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Poltergeist. Russia

ID #1509610671
Added Thu, 02/11/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Omskaya oblast

What would you do if your neighbor's party was invisible with that light?

Students and teachers of one of schools of the Omsk region complain that the building settled a real poltergeist, disrupting the lessons and frightening children. To verify if this is real or not, the school was visited by journalists and even scientists. Including the videos below, you can see a report about these mysterious incidents.

Events unfold in an ordinary village school. Fifth-grader Daniel Alesanco right in the middle of the lesson began to fall from his chair, and his Desk began to literally shake and rumble. The shocked teacher asked the child to go for a walk through the lobby, hoping that paranormalen will stop. However, outside of class with students again began to happen unexplained. In the hallway dropped a big pot with a flower, and Daniel cried out, fearing the invisible presence of the supernatural.

The teacher invited Alesenko to the Board, but then, to everyone's horror, there was something supernatural. Fold Board began to spontaneously open and close. And when our young hero already went home and went to the locker room, there fell a heavy metal hanger, barely touched other students.

Did the teenager has attracted a poltergeist of its unique energy? Maybe Daniel has telekinesis and he doesn't realize, is able by the power of thought to move objects? The boy's relatives do not give any comment on the incident, reporting only that the student is currently all right.

With the aim to deal with such an unusual emergency, the Director of the institution appealed for help to the specialists of the Omsk planetarium. Employee of the planetarium Vladimir Krupko said that he and his colleagues visit the school, his eyes saw, as there were moving by themselves, the pieces of furniture. Unfortunately, to capture it on video experts are unable. They believe that the real poltergeist unlikely to allow anyone to obtain documentary proof of its existence. However, sometimes the poltergeist manages to shoot the video, another thing is that he is rarely satisfied with demonstrations when people are video camera, most often it is the cases recorded by CCTV...

However, witnesses a mysterious mysticism in a rural school in Omsk region has more than two dozen: both children and adults. So on the hoax and some kind of fantasy or even the mischief of schoolchildren is not too like.

Meanwhile, the employees of the Omsk planetarium inspired by his experiences, conducted in the scientific and educational theatre lecture on the poltergeist. The theme of the afterlife of the subtle world, as it turned out, people care about far more than astronomy...

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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