ID | #1489571650 |
Added | Wed, 15/03/2017 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Investigation
Initial data
Alleged photo of Westall UFO encounter where more than 200 students and teachers at two Victorian public schools allegedly witnessed an unexplained flying object descended on a nearby open field of wild grass. Dated 1966
In the morning, students and teachers of Westall Public School witnessed the movement of three metal disks in the sky.
On April 6, 1966, at approximately 11:00, hundreds of students and staff of Westall High School (Westall?) they reported that they saw a silver object in the shape of a saucer in the sky. According to eyewitnesses, the object was flying low and moving erratically. Some reported that he landed in a nearby field.
This sight caused a wave of excitement and curiosity: many students and teachers ran outside to get a better look at the mysterious car. Some even claimed to have observed this object up close. A moment after landing, he had to take off again and quickly ascend into the sky. According to eyewitnesses, several planes, including military ones, were being chased after the unusual object. Some reported that it appeared to be surrounded by five smaller ships, similar to spheres.
Despite the unusual nature of this event, the Australian Government published little official information about it at the time. The incident has been largely downplayed, and for years witnesses have offered new theories to explain the events at Vestall. The most popular of them suggests that it was an emergency landing of a secret military aircraft. There are also those who see this as an observation of a real alien ship.
The Westall incidents remain among the most important and most documented UFO incidents in Australia. Witnesses continue to share their stories, and this event had a huge impact on the people who survived it. Unfortunately, the ongoing investigations and discussions in the UFO research community do not lead to any concrete conclusions.
Whether it's an encounter with an alien ship or a complex military operation, the events of Vestalle are a reminder that even with numerous witnesses and weighty evidence, state authorities claim the right to conceal the true nature of certain events. It depends only on us whether the truth will ever see the light.
Original news
Photograph of the supposed Westall UFO encounter where more than 200 students and teachers at two Victorian state schools allegedly witnessed an unexplained flying object which descended into a nearby open wild grass field. Dated 1966
6 kwietnia 1966 roku, około godziny 11:00, setki uczniów i pracowników Westall High School zgłosiło, że widziało na niebie srebrny obiekt w kształcie spodka. Świadkowie opisywali obiekt jako lecący nisko i poruszający się nieregularnie. Niektórzy donosili, że wylądował na pobliskim polu.
Obserwacja wywołała falę podekscytowania i ciekawości, a wielu uczniów i nauczycieli wybiegło na zewnątrz, aby uzyskać lepszy widok tajemniczego pojazdu. Niektórzy twierdzili nawet, że zaobserwowali ten obiekt z bliska. W chwilę po wylądowaniu miał on ponownie wystartować, i szybko wznieść się w niebo. Świadkowie twierdzili, że kilka samolotów, w tym odrzutowce wojskowe, ścigały ów niezwykły obiekt. Niektórzy donosili, że zdawał się on być otoczony przez pięć mniejszych, podobnych do kul statków.
Pomimo niezwykłego charakteru tego wydarzenia, rząd Australii przekazał wówczas niewiele oficjalnych informacji na jego temat. Incydent został w dużej mierze zbagatelizowany a świadkowie latami przedstawiali kolejne teorie wyjaśniające zdarzenia z Westall. Najpopularniejsza z nich zakłada iż było to awaryjne lądowanie tajnego samolotu wojskowego. Nie brakuje również i takich, którzy widzą w tym obserwację prawdziwego statku pozaziemskiego.
Zdarzenia z Westall pozostają jednymi z najważniejszych i najlepiej udokumentowanych incydentów UFO w Australii. Świadkowie nadal zgłaszają się ze swoimi relacjami, a wydarzenie to wywołało olbrzymi wpływ na ludzi którzy go doświadczyli. Trwające dochodzenia i dyskusje w społeczności badaczy UFO nie prowadzą niestety do żadnych konkretnych wniosków.
Lokacja w której zaobserwowano tajemniczy obiekt wraz z pamiątkowym pomnikiem
Niezależnie od tego, czy chodzi o spotkanie z pozaziemskim statkiem, czy o złożoną operację wojskową, zdarzenia z Westall przypominają, że nawet przy obecności licznych świadków i znaczących dowodów, władze państwa roszczą sobie prawa do utajniania prawdziwej natury pewnych zdarzeń. Tylko od nas zależy czy prawda kiedykolwiek ujrzy światło dzienne.
CHILDREN as young as seven were confronted by men in sharp black suits and warned against talking, as emergency services and military swarmed the area.
It’s the mystery that has left an Australian suburb divided with witnesses wanting answers.
This year will mark the 50th anniversary of the Westall Incident and those involved are no closer to finding out what occurred on that fateful autumn morning.
It was 11.00am on April 6, 1966, when Australia’s largest mass UFO sighting took place.
Students and teachers from Westall High School and Westall State School, and members of the public claim to have watched as three metallic objects with no obvious markings manoeuvred silently through the sky.
The objects landed in a paddock adjacent to the schools before quickly flying away, leaving large circles of flattened grass with well-defined, discoloured edges behind.
In the hours following the incident, emergency services, the military and the media were in attendance trying to make sense of the baffling encounter.
Several witnesses claim sharply-dressed men in dark suits warned them from speaking about the incident.
The warnings failed to have an effect with a number of witnesses sharing their accounts.
The Dandenong Journal ran with coverage of the incident on its front page for consecutive issues and Nine News also reported the story on its 6.00pm bulletin.
However, the film canister containing the footage from the incident has since been found empty in the station archives.
Despite the initial coverage and a number of possible explanations, the incident still remains shrouded in mystery.
The front-page of the Dandenong Journal newspaper following the incident.
Researcher Shane Ryan has spent the last decade of his life investigating the incident and after speaking with more than 100 primary witnesses, he believes something strange occurred.
“It was so unusual ... it occurred in broad daylight and had been seen by so many people landing on the ground, before taking off again,” he told
“The event was obviously sizeable enough to muster a big response. Whatever it was that happened led to government agencies examining the site and taking soil samples.”
Mr Ryan said he believes there has been a concerted effort to keep the incident under wraps.
“[The media] kept meeting an official wall of silence, so it just stopped being a story and only remained as a memory for those involved,” he said.
Joy Clarke was 12 and a half at the time and vividly remembers the events that occurred that day.
“I was in class when students rushed in and told us the story. We rushed down to the oval and I saw three flying saucers on that day,” she told
“My personal belief is they weren’t of this world. They were definitely from somewhere else because I have never seen anything like it all.
“The army had arrived and the police were there. We were told we were hysterical and it didn’t happen, while men in black interviewed some of the other kids.”
More coverage from the local paper.
Terry Peck was playing cricket on the school oval when she saw the saucer and decided to chase it to Grange Reserve.
“I was about six metres away from it. It was bigger than a car and circular. I think I saw some lights underneath it,” she told the Herald Sun.
“Two girls were there before me. One was terribly upset and they were pale, really white, ghostly white. They just said they had passed out, fainted. One was taken to hospital in an ambulance.”
The now-56-year-old said no time was wasted in covering up the incident.
“We all got called to an assembly ... and they told us all to keep quiet,” she said.
“I’d absolutely just like someone to come forward from the services just to say ‘yes, it did happen, and it landed and there was a cover-up’.’’
Jacqueline Argent said she was one of the first three kids over the fence to look for the UFO landing site.
“Originally I thought it must have been an experimental-type aircraft, but nothing has emerged like that after all these years,’’ she said.
The now-58-year-old told how she was called into the headmaster’s office and interrogated by three men immediately following the incident.
“They had good-quality suits and were well-spoken,” she said.
“They said, ‘I suppose you saw little green men’.
“I spoke to my parents about it at the time and they were pretty outraged.’’
Stephen Cairns also claims to have witnessed the strange phenomenon.
The then-seven-year-old was living in Dandenong and walking to school with his mother after a dentist appointment when it occurred.
“In the distance I saw a silvery disc-like object. However, at first, it was so far away I was not quite sure what it was,” he told
“The silvery disc-like object moved with amazing speed until it was directly above us ... it hovered for a few moments then, as quickly as it came, it flew away.”

Photo editing began to be used almost immediately after the advent of photography techniques. They were divided into methods of photomontage without manipulation of the image after receiving the photo and retouching of the photo itself or its negative (plate, film, etc.)
Rocket launches (from
- Site: Plesetsk (NIIP-53, GIK-1, GNIIP) (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Voskhod Payload: Kosmos 114 (Zenit-4 #17)
Probably, this black-and-white photo was taken as an illustration of that incident.
After government documents on balloon launches were declassified in 2014 (see the article Reconnaissance Balloons), many people began to believe that those "flying saucers" were silver balloons controlling radiation levels that went off course.
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