consider, which ran the monster. The thought was, you know, about the other — she just wanted to survive," says the man who has seen a werewolf.
When startled, the man came to himself a little, then remembered that "monster" seems to be ran like a cat, on four legs, but at some point, stood on hind legs and uttered a frightening sound.
"The sound that was necessary — it seems to me that my head was several times more gray hair. Actually, I'm thinking of moving away somewhere far away. Don't want to live in a place where the nights run are here the cat people," adds the victim.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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