Added | Sat, 17/12/2016 |
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Among fans of UFOs there's a story about an unknown space object, dubbed "Black knight". It is believed that the first photograph was taken in 1960-m to year one of the first artificial satellites. It in polar orbit clearly seen an unidentified object, which could not be a satellite of the USSR or the satellite States. However, we find this photo so far failed. And, apparently, not only us. As illustrations of the related web sites collection of mysterious images (e.g. [1]), proving the existence of the "Black knight", usually are a few recent photos. As a rule, States that "after careful study, scientists are inclined to believe that the object in the picture has an artificial origin."

Photography "the Black knight" [1]
What kind of pictures we will try to understand.
Sometimes specify that these pictures were taken in 1998 by NASA mission STS-88. On the resource [2] that publishes pictures of the space obtained by NASA, easily find pictures taken during the flight, STS-88 of the ship "endeavour" in 1998. The pictures, published as photographs of "Black knight", are there with an ID starting STS088-724-65 to STS088-724-70 in the category of Space debris (SPACE DEBRIS).

NASA Photo ID: STS088-724-66 [3]
In the network you can easily find a detailed report on the mission [4], which in particular provides details of the spacewalk on 10 December 1998.
"Endeavour". 12/10/98 12:00 PM.
...So far, all went smoothly. The only problem was the loss of heat blankets, which flew from Ross... the Blanket was one of four mounted on a big metal brace (Cappy)... castle said that the loss of blankets is not a serious problem...
On the basis of the coincidence of dates is mentioned in the reportage of events and images, it can be assumed that the last drawn is the space blanket flying away from the Shuttle and shape-shifting in the free space. It was his pictures and issued now for the pictures of the "Black knight". It is easy to see on different photos shape and Shine quilts:

Sample photos with space blanket [2]
The version with the blanket thoroughly versed in [5].
Brian Dunning, in a publication on its website Skeptoid [6] also examines in detail the whole story with "Black knight" and also points at these photos and lost the blanket.
Thus, not knowing the origin of the object in the photograph, you can accept him and a mysterious companion, and for UFOs. This statement is also true for other space debris in orbit. However, the nature of the object data on images known to us, and they can not be regarded as evidence of the existence of "Black knight", a mysterious artificial satellite of the Earth.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Among UFO lovers, there is a story about an unknown orbital object called the "Black Knight". It is believed that for the first time his picture was taken in 1960 by one of the first artificial satellites of the Earth. However, these same images are on the NASA website in the photos section of the STS-88 flight of the Endeavour spacecraft in 1998, where it is indicated that this is a thermal blanket flying away from the shuttle and changing shape in free space.
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