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Yeti. United States

ID #1492020109
Added Wed, 12/04/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
река Саут-Форк-Маккензи
United States

The following video was received in January of this year near the river, South Fork-McKenzie in the vicinity of the reservoir Cougar. A man who loves high wildlife photography used a drone "Phantom 3 Advanced" with satellite navigation. American did not even know that the lens of his device in the forest will be unknown to science creature.

Despite the fact that the height of the flight apparatus was approximately 760 metres, it's a Sasquatch was filmed on video quite well. The owner of the drone, however, did not see the mysterious stranger on the remote's screen and noticed it only later, reviewing the material obtained on the computer at home. According to the Americans, he was shocked by my discovery, and immediately hastened to share it with the public.

The recording shows a dark humanoid animal on the right Bank of the river. It goes through the snow between the trees near the water. Upright and broad creature moves strides – perhaps due to the fact that feet buried in the snow. At some point the drone flies right above the Yeti. The original recording lasts more than ten minutes, and this scene is the only notable Bigfoot. But it was enough to cause a stir among cryptozoologists, researchers of supernatural phenomena and ordinary users of the world wide web.

Many experts analyzing the video, I came to the conclusion that it shows real's a Sasquatch. But skeptics on the Internet are convinced that this Hiking traveler or hunter. However, why did he not see the backpack, gear and rifle? Anyway, if this really is people, it is clearly in some gorilla suit. From here a reasonable question arises: what is this masked weirdo is doing away from civilization in the bitter cold? Experts, moreover, note that the captured animal moves very typical Bigfoot gait. In any case, people don't walk...

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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