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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Spain

ID #1518528410
Added Tue, 13/02/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
01.12.1978 05:40

Several local residents witnessed the strange visit of the humanoid in the city of Puente San Miguel in Santander. Apolgy Herman Gonzalez and Jose Ignacio Bilbao was investigating the event. The following is the information they managed to collect.

Thursday, December 1, at 5:40, Mr. Emilio Ruiz Oriv (28 years) slept at home in the city of Puente San Miguel. He woke up to persistent barking of two dogs in his house. He lay facing the door and ordered the dog to shut up. At this moment he saw a face that resembles the face of a man looking at him through the window with two panes of glass with a size of 20 x 30 cm for a moment thought it was a man, but immediately realized that the face in the window was dark, almost black, with a light mustache and hair (white) is much brighter than could provide street lighting. He believes that from it came the white light. Clothing the creature was similar to the military in particular had the color khaki. The growth of the creature according to the eyewitness between five and six meters (6 to 19 feet).

The creature noticed that he was being watched and left. The witness cannot remember whether it is left or simply disappeared. The light also disappeared.

According to witness observation lasted two to three minutes.

A Cristobal also was woken up by barking dogs around this time and saw a bright square, although not seen its source.

Around the same time a strange glow observed Mrs. Noriega Balbina, when she got up to the toilet. She also heard dogs barking.

Ms. Julia Gutierrez was awakened by a barking dog in her own home. Through the window she saw a bright light that was slowly fading away. Her son-in-law Manuel fernández was also woken up by barking.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

An extraterrestrial wandered through a Santander town at night.

Several local residents witnessed the strange visit by a humanoid to the town of Puente San Miguel in Santander, not long ago the locale for repeated UFO sightings. Upon learning of this, our colleagues German Gonzalez and Jose Ignacio Amurrio headed immediately to this community for an exhaustive investigation that we summarize as follows.

On Thursday, December 1, at 5:40 a.m., Mr. Emilio Ruiz Orive, 28, single, a miner by trade, was asleep at his home at 123 in the town of Puente San Miguel. He awoke due to the insistent barking of the two dogs in his household. he was lying face down, facing the door, and he ordered the dog to hush. At that moment, he saw a face similar or equivalent to that of a human being looking through a window with two panes of glass measuring 20 x 30 cm. He wondered for an instant who would be so bold as to peek into a private bedroom. He immediately realized that the face through the window was dark, nearly black, with light colored mustache and hair (white), much brighter than the light to be found outdoors could provide. The witness describes the outside light as fluorescent, in other words, very white. He says the shock was considerable, and acknowledges that fear gripped him in increasing measure as the sighting went on.

Seconds after his sighting began, the face - which seemed human to him throughout - pulled away from the window slowly. He was startled by the fact that the face did not dim as it receded. From the perspective he now had, he could tell that the upper body of his strange visitor was covered in a military style tunic (khaki colored, by his own description). He couldn't say if it had buttons or pockets, but did see something surrounding the neckline, with a white strip attached to it, comparable to the plastic collar found on some soldier's uniforms.

At a given moment, he saw that the observer looked right and then left, slowly. Now it was only possible to see the area where the alleged humanoid's chest would have been.

The witness was unable to recall anything else after that. He doesn't recall when he stopped seeing the entity, if it went off in one direction or another, up or down, or simply faded away. Fear caused him to cover himself with blankets. He only remembers that the light vanished, unable to ascertain whether it was extinguished at that very same moment or shortly after.

During the course of the observation, which lasted between two to three minutes, Emilio recalls that the window-gazer appeared to increase its size, or else must have been gigantic, estimating its height at between five and six meters (6 to 19 feet), insisting that its shape seemed to be humanoid, while unable to see whether it had any arms. The width was normal (in proportion) with the estimated height.

Another sibling, Cristobal, who lives in the same location, was awakened by the barking dogs and decided to get up. He headed for the door to see if there was indeed something outside that could stir up the dogs. He didn't open the door, choosing to open the shutters instead. Through the window, he was able to see that the street was illuminated by a powerful glow coming from the right. He was unable to say if it was near the house or far away, as he couldn't see its source.

When Cristobal opened the shutters and saw the glow, he was paralyzed and overcome with fear. He returned to his room without making a single remark after the glow died down.

Approximately at the same time, the odd brightness was seen by Mrs. Balbina Noriega as she headed for the restroom. She lives on the floor above the pharmacy visible in the illustration. Mrs. Balbina agrees that she heard the dogs barking furiously, although didn't pay the light much attention, since she thought it was a sign of daybreak. She was startled to see the time when she returned to her room.

Another local resident, Mrs. Julia Gutierrez, was awakened by the barking of the dog in her own home. Through the window she could see the bright light, which dimmed after a few seconds, vanishing altogether. This made her think it was a bold of lightning, while no thunderclap was heard, which also surprised here. Her son in law Manuel Fernandez was also awakened by the barking.


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