
Added | Tue, 04/04/2017 |
Источники | Георгий Агрикола "О горном деле и металургии", 1962 г. Изд. Академии наук СССР
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Dowsing (dowsing, dowsing) — a group of psychic practices, declaring the ability to detect hidden objects, usually located underground, such as cavities, water sources, mineral deposits, and the "geopathic zone", "lines of magical power," etc., with vines, a special frame, a pendulum or other devices. [1] this article is an analysis of existing hypotheses to explain the principles of dowsing.
Brief description of the phenomenon
According to most researchers, the essence of dowsing is to convert the information about external objects, received by the person the psychic, ideomotor movement (in this case, the weak involuntary movements of the hands), which are enhanced through various forms and less pendulums. In the hands of experienced operators when crossing water deposits, ore deposits, etc. these items do the different variations: circular, oval, straight. The essence of the method is in the skills to establish the subconscious contact with the outside world, the ability to which most people have weakened and are manifested sometimes in the form of intuitive feelings (often very correct). To configure a certain type of objects the operator should consistently represent their image (water, ore, voids, etc.). This training combined with the development of intuition - based training in dowsing. The scope of perceived by the laity as a sort of antenna, really are not.
Various methods of capture vines [6]
It is also believed that there is a diagnosis area in which dowsing frame may not be replaced by any physical devices. This anomaly detection is still unexplored fields, detection of geopathic zones of anomalous radiation. Their energy, presumably, is not yet fixed appliances, but does not consider it impossible - it carries enormous destructive force, devastating for the world of the living, and for the whole of our environment (in the example of the fact that until the late nineteenth century people did not know about radioaktivnosti, but in nature it always was). [5]
The history of dowsing
The generally accepted history of dowsing, as described in books dedicated to him, and begins even before our era. It is believed that the first extant historical evidence about dowsing given on the engraving, Dating back to 2100 BC, which depicts a person doing a search by using a wooden frame.
The dowser. Engraving of the XVI century [3]
Dowsing is also mentioned in the writings of Pliny the Elder, who lived in the 1st century BC, Paracelsus, born in 1493 and died in 1541 ad, and several other later authors. [2]
In 1556 in Basel had published the guide "On mining", the author of which was the famous scientist of those years Agricola. This book was laid out the scientific basis of dowsing if you are using vine (rod) for mineral exploration.
In the SEVENTEENTH century, the outstanding dowsers were French Baron and Baroness de Bosola. In "the Return of Pluto" they have systematized ways of finding ore deposits and underground water. Emperors of different countries and even the Pope had instructed them to explore for minerals, and they examined virtually all the mines of Europe and some in America, opened a lot of mineral deposits.
In Germany, the famous German chemist Johann Rudolf Glauber (1604-1670) spent many successful research to find metals with vines and gave them a detailed description in the book "Mining business".
Already in the XVII century have been widely discussed possible mechanisms of dowsing, studied reasons. Scholars and practitioners have expressed different opinions. The most interesting idea was put forward in the mid-seventeenth century, the German Jesuit Gaspar SCHOTT, who linked the movement of the vines with the unconscious muscle movements of the dowser. In other words, a person unconsciously reacts her muscles for the presence of the subject that he is looking for with vines.
In 1854 in France at the Academy of Sciences established a Committee for the study of dowsing. Based on the principles of rationalism and then of the existing scientific views, French academics have tried to explain the existing phenomenal phenomenon according to known scientific theories, but dowsing that would not yield.
Since 1891 the society for the psychological studies of Ireland under the guidance of Professor of physics of the Royal Irish College of William Barrett, has conducted numerous experiments to determine water sources with vines.
At the end of the XIX century in Germany for the first time dowsing has been used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, and in the 20-ies of XX century dowsing was officially used for detection of geopathic zones in town planning and also put into practice medical clinical examinations. During the Second world war in Berlin there was a special Institute of the pendulum, whose officers have used the techniques of dowsing for important military, as well as other information.
In Russia dowsing has been used since ancient times to determine groundwater lived, detection of places for digging wells, mineral exploration, detection of harmful geopathic zones in the construction of houses, building of churches and other buildings. Even Peter in the building of Moscow used eniological map prepared dowsers, where several areas were identified as areas that are not relevant to living standards.
The first of the Russian scientists, who are interested in the phenomenon, were M. V. Lomonosov (1711-1765), who dedicated dowsing "On radikalnii forks" published in 1763 in the book "the fundamentals of metallurgy or mining".
In 1912 at a meeting of the Imperial technical society engineer A. N. Yefremov made a report "Index of water and its application to finding sources of underground water". In 1914 published "a Guide to finding underground water", compiled by the engineer V. N. Rostovtsev, who described the search for underground water using "volosataya".
In 1916 he published a book of Professor N.. Kashkarova "Detection of groundwater changes caused in the atmosphere", in which were consolidated those ideas about dowsing, which was characteristic of the early twentieth century. In the book, the author examined in detail the methodology of the search for water with the vines ("vidoiskateli sticks"), as well as determine the size of the groundwater flow, its width and depth, flow velocity.
In America, Europe and Russia in the twentieth century began to form unions and society of dowsers and biolocation which operated successfully in Germany, France, Austria, USA. Conducted conferences, congresses and congresses, in scientific journals published articles on the results of the discovery of mineral resources and underground waters. In our country these conferences were held in 1968, 1971, 1976 and 1991.
In Russia in recent years, serious scientific work in the field of dowsing and dowsing was conducted by candidate of geological-mineralogical Sciences N. N. Saceanu. In particular, its generalization was published in 1984 in the magazine "Radio and communication", in the article "the Use of biolocation method in prospecting of geological mapping".
In Saudi Arabia in the late twentieth century methods of dowsing have been found in the water sources in the Arabian desert, the result of which was rejected by the costly "project of the century", according to which it was proposed to melt the ice of the Arctic ocean and on specially laid pipes to surpass this water in desert for irrigation. [4]
Applications of dowsing
Dowsing is widely used during various search operations, including:
- the search for various mineral resources (ore deposits, water sources, etc.);
- search for lost articles, missing persons, buried treasure;
- the definition of geopathic zones (the energy grid of the Earth), favorable and unfavorable sites in indoor and outdoor space;
- the definition of the boundaries of the anomalous zones;
- etc.
Analysis of existing hypotheses
Forked twig, the so - called radikalna vine (the German miners — Wiinsclielrute), in the history of superstition and magic - a kind of magic and divination rod (virgula mercurialis). The superstition that was in the old days a very common and tenacious. Even before Agricola, Paracelsus pointed out in his essay "De natura rerum" (IX) that the magic rod is "empty and deceptive divination," and in another his work "De origine morborum invisibilium" (I) explained that it is "the belief rotates the rod". But the famous English chemist and physicist of the second half of the XVII century, Robert Boyle, founder of the British Royal society, believed in the reality rodostolou vines, and even in the second half of the XVIII century, English mineralogist William Pryce in his work "Mineralo-gia cornubiensis" (1778) challenged the opinion of Agricola about the foolishness of faith in rodostolou vine. M. V. Lomonosov in his "First basis of metallurgy" devotes a special paragraph to debunking the superstitions associated with "radikalnii forks". He compares them with a toy "children clock" and refers to the belief in them and stories about them "zabobony" (lies, nonsense) that are contrary to common sense and the data of everyday experience (M. V. Lomonosov. Decree. CIT., pp. 441-442 on). A. Lehmann in "the History of superstitions" compiled in the late nineteenth century, indicates the belief in the magic wand lived in the mining masses before this time.[12]
There are a number of hypotheses to explain the principles of dowsing:
- The impact on the frame of electromagnetic fields (in particular, geomagnetic).
- Extrasensory perception: man feels a kind of "radiation" (radiesthesia, energy field of the Earth, the astral signals, etc.) that do not respond to modern scientific instruments, and converts it to ideomotor movement.
- Transformation of information unconsciously received by a person from the outside using the normal senses or from its own memory, ideomotor movement.
In the first hypothesis as the data receiver acts as a frame that reacts to changes in the electromagnetic field. The insolvency of this theory is the mere name of the phenomenon: as the scope of the often used vine, which is a dielectric, the electromagnetic field which is impossible. In addition, from the course of electrodynamics it is known that the world around us chaotically filled with a hodgepodge of electromagnetic fields in wide frequency range. Even if you use a metal frame as an antenna, the first effect can be obtained will vary depending on its physical dimensions, and secondly in order to physically move the frame, you need an alternating magnetic field with a power comparable to the power of the radiation microwave ovens. Fields of such intensity do not occur in nature.
Thus, it is logical to assume that the source of information when map-dowsing is a person, the frame or the vine are the only indicator that allows for schityvat his testimony.
It is necessary to understand how, in this case, a movement frame, a rod or a pendulum.
It is known that musculo-motor representations play a large role in the movements, causing embryonic, minimum intensity, motor impulses spontaneously arising in connection with performances of the movements. "It has long been observed and scientifically proven that if you think about a certain move (i.e. have kinesthetically submission), you could not help it, not noticing produce" (Pavlov). When we begin to imagine a movement visually, and the motor in the relevant motor centers of the cerebral cortex in the brain develop neural excitation, which entails a weak motor impulses specific to that movement. This phenomenon, which is based on the musculo-motor performance on the movement, causing the motive to its Commission, called ideomotor act. [11]
I.e. we know that if you hold in your hand and thread suspended on it a slight metallic ball and close my eyes, visualize a swing of the ball from side to side, then very soon the ball will begin to perform the motions that we present. So, the basis of the movement may lie ideomotor act.
One of the famous is the experiment, staged by Yu and B. Irisem Turobova in the formal verification of statements about the practical relevance of dowsing in General and existence in particular, the "biofield" of a mechanism, on which it is based; the results of the experiment described in the popular science journal "Nature" (1984, No. 11) the article Dowsing without mysticism. For those who want to understand the nature of dowsing, this material is required to review.
Briefly, the experiment consists in the following:
The room was set with three tables with empty lockable boxes marked with numbers. Inductor pulled at random one of the three tickets with the room and put one of the boxes with the same number a piece of lead, and then was led to the room of the operator-dowser. Operator under the supervision of the inductor was examined by using the framework of all three boxes, and then called the number of the box that, in his opinion, was the hidden lead.
In a series of 76 tests was obtained 64 correct result (84%), significantly higher than the result of random choice (33%). However, in the case where the inductor was back to the operator or plywood screen, the results were significantly worse. In the absence of the inductor, when the lead was hiding a third party removed from the room during the search, the results were close to random. As a control, was conducted the following experiment: third party betrayed the inductor ticket with a number, but the lead box did not fit. In this case, the operator pointed to the box with the number matching the ticket number, in 17 cases out of 21 (80%). [1]
Extrasensory perception of information in the above described experiment can be excluded. The transmission of information was clearly from the inductor to the operator, as under the false information of the inducer, the operator is also wrong. In addition, information was clearly through visual channels, because without eye contact with the inductor indicators of results were close to random. I.e. the operator for some characteristics (e.g., facial expression inductor) understand where the lead is (or should be hidden, in the opinion of the inductor).
Logic dictates that in other cases something like this happens. In particular, when searching for minerals, the operator receives information from the state of the natural environment (for example, from the color of soil, vegetation, etc.). When searching for treasure – subconsciously looking for a plot of land, containing, for example, traces of excavation. When you search for lost things is watching the human condition, this loss responsible. In the search for missing people – analyzes the behavior of people involved in the searches (according to statistics, 74% of the cases, the thieves involved in the theft). In determining geopathogenic and abnormal zones (analysis of the phenomenon of geopathic zones will be discussed in a separate article) lithodes refers, rather, to their own understanding of these phenomena (this is the only case of these, when really verify his testimony is not possible).
Based on the above we can draw the following conclusions:
- Source of information when map-dowsing is the operator itself, subconsciously transforms obtained using the usual senses information through ideomotor acts in the movement of the rod or frame.
- Dowsing can be quite effective only in the case when the operator has sufficient experience in the field of search in which it produces.
- Implementation using dowsing search, the results of which can be confirmed by another method (geopathogenic and abnormal zones, etc.) does not make sense.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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