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Anomalous zone. Russia

ID #1511340705
Added Wed, 22/11/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
м. Теплый стан, ул. Академика Варги д. 22
Moskovskaya oblast

Observation: Moscow, Teply Stan, ul Akademika Vargi d. 22, 7th floor, the view from the balcony on the opposite side of the yard. Note: across the street is one of the most mysterious buildings of Moscow - Teplostanskaya proezd 1 building 1. (No. 1 Main building archive library center FSB). Time: end of July 2014, around 1 am.

In the specified location at a specified time I went to the balcony. Dark outside, as usual. On the back side of the house there is practically no street lighting. In front of the house is a Parking lot, they all stand in a familiar location. That evening it was not visible because of the summer of the dark, but because he repeatedly put it, there is an understanding of how they are located.

I look down into the darkness and see the following: the perimeter of two presumably machines that can stand in this Parking lot, there is an intense glow. It looks as if on the perimeter of the two machines is very often delivered candles are small, which is usually in aluminum cups are lit in the bars and restaurants on the tables. While raging, they clearly have the impression that they staged two cars on the hood, roof and trunk, very tight and on fire. With all that is deathly silence. That is, of young people walking is clearly not the case. In General, a strange feeling of silence in the street, considering that close to the ring road and it is always clearly audible at any time of day, 24 hours a day. And here, as in the deep woods.

I had a great desire to go down and understand what was going on, but fear to find himself in a parallel space and not return, stopped. In the end, a few times I still came out on the balcony and watched the same thing. Then I fell asleep on the couch watching TV, woke up somewhere at 4 am, and I think we have to go to bed in the bedroom. I immediately thought about these lights, I thought that Lee had, or wasted, on the street was daylight and this was dawn twilight, but much brighter than the night, the shorter the crack of dawn. I believe I will come out and look down, can actually occurred to me all of this... no, those lights still glowed brightly in the deathly silence!

Shortly after that we moved to another place, so further anomalies, I have not seen, but the stories of other people is there really a mysterious place! I attach two photos, one day at the Park, and another the same night, the same angle. Trees significantly reduce the actual brightness, however, given to understand clearly what was going on.

Please note this place is Teply Stan, you see, and you will be able to explore those anomalies that happen there.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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