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Parallel world. Russia

ID #1517472889
Added Thu, 01/02/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
река Дон
Volgogradskaya oblast

One summer Saturday, we early in the morning went to the farm in Volgograd region fishing on the river don.

The company selected the usual: me, my younger brother, father grandfather (my father's father). We have several years in a row, go fishing in the same places in almost the same ways. The route was repeatedly passed and us, the wheels of our car. We had not new, but very reliable "field". Drove more than 60 kilometers: that on the Sands with the dunes, in the desert, on too narrow roads through many miles of dense forests. Approximately two to three hours - and here we are on the banks of the great Russian river don, in your favorite place. Next morning fishing, afternoon bite, evening dinner...

About eleven at night we drove the same route back to your farm, home. It was already dark. And here is our "field" is climbing on the huge sandy hillocks about 10-20 meters high: down, up, down, up... I sat behind the wheel, dad beside him on the back seat dozing brother and grandfather. The road back for some reason, always takes less time. Yes, but not that time! On the way there was another sandy hill: up, down, up, right, left, right. We're at the top of the next dune... And then I surprise abruptly hit the brake and the clutch. Machine freezes in his tracks. Start immediately woke up and grandfather, and brother.

- Where do we come from? - amazed grandfather.

And I was in disbelief. Right in front of us at a distance of several kilometers stretched the city at night, covered in lights: shone lights and Windows of houses high-rise buildings. The city was not small. The building stood on many floors, sometimes up to ten or more. The streets slid glowing terms, apparently, of the machine. But we knew that not a single city, and even that big! For years we've traveled this route, and on the way lay only the Sands of da woods. And then a huge fantastic city! Where did he come from? Hallucination? If Yes, then collective. We spent a long time silently looked at the city at night, not knowing what to say. Got out of the car. The vision did not disappear. We stood on the sand dune for 20 minutes, then decided to drive closer.

Got in "Niva". I smoothly moved forward. Came down from the hill-dune towards the city, went to the next. The city will not go away. For better or worse, under the wheels flew hundreds of meters of the road. City were constantly in our field of vision. And suddenly on the next rise looking city there! We have just the night sky with stars and dark grey steppe with a track road.

What was it? Jokes unknown forces? Only God knows.

Half an hour later we left on a site more solid forest-steppe soil, stepping off the sand dunes. Ride was fun, the pace increased. Ten minutes later, and it was after midnight, I noticed on the left shoulder of a woman with raised hand and slowed down. She was in some kind of bluish, like a slightly luminous robe.

- Not stop! - suddenly ordered his father. I immediately pressed on the gas. The woman was left far behind.

I was driving and kept thinking: why would a father say that? A lone woman at night in the middle of the road... We pulled away from the fork, where he met a woman, about five kilometers. And suddenly ahead, just to the left, again there is the same bluish figure with a raised hand. I broke out in chills. I'm even more slammed the gas pedal. The car was planted. Shadowy figure flashed and left behind. I don't even dare to look back or to look in the rear view mirror. While I had this horrible feeling that from behind me enlightened in some kind of invisible rays. The car flew like the wind.

But here's the good road ended and we began to zigzag through the narrow ruts of the woods. Our motion slowed down, there was a need to look very carefully at every turn. And yet the terrain was very familiar, it is not the first year there was driving. Before the house was about an hour away. The night was calm and starry, no clouds and clouds. Seeing a familiar landmark, I figured that now need to turn right, drive approximately 500 meters, and then a little to the left begins the road through the forest, followed along the lake. Turning in the right place and drive a mile, I stopped abruptly. The road suddenly ended! The left and right in the headlights could be seen a solid impenetrable wall of the forest. What is it?! He made a semicircle to the left along the edge of the forest. The road was never found. Then we turned around, drove right, too. All were worried. Got out of the car, took a flashlight, went in different directions.

It felt as if the country through which we passed in the morning, the day completely changed.

- Took a wrong turn! agreed my father. - Set!

We are still a long and tedious traveled near this place in different directions, my passengers shouted: "Not there! There come on! Again, do not go!"Yes, but again and again we fall into the same place where the road ran into the blank wall of the forest. We have already despaired, when suddenly, once again drove up to where were supposed to flee into the forest a familiar road, we finally saw. Only about five in the morning we were on the home farm. The feeling we all had is that we've been fishing for more than a week. It had been the strangest night of my life.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Vostochniy, Amurskaya Oblast' (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Soyuz-2-1a Fregat Payload: Kanopus-V 3 Kanopus-V 4 S-Net A (Tubsat 13) S-Net B (Tubsat 14) S-Net C (Tubsat 15) S-Net D (Tubsat 16) Lemur-2 74 (Lemur-2 Kadi) Lemur-2 75 (Lemur-2 TheNickMolo) Lemur-2 76 (Lemur-2 Jin-Luen) Lemur-2 77 (Lemur-2 UramChanSol) D-Star ONE v.1.1 Phoenix


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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