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Poltergeist. Romania

ID #1491236531
Added Mon, 03/04/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

In the years 1925-1926, many psychosedative watched a variety of poltergeist phenomena that centered around 13-year-old girl Eleanor Zugun from a small Romanian town a tulpa. And it all started after she in 1925, visited the village of his 105-year-old grandmother, who enjoyed the reputation of a witch.

On the way there the girl found on the roadside a few coins and bought them sweets, my grandmother authoritative noticed: the money left by the devil. The next day the girl is constantly hit by stone rain, stones smashed the window glass, and small objects and things close to "obsessed" by themselves fluttering up. She was immediately sent home.

But the strangeness continued and there. The parents sought help where possible. About what's happening with Eleanor wrote a newspaper, and the events became known to the European press. So the girl learned psychosedative. First she was visited by Fritz Grunewald of Germany, which soon witnessed flying around the "possessed" a wide variety of things.

After staying with Eleanor for a few weeks, Grunewald made sure to leave her among the ignorant and superstitious inhabitants of the town impossible. Explorer, to the delight of the girl's parents, Eleanor was taken to Berlin, where I was to conduct a series of scientific experiments, put it in your house. Soon, however, he died suddenly of a heart attack.

If not, the Romanian psychoschizophrenia Countess Zoe cornflower-Seriki living in Vienna, the position of the Eleanor would have been very unflattering. She adopted a girl, and she began to live in the Viennese apartment of the Countess, studying hairdressing and at the same time involuntarily showing symptoms typical teenage poltergeist, accompanied by some manifestations of OCD.

Often occurs self-movement of the items; sometimes they fell, as if originating in the air, but the beginning of the movement the Countess never watch failed.

In addition, the house began to appear is unknown as notes, could be heard spoken by someone unknown phrase. Dracula (demon in Romanian), which, according to Eleanor, was doing all this, soon focused almost all their attention on the girl, pushed, pinched, bit and beat her, kicked out of bed, pulled his hair, stuck needles into our skin, filled her shoes with water.

All this was observed by March 1926, and was witnessed by German psychostimulatory shrink-Nottingham and Hans Rosenbach from Berlin.

At the end of April 1926 in Vienna, he arrived to monitor the symptoms of poltergeist, exhibited by Eleanor, the famous English psychostimulating Harry Price. Here's what he had there, in particular, to see. He wrote:

"The Countess and I sat on the couch and watched Eleanor, who was playing with a toy gun that shoots balls celluloid ping-pong table.

Suddenly, the ball split and both halves fell to our feet. The Countess jumped up, so did I: used for opening envelopes, a steel stiletto with a handle, with a length of about ten inches, an arrow flashed through the room from behind me and fell opposite the closed door. I instantly turned around, but found nothing that could make stiletto to break away from his place — the Desk behind us."

Also Price saw a rapid span and drop a toy dog Eleanor, a slow slide from the chair cushions, which, in the end, fell to the floor, and much more. Within self-propelled objects was empty.

Price, personally making sure that the press and the witnesses do not lie, do not make mistakes and did not exaggerate, invited the Countess and Eleanor in London in order to conduct a more rigorous study in his National laboratory for psychical research. They arrived on 30 September 1926. In the early days of the laboratory staff seen as falling somewhere from the ceiling of small objects hit the girl, causing her pain.

However, on the body of Eleanor of steel for no apparent reason to be bruises and scratches, and right in the eyes of researchers: the girl suddenly screamed in pain, and her face, hands or forearms had red scratches and bite marks.

The latter was similar to her own, but appeared in places to bite are anatomically impossible. And the microflora of the "saliva", examined under the microscope, distinguished from the inherent Eleanor saliva. Still preserved a fragment of film footage, filmed by Pryce, depicting the appearance of the skin girls tracks from the invisible bites and bumps.

By the summer of 1927, the poltergeist left Eleanor, and she was able to return to Romania, where he began to earn a living hairdressing craft.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

To find the coordinates of this city have not yet succeeded. Maybe he's written as something else or is the old name of the settlement. On request "tulpa" the Internet gives quite known the meaning of the word, in a simplified form is "individual hallucination or an imaginary friend."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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