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Angel Hair. United States

ID #1505811605
Added Tue, 19/09/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Колдуэлл, NJ
United States

Parallel world could manifest on Earth. People and things disappear, to return to another place or no return. In the sky open "window", demonstrating a different reality. But best of all, the complexity of the universe showed the phenomenon of "celestial forest".

Provincial America monotonous and dull. Something to stand out among the neighbours is not accepted. Local authorities can tell people to paint the roof the same color or to put a flagpole of a certain height. Perhaps, therefore, boring and monotonous it seemed, and built a neat two-storey houses street forest Avenue in Caldwell, new Jersey. Preserved to this day the house №85 lived a retired journalist A. P. Smith (history has not preserved his full name) with his wife. Mr. Smith used to Wake up early and usually watched the sunrise sitting on the porch.

2 August 1970, Smith noticed that the sky something shiny. The rising sun highlighted what looked like a tightly stretched silver thread. A former journalist called husband and made sure he didn't. Soon on the street there were neighbors who saw the thread, tried to understand what she's holding, but found no supports. When the number of onlookers on the streets has become significant to deal with a thread decided by the police. A patrol car drove along it, but soon the thread went up so high that it disappeared from sight. Fold the binoculars were useless. The police decided to find the other end of the thread, going to the ground at an angle on hillside Avenue. The trail was soon lost: it seemed that she just disappeared in the blue sky. Knowing the direction and angle of inclination, the officers calculated the place where the mysterious thread was to reach land, but had found nothing.

The local newspaper "Progress" reported the incident only August 6 - in a city with a population of 8,500 people is not as much news to produce a daily newspaper. Newspaper clipping fell into the hands of the psychiatrist Berthold Schwarz, who worked with people who were in contact with UFOs. He came to town and saw that the thread is still hanging in the sky at a height of about 25 meters. Schwartz wanted to invite the firemen with a turntable ladder from a neighboring town (Caldwell low rise long flights of stairs was not), but the police considered it an attempt to get to threads too risky. Schwartz left the Smiths business card and asked to call if there was any news. I had to wait a long time. Thread hung in one place all of August, despite the thunderstorms and gusty winds.

Day 31 of August, 1970, Mrs. Smith heard a great roar. The house is literally shuddered. From the second floor window fell off the fan. Looking out into the street, the woman saw that the thread falls, on-the-fly when folding in tangles and spirals. Near it were green and hard to the touch, like bristles on a plastic MOP. A woman cut off a piece for Dr. Schwartz and called the police. Arrived at 15:30 police were surprised to see a lot of balls that roll up the thread, in the courtyard of the Smiths. In this case, the sky was overhung the end of the thread. Police loaded the finds into the car and started to pull the edge of it, stretching into the sky. To everyone's surprise, the thread is not ended. She was reaching in from the sky, meter by meter, causing the earth to new turns. Finally, a thread from the blast of wind caught the top of the tree. The officer pulled too hard and broke it high above the ground. Berthold Schwartz sent sent Mrs. Smith a sample of the firm "DuPont".

Chemists said that the thread in chemical composition resembles an ordinary fishing line. But none of the fab line, not identified in samples from new Jersey their products. Dr. Vargas, a chemist from the University of Rhode island, confirmed the findings of colleagues from DuPont. Line of Caldwell proved to be hollow, resembling the entire length of the narrow tube. Vargas for one of the tests put the sample in a vacuum and, taking it, saw that the internal cavity is filled with solid substance. Its composition could not be determined. Knowing the diameter of the line, its density and strength, scientists conducted simple calculations and found that the events in Caldwell violated the laws of physics. This scaffold could not drag on in a straight line several kilometers without support and not be broken. Keep it taut some unknown force. Samples of "heavenly forest", collected by Sanderson, are now held with Professor Michael Swords.

After the fall of a scaffold, the citizens began to look carefully at the sky. Less than two weeks, over an outdoor city pool that the people see a second line going from nowhere to nowhere. Powys is about a month, she fell among the chairs, facing swimming pool. The on duty lifeguards at the pool, called for help four guys together to pull it from the sky. An hour passed, but the line does not end. The boys rolled the barrel gas volume of 210 liters to stack loot, and filled it to the brim. Then fishing line was broken, hitting a power line. Soon there was another fishing line. It hung fairly low, and citizens decided not to wait for the fall thread. They took the bait and started throwing it up. Finally, one of the shots reached the goal. The scaffold is resisted their efforts, but still it managed to break. When the inhabitants were at one end, they were amazed. The fishing line came out of nowhere.

In the winter of 1970 in Caldwell came experts from the society for the exploration of the unknown, founded by the famous zoologist Ivan Sanderson. By the time the townspeople found in the sky six lines, the taut angles of from 30 to 50 degrees. As in previous cases, they were drawn out of nowhere and went so high that it was lost from view). Police said their position on the map, but no patterns to identify and failed. The researchers sent out an official request of the U.S. air force, asking if they know something about the phenomenon. The answer, signed by Colonel William T. Coleman from the Department of public relations said: "For financial reasons we can't conduct scientific analysis of samples submitted by you". Received reply alerted Sanderson. He suspected that the military is aware of the phenomenon more than want to show.

Discussing with reporters the events in Caldwell, Ivan Sanderson noticed that one of the journalists too much excited. Answering his question, the girl told a secret that you saw the line over his house in new York and thought that someone handed it between the skyscrapers.

21 March 1971 the fishing line was broken, one of its ends got entangled in the fire escape. The second recently fell near her home. Ivan asked the girl to get the samples the woods. Under the microscope they looked just like the specimens from Caldwell, but was noticeably thinner. Another line found outstretched over Alberton, Georgia. It was first noticed a hut Wallace and called a friend of the journalist Herbert Wilcox.

- When I got to the Wallace line was visible in the sky, shining in the light of the rising sun and stretching as far as far as the eye - told Wilcox. - At first I suspected that this fishing line from the kite, but where was the serpent itself?

The day Eddie Boswell, son House, climbed onto the roof and managed with a rope with a hook to catch the mysterious thread. He dragged it with their feet, but did not see where it is attached. The thread consisted of two types of material. The one that came from the West, consisted of a shiny white substance. The one that came from the East, consisted of a thin solid green material similar to fishing line. He and the other materials were torn with great difficulty. Ivan Sanderson did not finish the investigation, "heavenly forest". 19 February 1973, he was gone. Society for the exploration of the unknown not disbanded, but its members lost interest in the phenomenon. They're just stitched in the file of the new data, without trying to study them.

In 1975, the fishing line appeared over the Linwood, North Carolina. Local resident Wynn Snyder saw her already torn and lying on the ground. The Snyder family for an hour pulled the thread. When the pile of fishing line began to reach to the waist, puzzled winn called the police. The officer taking his call as a joke, said, - Call me back when pulled from the sky little green men. After that, the wine father decided that they quite, and cut the line. In exactly the same situation for mechanic John Wright of Greensburg, Ohio. In September 1978, he saw a fishing line, snagged on a Bush in the backyard. Wright began to clean up and saw that one end goes into the sky. With the help of neighbors he pulled from somewhere 300 meters of fishing line and wound it on the spool for the cable. Then the fishing line broke and floated away into the heavens, lost sight of. The fact that the fishing line appeared not because of military experiments, proved search the archives.

The Australian newspaper "the Brisbane courier" of June 24, 1925, described the same phenomenon. Fishing line hung over the sea two miles from city Darwin. The eyewitness called them "a long web threads", because I never saw the nylon lines. Nylon was invented 10 years later, and patented in 1937.

The researchers suggest that fishing line out of the parallel world and leave in the same or in another world, passing through our reality. While they are intact, they are subject to the laws of physics are the neighbouring worlds. As soon as the line ends, both ends fully begin to obey our physical laws. The fact that people didn't pull out the fishing line to the end, saved them from unpleasant surprises. Who knows what "fish" could be hanging on that in another world replaces the hook!

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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