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UFO. United States

ID #1511864897
Added Tue, 28/11/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Сан-Диего, CA
United States

"Our world is very poorly protected against threatening him with a strange and sudden danger. In the higher layers of the atmosphere also have the jungle, and inhabited by worse things than tigers". So begins the fantastic story of Arthur Conan Doyle's "the horror of the heights", released in 1913. A brilliant writer had no idea how he was close to the truth. The story's hero pilot Joyce Armstrong was torn to pieces by beasts in the air. The awful truth helped to open his notebook, found among the slime-covered wreckage of the plane. In 1939, the story of Conan Doyle became a reality!

Once from the airport in San Diego flew military transport aircraft making regular flights to the Hawaiian Islands. Three hours later, the radio operators had received his distress signal. Then the transmitter stopped. But soon, with the control tower saw the ill-fated plane, returned to the airfield. He barely held on to the runway and landed on the bottom, not releasing the chassis. When the crash landing place rescuers arrived and firefighters, they found a dreadful scene. Although the cabin remained intact, everything inside was covered with blood. Pilot and flight engineer were dead. Lacerations on their bodies looked like he was attacked by a shark.

The co-pilot who brought the plane to the airfield, dying from blood loss. He died without saying a word. The whole cabin floor was littered with spent casings. The guns of both pilots, not a single cartridge. The plane was the heavy smell of rotten eggs. All lifeguards working in the aircraft, it later suffered from skin irritation.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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