ID | #1515572415 |
Added | Wed, 10/01/2018 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Hypothesis
Initial data
A strange event occurred on 2 January in the Colombian town of Ocaña, Department of Norte de Santander. Many residents, of course, was afraid of this fiery "signs", but at the same time recorded it on video, and thus we can see what it is. Videos about this strange heavenly fire quickly became viral in social networks and on various video-sharing websites.
Some Colombians seriously thought that this had been promised by conspiracy theorists extraterrestrial invasion, so the mysterious light, in their opinion, to make a space ship. Others believe that our Earth is under constant observation from the higher races of the Universe, which is constantly roadside in our world. There were also those who argued that it was a divine vision showing the impending end of the world...
As seen in the photographs in the night sky over Columbia city erupted with a bright yellow light. UFO like flashes, and then quietly disappear, leaving no trace. The object, as specified witnesses, disappeared near the neighboring city of Aguas Claras. However, some residents Ocaña believe that the bright object was not alien spaceship, but just a strange flash in the night sky maybe even of earthly origin. Here's how this was written, for example, the witness Dixon Florez Castro on his page on Facebook:
The light came, rather, from spacewaste used during military exercises. Such outbreaks for a certain period of time, often small, coverage of large areas by night, as a rule, for air assault or any observations. That day the sky was in clouds, but because it has acquired a special mystique.
In spite of such a realistic assumption, the Castro government has not commented on the incident, but the military did not take responsibility for the flash in the sky. Therefore, against this background, the silence of the assumptions of conspiracy theorists on the cooperation of the world powers with the aliens, the majority of Internet users seems quite convincing.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Original news
Los habitantes del municipio colombiano de Ocaña, departamento de Norte de Santander, entraron en pánico después de ver un misterioso objeto muy brillante en el cielo, lo que provocó numerosas llamadas a las autoridades para informar sobre el incidente.

This category includes not only pyrotechnic projectiles visible in the sky, but also traces of exploded projectiles, their fragments and other similar activities.
Pyrotechnics is a branch of technology related to the technology of preparing combustible compounds and burning them to obtain a certain signal or effect.
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