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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Puerto Rico

ID #1490174743
Added Wed, 22/03/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Puerto Rico

This creature has a very disproportionate build: the head relative to the trunk is very large - much larger than that of humans. There was a clear mark on the bald crown from a crushing blow with a club. The eyes are not visible on the ugly face, as if the eyeballs have fallen in or flowed out, and the eye sockets are huge, oblong, almond-shaped, raised to the temples. The strange creature had no auricles or at least auditory openings, and instead of a nose there were two round holes with a low mound above them. Not a single tooth stuck out in the mouth, the lips were missing. 

The thin and long arms of the "alien" ended in an elegant brush with long nails, more like claws. The short legs of the small corpse differed greatly from human legs not only in size, but also in the structure of the foot. 

The first information about this freak appeared quite a long time ago: in 1981, entrepreneur Rafael Berga in the city of Salinas in Puerto Rico heard about him from his employee Ada Zayas. A talkative woman shared the news she learned from her husband, police officer Osvaldo Santiago. The policeman told his wife that the body of a strange inhuman creature brought by a young man named Perez was kept in a bank with formalin at the police station. This Perez, a chemist by training, explained to the police how the dead freak got to him. Perez wandered alone in search of Indian antiquities in the desolate mountainous area of La Explanada near Salinas. Adjacent to this area is a stronghold of the U.S. Army and the Puerto Rico National Guard. Suddenly, small bipedal big-headed creatures jumped out of the cave, surrounded him, clung to his legs and did not let him step a step. The guy was really scared. He managed to reach the trunk of a dry tree lying nearby, and hit the bald skull of the tallest of the "freaks" with a huge club with all his might. The big-headed inhumans hurriedly disappeared into the cave, only one remained lying in the clearing - he was dead. Perez picked up the dead "freak", wrapped him in his jacket and brought him home. He stuffed the corpse into a large jar of formaldehyde and left it in his office for a while. After that, unexplained noises began in his apartment: at night, someone's footsteps, rustling, tapping were heard. The young man was alarmed by this, and he thought that the night knocks were somehow connected with the corpse of an inhuman being killed on La Explanade. Perez took the jar with the "alien" to the police... 

Ada Zayas showed her boss the creature brought by Perez to the police station. Senor Berga examined the "freak" and was surprised to find that it was really something strange: a small thin body with a height of a little more than 30 centimeters did not look like either a person or an animal. His skin was smooth, glossy, greenish-beige in color. It is difficult to say anything definite about the shape of the head, because Perez's club has strongly flattened the top of the head. Ada Zayas and Rafael Burga carefully examined and well remembered the creature stored in the police/ The descriptions made from memory by these people almost completely coincide, except for one little thing: a woman noticed thin sweats between the fingers of an unknown creature, like waterfowl. da Zayas said that one day a co-lead man came to the police station and said that "the freak in formalin" was his property. The police did not need the corpse of the "alien" at all, and no one else claimed it either, so they immediately gave the "green freak" to the announced owner. A few days later, the policeman Osvaldo Santiago very seriously warned his wife not to tell anyone else about the "alien" - this is an order from very high authorities.

Original news

A MAN still maintains he shot and captured a real alien being, despite his allegations being branded one of the most far-fetched alien discovery hoaxes on record.

Dr Jonathan Reed claimed to have stumbled across an alien and its UFO while walking his dog in October 1996 in the Cascade Mountains in Washington, USA.

Mr Reed claims the bizarre encounter happened on October 15, 1996.

The story goes that, while walking his dog, he stumbled across an alien being and its UFO.

Yet, the malevolent creature vapourised his four-legged friend with a weapon.

An incensed Mr Reed claims to have taken a log from a tree to the other worldly being's head, and incapacitated it.

He videod the injured beast and its obelisc-shaped craft, he claims.

He then took the alien, which he thought he had killed, to his home.

Mr Reed, who claims to be a psychologist with a Ph.D, videod himself investigating the being, which was beginning to stir on the floor of his home.

He then claims he stored it in the freezer, but the creature escaped.

But the tale does not end there, after this, Dr Reed claims he was harassed by government agents, the so-called men in black, that murdered a friend and tried to kill him, before they wiped his identify from the face of the Earth, and he was forced to live underground.

The story has received a lot of scrutiny, and the alien in his video, pictures and book were later claimed to be just a rubber dummy.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.

There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.

Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

In the 2010 episode of the TV series "Fact or Fake: Paranormal Files" The "Fact or Fake" team was able to duplicate Reed's entire video almost from frame to frame. 

Since this did not completely rule out the authenticity of Reed's original recording, the team decided to stress-test Reed's own voice. The test ultimately proves that Reed was extremely lying about the incident. 

While this doesn't completely prove that this is a hoax, all the evidence points to fraud, and the alien research community has accepted Reed's video as fake.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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