Added | Thu, 31/01/2019 |
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A well-known researcher Patrick gross in his article about crop circles tells the story of the development of this phenomenon. It's pretty interesting and important information, so we present here the main points of this article. The original can be found on the link in the source list.
The basic idea of gross is that crop circles are created by people. They represent land art (created by artist work in close connection with the natural landscape), which has evolved from the simplest forms to the most complex drawings. Like any other work of art, crop circles are connected with the desire of the artist to convey a certain idea and to make a statement.
The first round created by Doug bower and Dave Chorley, appeared in England in 1978. The authors wanted the people who'd find him, assumed that this place landed flying saucer. They, like some of their followers did the circles round because "we all know that flying saucer is round". In the interview they pointed out that if the form was different, "nobody would believe that this is the trace of a flying saucer". The idea that circles bower and Chorley represent traces of UFO landing, was denied by the field researchers, ufologists, such as Ian Mrzyglod. Bower and Chorley admitted later that he did it for a joke, but this sparked many discussions in which people tried to find a scientific explanation for their circle.
English meteorologist Terence Miden said that the circles were caused by the eddy wind currents. Several farmers made the assumption that the RAF helicopters, although the trail was clearly not typical of helicopters.
Bower and Chorley have read about the theory Terence Medina and was shocked at how easy it was found "scientific explanation" of their circle. So they decided to have a little fun at the expense of meteorology. Miden argued that the reason for the appearance of crop circles was the wind because the stems are always twisted clockwise. Toda they made the next round, twisting the stems clockwise. However Miden has not abandoned his theory, stating that this time the circles are under the mountain, and it was there that the vortex is trapped. The real reason for crop circles have been located in this place, was the fact that bower and Chorley did them where they could be seen by passing motorists.
To refute the theory of the meteorologist, bower and Chorley made a circle located at the top of the hill, and anonymously warned about it by the press, but the circle was never found.
Then they came up with to draw more than one circle, but several: three, four and even five laps at a time. But Miden did not leave his theory. Instead, he began to assert that groups or symmetrically placed circles are formed as a result of exposure to a variety of symmetric vortices of wind.
Bower and Chorley have long wondered how to break this theory. In 1991, they decided to make a new picture on the box, but this time in the form of a triangle. This was to be the signal, the scientist who invented the theory wrong and stubbornly stood his ground. This is what Patrick gross calls the reason that crop circles have ceased to be circles.
Bower and Chorley were disappointed in the results of their work, because so far almost no one claimed that all these traces left of a flying saucer. In addition, both men were artists, Amateurs, and they are bored with the simple shapes. They believed the pitch something of a canvas on which to draw. So they began to create in the fields of drawings that do not have a round shape or consisted of lines of different thicknesses.
The result among ufologists finally firmly entrenched opinion that these drawings leave the aliens. Now, however, they were more than just traces of the landing ships. In their hypothesis the researchers assumed that the drawings were created special fields generated by flying saucers.
Interestingly, shortly after bower and Chorley made their first circle, they had followers. They wanted to make sure, is it possible to make crop circles if it was difficult, whether they will be caught during this process. Skeptics, UFO, UFOs, tourists and just curious people began to make circles around the world. Everyone understood that it is not very difficult, and that, as a rule, nobody gets caught during the process. Every year the circles grew more complex, even convoluted. It spread through the world forced the "mystery circles on the field" experience even recognition of Doug bower and Dave Chorley the press about his long drawn-out joke.
The artists who created the crop circles, wanted to impress not only the audience but other artists involved in the same. They often gathered in groups of two, three or more people, teams, and competed in creating increasingly complex, thoughtful, and "unbelievable" projects. As in any other work, they are often inspired by designs and patterns common in different cultures, and sometimes even leave peculiar signatures, which could identify the author.
We would add that now the art of making drawings in the margins rather strongly developed and is used not only as a means of artistic expression, but also for advertising purposes. Doing this as individuals, and entire companies using sophisticated equipment and software for calculations and positioning of their work. That is why the quality and complexity of drawings in the margins are very different. Examples of such works can be found on our website in section the art of the action.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
The first known circle on the field created by man appeared in England in 1978. The authors were Doug Bauer and Dave Chorley. They wanted people who found it to assume that a flying saucer landed in this place
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