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The Alien. Sweden

ID #1499946988
Added Thu, 13/07/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
между Хельсингборг и Хёганес

According to eyewitnesses, encounters with strange creatures from the UFO, most of them look like humanoids (humanoid). Occasionally there are aliens similar to insects or reptiles. But probably one of the rare occasions it's the aliens, it is not like any living creature. It is such a supremely eerie and strange creatures attacked two residents of Sweden. No matter what you're facing, Hans Gustafsson and Stig Rydberg, they are awfully glad they caught them!

In 1958, just before Christmas, the men were driving from Hoganas in Helsinborg, in the South of Sweden. Because of the thick fog they had to slow down to 40 kilometers per hour. It was almost three in the afternoon, when they went to the cleared area of the forest on both sides of the road.

Seeing the light, the two friends decided to get out of the car and see what it is. What he saw would be enough for a month as the material for the nightmare stories. Out of the fog suddenly grew a strange silhouette of a circular shape, which had approximately seven meters in diameter and about a meter in height. He stood on legs about two meters each, and the strange — seemed to be made of light. Then, before the frightened eyes of Gustafsson and Rydberg four small creatures began to jump around their saucers in a kind of macabre dance. They were like live balls — no hands and no legs, made of some dark foggy mass. Literally mesmerized by what is happening, the friends watched as the fancy moved these "bags of jelly".

Then without warning three of these "bag" pounced on young people and ensued a terrible battle. Some huge force began to pull friends to the glittering plate, and they tried not to think about what they can expect if the "bags" will be able to push them inside your aircraft. Finally Rydberg managed to free himself and jumped up to the car, the whole body fell on the wheel in the hope that someone will hear long beep and come to the rescue. It worked instantly. Gustafsson, who desperately grabbed hold of the pole and under the action of gravity hung in the air in a horizontal position, suddenly collapsed to the ground. "Balls" rushed to his machine and jumped in. With a shrill whistle the saucer began to take off.

It was three days before Rydberg and Gustafsson dared to tell what had happened. Answering a lot of questions and having a bunch of tests, they showed officers the footage of the forest, on which were still traces of the mysterious apparatus. Psychologists argued that men were told what they were sure, and their approval are based on real facts. Test conducted with the help of hypnosis, confirmed that the friends were under the influence of a strong magnetic field.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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