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The Moth Man. United States

ID #1515836998
Added Sat, 13/01/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Трасса 322
United States

It happened in the summer of 2016, but the truck driver dared to share this event with cryptozoology just now, and asked not to be named for fear of two things. On the one hand, it may have a negative impact on its relations with workmates, friends, relatives (he lacked only the ridicule on themselves), and on the other Joe (let us conditionally name it so) believes that such confessions can be self-fulfilling disaster.

That summer night a 32-year-old man was driving the truck brand Freightliner on route 322 in the direction of the small town of Chesterland. It was a bit vague, so Joe does not exceed a speed of 50 miles per hour, though the road was completely deserted, and it was covered by the moon. About 4 o'clock in the morning he noticed that over the highway moves some strange shadow straight towards his truck. The man immediately gave "the brakes", but while the truck reduced its speed, it's still Something crashed into him, or rather, something fell hard on the roof of the cab.

Joe got out of the car, checked it for damage, did not notice anything, thanked God that something strange and incomprehensible had not hit the windshield (and that would be bad), and was going to go further as suddenly noticed behind the car thirty meters is Something. In the dim moonlight it seemed to him at first that it was just a large bird, then I thought that, most likely, huge bat – wings the creature was very similar to this. But then the mouse moved, rolled over and got to his feet. It was a scary humanoid with huge wings, rising not less than 180 centimeters – just a monster of the night. And this mysterious monster was now looking at John, drilling his large fiery eyes.

Fear gripped the body of the driver, why he couldn't even move. How long is he doesn't remember, but at some point, Mothman (this is Joe guessed later) he spread his huge wings, flapping them and disappeared in the night sky.

Just then the driver came out of his stupor, quickly jumped into the cab and gave to gas. Flew to Chesterland as if he was chased by police patrol. Already dawn, Joe calmed down, analyzed the situation and realized that he was found at night on the road, the legendary Mothman.

After inspecting the car, the American found a trace of impact that creepy-looking humanoid on the roof of the cab, but it was a strange footprint, that is without blood or any bodily residues, so in the hands of Joe there was absolutely no evidence that his truck was attacked by the Mothman. And attacked? Because there, on an empty night road, this monster could do with the numb fear of a man anything, but chose to leave. In short, the mystery...

That's the reason American still and kept quiet, and now I do not particularly want to rake up this old matter, since he still has to go on the road, and often again at night. Although now he takes a weapon (just in case), it doesn't give him full calm: after all, Mothman, apparently, has the hypnosis, and superhuman strength: he can even cope with an armed man?

Why Joe decided to share with cryptozoology his story, he doesn't know: just to carry this very hard, but shared – and like it became easier, although still none of his friends and family not know about it. Yes, and the Mothman is not can calculate it by name, if this is some kind of sorcerer, a Changeling, or a monster from a parallel world...

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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