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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Taiwan

ID #1503995032
Added Tue, 29/08/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 

A resident of Taiwan named Huang Meilan discovered a very strange creature, which is at least an unknown insect species to science. Some experts suggest that the amazing life form captured by the woman in the video has an alien origin.

"This creature was moving on the ground, and I just couldn't get past it — it was very strange. The people who were next to me said all sorts of things: someone was sure that it was an alien, and someone called this terrible worm a concentrated evil spirit. I do not know what it is, so I hope that the scientists who watch my video will figure it out," says the author of the video.

Ufologists who have studied the evidence provided by the woman are confident that this creature is the result of targeted genetic modifications.

That is, it is a mutant, bred in one of the Chinese laboratories for an unclear purpose. Maybe we are talking about a parasitic weapon.

Other experts believe that it is still an alien life form. Not necessarily intelligent—it could be some kind of alien intestinal parasite. In general, to find out exactly what it is, you need to study a live representative.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Famous creatures

There are a huge number of different living organisms on our planet. According to recent estimates, the number of species of organisms on our planet is approximately 7-10 million. However, only 15% of the data are described today.

According to the calculations of Canadians, 2.2 million species live in the world's oceans, 6.5 million on land. There are only about 7.8 million species of animals on the planet, 611 thousand fungi, and 300 thousand plants.


Not infrequently it happens that the trash accidentally or intentionally left by the person, may be something abnormal: signs of alien eggs alien, unknown water and land creatures, etc.. Also, this debris can enter into a chemical reactiile physical interaction with the environment. For example, to burn the grass or to form a ball.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Mutation (from the Latin. mutatio – change, change) - suddenly there is a natural (spontaneous) or artificially caused (induced) persistent changes in genetic structures of living matter responsible for the storage and transfer of genetic information.

The process of emergence of mutations is called mutagenesis.

Mutations are divided into spontaneous and induced.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Possible versions:

  • the effect of a strong magnet on the wire
  • a worm or insect entangled in garbage
  • a mutated insect (for example, a stick insect)
  • An unusual-looking aquatic creature

The most popular version is that it is a Horsehair Worm or The hairy one. An internal parasite in various insects and crustaceans. It is distributed all over the world and usually lives in shallow freshwater reservoirs with clean, non-polluted water. The body of the hairy is similar to horsehair, its average length is about 30-40 centimeters, and the thickness is no more than 5 millimeters. But there are also some specimens with a body length of up to two meters (for example, the species Gordius fulgur Baird).

More precisely, the assumption is that this is not one worm, but a tangle of several.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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