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A vampire. Malawi

ID #1512556198
Added Wed, 06/12/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
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The people of the African country of Malawi are in a state close to panic, several dozen people said that they were attacked "midnight vampire" and sucked their blood.

People are so frightened that groups of vigilantes have killed seven people suspected of vampirism. The threat became so serious that from Malawi had been withdrawn workers of the UN and Peace Corps volunteers of the United States. The hysteria over vampires in Malawi began in September, we reported about it on the website, and it seems by December, it had not subsided, although the UN staff after the September heat decided to come back.

Locals claim that this is not hysteria and not rumors, but real facts. 40-year-old Jamia Bauleni says that something alien had entered her house and attacked her and then began to suck her blood. Jamia lives in the village Malangalila in the South and the village was in the center of the hysteria over vampires.

- This is not a rumor, it sucked my blood, I know it. I was lying in bed at night and suddenly saw in the corner under the roof light. I couldn't move my arm and leg. And then something really pierced my hand and I felt pain. Jamia, who works selling ragout of wild peas, says that before losing consciousness from blood loss, she heard a sound, like someone ran across the floor.

After that night the woman was taken to the hospital and she was there, taking medicines and vitamins. She is not reported to the authorities that she was attacked, but in the area and without it many of these cases. They believe in witchcraft, vampires and black magic and people want to take revenge on those who attacked them. Another victim is a 27-year-old Florence Kalung. She says that she slept the night in my house with my husband and suddenly saw the light, like in the house and lit a fire. Then she heard the sound unveiled the door, and then her finger began to severe pain, like he was stabbing me. Entrepreneur Orlando Chaponda narrowly escaped death by vigilantes, who saw in his house "blood sucker". He says that he's lucky they don't have time to get to it. Orlando called the police, who chased people from his home.

- They really don't matter, you're a vampire or not, they envy the rich and attack anyone and call him a vampire if he has a car, says Orlando.

The national blood transfusion service in Malawi was the only institution that has government authorization to collect blood for hospitals - says that the rumors about vampires also influenced their work

- This problem affected us. It prevents us from doing our job and collect the blood. says Brydon of Mbaye, the Director of the service. For the attack and attempted lynching in Malawi were arrested 250 people and more than 40 in neighboring Mozambique, from where the rumors came the vampires.

The situation was forced to intervene, the President of Malawi Peter Mutharika.

-There is no evidence of a vampire attack, "he says," But these false rumors destabilisateur district. Those who spread such rumors, to deal with our laws.

Meanwhile, the unrest of the vampires that crippled the country's tourism industry. Go there fewer Western tourists and therefore the budget of a poor Malawi will miss a lot of superfluous money.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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