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Chupacabra. Mexico

ID #1494770360
Added Sun, 14/05/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

A series of strange attacks on livestock over the last few weeks, terrified residents of the Mexican village of Monterrey, located in the North of Honduras near the town of Choloma.

Local residents suspect that the cause of death of more than 35 animals, including 30 sheep, a few goats, a horse and even three poor dog is the Chupacabra, a mysterious predator-a vampire who doesn't eat meat, and eats only blood.

The latest attack occurred at dawn on Friday 12 may 2017. Very scared Nelly David Martinez, the nephew of one of the farmers said they had seen the Chupacabra attacked four grazing goats.

According to him, he heard in the pasture noise, went out and saw a black shadow surrounded the defenseless animals, which in a few moments fell dead to the ground, and a mysterious stranger, becoming a Ghost, just disappeared

Unfortunately, Martinez could only watch the horrible scene as it completely paralyzed with fear. Although the testimony of Martinez does not fit the description "classic" Chupacabra, he insists that he saw this notorious cryptid, which probably hunted very unique way.

The villagers fear that the ghostly creature can turn its evil eye on people and especially on unsuspecting children.

Given the significant damage incurred as a result of death of animals, and a General sense of fear in the village, Chupacabra once again justified its reputation as the most fearsome creatures in cryptozoology.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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