
Added | Fri, 06/01/2017 |
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Crop circles — a term denoting the drawings in the form of rings, circles and other geometric shapes formed on the margins of flattened plants. These drawings can be small or to have so big size that they can be seen entirely only from the plane.
The first known mention of circles in England refers specifically to 1618 (In Chronicles referred to the miracle of the appearing circles in the grain fields), in the Netherlands to 1503.
The earliest documentary pominaniem considered English brochure 1678 called the "Mowing-Devil" (devil-mower).
Year 1680, England. Also crop circles, and also their appearance remained unsolved;
from the 16th to the 19th century, Japan. The circles appear in the rice fields.
References to sections of flattened wheat are found in the legends of different peoples, for example, in Russian folk tales, Mongolian folk tales, and many others with very similar storylines. Individual episodes of these stories Ershov merged a rich adventure story "the little humpbacked Horse", written in 1834. Although in all these works no mention of clear geometric shapes and speaks only of flattened crops, often lead to the confirmation of the antiquity of this phenomenon.
1972, England. Appeared over the field and crashed UFOs, has released a bundle of colored rays towards the earth, he heard a whistling noise, and the eyes witnesses ears perished in a strict order, turning clockwise.
But especially a lot of evidence began to appear in the late twentieth century.
The first scientific study was published in the 22nd issue of the journal Nature, July 29, 1880.
However, the phenomenon was marginal until the end of the twentieth century, and has dramatically gained popularity in the early 90-ies. Only in 1990 was found about 500 pieces, and in subsequent years their number exceeded a few thousand. Being first just with circles, the figures are all complicated with time.
Modern "circles" are often very complicated structures, for example, discovered August 14, 2001 in Wiltshire figure has a diameter of about 450 meters and consists of 409 circles. Today, recorded a few pieces a week, sometimes several a day.
To date registered more than 5000 pieces in 40 countries. However, most of them recorded in the vicinity of Avebury, UK.
Geographically, the phenomenon is found in almost all countries. The most frequent references are found in England, but they can be found in Japan, Australia, America, South Africa, Spain, Germany, France, Bulgaria, Russia. In other countries somewhat less.
The surface on which the phenomenon manifests
The classic manifestation of the phenomenon are considered the figures on cereals – rye, wheat, etc. Many researchers are of the opinion that the appearance of the figures on other underlying surfaces is impossible, however, it is possible to result following examples:
- Italy, Brazil, Australia and other parts of the world: icons appear among the bushes;
- Afghanistan: a group of geologists in the mountains found more than 30 circles-pictograms in deep snow;
- Egypt, Red sea: Charlotte Wusthoff aboard passenger aircraft found clear pictograms on the sand in a desert area of Egypt;
- Kharkov: in the ice of a frozen river, MZA discovered the imprint of a ring with a diameter of 20.7 meters;
- Samara: two circles with a diameter of about 20 meters discovered in a snowy field near the airport Kurumoch. The observation that was made on Board of an airplane taking off at low altitude. No trace of a person or equipment on a nearby snow-covered space was not, and it completely eliminates the artificial nature of origin of the detected circles.
As signs of authenticity applies only to formations on the cereal box, and for other cases such signs have not yet been developed, this article will address the phenomenon of "crop circles" in its classical manifestation, that is, on the cereal box, as the underlying surface.
The development of the phenomenon
Until 1990 he met, as a rule, only very simple, mostly circular form. Since 1990, there was an increase in the complexity of the circles - there were huge complexes of circles with various branches. They have been given the name "icon". Since then, pictograms have become more and more complex, more and more away from simple geometric shapes.
The study of the phenomenon.
A study of the phenomenon by a great number of enthusiasts both in Russia and abroad.
Among the foreign groups can be identified "BLT Research Team INC". This non-profit organization, registered in the U.S., consists of several hundred experts-scientists in various disciplines in the United States, Canada and Europe. They are engaged in the evaluation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and other materials on the "circles", the distribution of impact energy (or energy system) responsible for the arising of volitional formations, trying to determine if it is possible, according to these data the specific nature and source of this energy. As they show the intention to publish the results of these studies in peer-reviewed journals and to disseminate this information to the General public in the form of lectures and review articles in the Internet.
Russian groups are many, but in view of the rather rare occurrence of this phenomenon, they rarely spetsializiruyutsya only on the circles, spanning a wide range of anomalous phenomena.
Processing data on "circles", the Russian researchers and their foreign colleagues have identified some of the signs of the truthfulness of the formations in order to distinguish authentic "circles" from forgery.
The signs of truthfulness of the formations
For 2012 when determining the authenticity of the formation of the Russian researchers and their foreign colleagues focus on different signs.
It is clear that foreign researchers as signs of truthfulness of the changes in plants and domestic pay more attention to external factors.
In this regard, researchers put forward a number of hypotheses explaining the emergence of formations.
The existing hypothesis of "circles"
There are many hypotheses of the origin of the circles. Details are described in the article by Richard Taylor, devoted for the most part the history of the study circles, and considering many theories from the 19th century to the present day. All these hypotheses can be divided into several categories:
- In September 1991, the population of great Britain David Carley and Douglas bower confessed to creating the circles. According to them, the first pattern they did in 1978, inspired by photographs of the tracks left in the grain fields of agricultural machinery.
- A group of creators of crop circles, founded by John Landberg demonstrated that it is possible to manufacture almost all circles, including those analogs which are recognized by cereology authentic.
- Joe Nickel, senior research fellow of the Committee for the scientific study of allegedly paranormal phenomena, argues that the circles are all signs of counterfeits: They are concentrated in the South of the UK, they are becoming more complex with time (the skill of the creators is growing), the creators of hide and remain anonymous. Objections to this hypothesis are constructed in particular on the fact that a careful study of the figures shows complex changes in the structure of plants that cannot be reproduced in the field. It also points to the complexity and large portion sizes of formations that does not fit well with the short time interval (one night) required to create them.
- Lights selhoznauk assure that if you fall on the field of winter crops, within a circle, to make a “loading dose” of ammonium nitrate, from perekalsky nitrogen plants within the circle will grow faster and achieve such growth, thin stems die from the slightest breeze. You can stack them with a rope in a spiral (this picture is observed in “crop circles”). That was demonstrated by the journalists of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” in one of the private farms in the Moscow region in 2001 year. However, it is not clear how with this method it is possible to create shapes with clear boundaries and a few mixed layers of the substrate.
- Richard Taylor believes that manufacturers of field ornaments are cutting the grass using microwave radiation. The basic tools of "artists", apparently, are torn from microwave ovens magnetrons are powered from a powerful portable battery. And reconcile steps helps GPS navigation. However, if you find the original article by Richard Taylor referenced, ndwiga this theory, it turns out that she is more dedicated to the history of study circles than to study. At the end is a link to research group BLT Research Team, whose members allegedly were able to reproduce changes in the structure of plants by microwave radiation of the magnetron from a conventional microwave. And scientists Haselhoff and Levengood even built a model that describes these processes. However, all this remains a theory, to repeat the reality on the field is not yet possible. In addition, the use of radiation gives a clear edges of the formation, and this is one of the signs of the truth. The author of the article did not even insist on such origin of the circles, the article is just a review, just mention the possibility of using the modern equipment (microwaves and GPS) scams when creating circles.
Natural causes
- One theory suggests that the circles are created by small vortexes that send to the ground a strong flow of air, primina plants. Such vortices are often found in the hilly regions of the UK.
- Dr. Terrence copper from the organization for the study of tornadoes and storms (TORRO, Wiltshire) believes that such vortices are the energy charge (the theory of plasma turbulence). Dust particles caught in the spinning charged air, can emit light, which explains the glowing lights reported by eyewitnesses. But still the question remains — how air vortices can produce such a complex icon?
- As reported by the Washington post, recently a California researcher don Scott observed the appearance of a mysterious circles on the fields of rye in southern England. Among his equipment was a radiation detector, infrared vision devices, cameras and movie cameras. Don Scott came from a well-known fact that lying on the grass circles indicate the presence of radioactive isotopes. Therefore, before to install monitoring equipment, he determined with the help of a radiation detector areas of a rye field exceeding the normal radiation level. After two weeks of searching, he found such an anomaly, and the waiting began. A few days later in 1 hour 57 minutes in the morning included automatic infrared camera. The night-vision goggles, Scott watched as the ears of rye begin to bend, forming a circle. Increasing the image, the researcher saw little creatures scurrying between the ears. It was not aliens from outer space, not mystical creatures of ancient Celtic legends. The builders of the circles were ants, one of the insect species possessing primitive social organization. What makes ants walk in a circle? By assumption, Scott, the direction of movement of ants determines the magnetic field of the Earth.
This theory does not fit with the history of the development of the phenomenon and doesn't explain centers of the circles, though it is considered the most plausible, "because the ants are everywhere". We also failed to find the source of where describes in detail this theory and its research.
- One of the assumptions is that the crop circle is the trace of a different mind. For example, traces of landing UFOs. Or on the contrary — specifically sent to the earthlings messages to other planets. However, this theory lies in the same plane as the question of the existence of UFOs and other anomalous phenomena — scientific evidence of the existence of alien intelligence is still not received, despite the fact that from a scientific point of view, its existence is highly likely. Perhaps the reason for this is that the scientific works on search of extraterrestrial civilizations at the moment concentrated only on the narrow area of the search signal of a certain frequency, similar to artificial.
As you can see, each hypothesis has its advantages and has its disadvantages. Therefore, in order to understand this question you must understand the following criteria for the validity of formations, favorable and necessary conditions for their reproduction in natural and artificial conditions.
A brief overview of knowledge about cereal
The main focus of the researchers of formations is the change of normal structure of the plant. Therefore, you first need to recall the basic knowledge in biology. and to figure out what "normal plant" and what are the features of its growth and development. For example, you can take the most common underlying surface for the formation of formations – wheat.
The cultivation of any plant starts with seeding.
The depth of sowing. Seeds of spring wheat depending on soil and climatic conditions are sown at different depths. On heavy and medium soils of the Nonchernozem zone to seal sechena it is recommended that 3-4 cm in the Central Chernozem area and Northern areas of Siberia - 3-5 cm in arid areas of Siberia, Kazakhstan, South-East, the North Caucasus, 5-8 cm For winter wheat requires a relatively deep planting, in which the deeper lays of the tillering node. On Chernozem soils and in dryland winter wheat seeds close up on depth of 5-6 cm With a strong drying of the upper soil layers, the depth of sowing seeds in the black earth can be increased to 8-10 cm In the non-Chernozem area on heavy clay soils, prone to strong swimming and compaction, a regular sowing depth is 4-5 cm, and in srednestan soils - 5-6 cm
The structure of the grains of wheat: 1 - pericarp is fused with the skin; 2 - endosperm; 3 - aleurone layer; 4, the embryo; 5 - tab; 6 - pacecca; 7 - stem; 8 - flap; 9 - cone of increase
The growth of the actual embryo comes at the expense of cell division and increase their size. The first visible sign of germination is the emergence of the primary root. It has a primary geotropism, that is, increasing in the direction of gravity, rooting a plant in the ground.
Need to clarify what geotropism, or gravitropism — the ability of the various organs of the plant to locate and grow in a particular direction relative to the center of the globe. If the organs like root, grow in the direction of the force of gravity, that is, to the center of the Earth, they say that they have a positive geotropic; geotropism of bodies growing in the opposite direction, for example, of a stem, is called negative. There are other tropism relative to stimulus (chemical, light, etc.)
Geotropism represents a movement in which the roots and stems are in a straight line directed to the center of the Earth, provided uniform lighting and feeding.
The first bend (in the lower part of the stem), due to such factors as the structure of the grains and geotropism
Next, we need to understand the phases of development of grain and time period.
The development phase is the external morphological changes occurring in plants over time from planting to ripening seed: germination, tillering, booting, earing (or inflorescence emerge), flowering and ripening.
Shoots. The seed in the soil with a sufficient content of water, heat and air (oxygen) swells and begins to germinate. In germinating the seed first starts to move in the growth of the embryonic root. Then begins to grow a stalk. The growing stem is covered with a transparent shaped case, or coleoptile (coleoptile), preventing it from damage. Stalk breaking through the seed shell, makes its way to the surface. The stalk ceases to grow, coleoptile reveals a longitudinal crack, through which comes out the first green leaf shoots appear.
The tillering. After the formation of several leaves (usually three) the growth of embryonic stem and leaves is suspended. Begins a new phase of plant development — tillering, i.e. the formation of shoots from the underground stem nodes. Of these shoots formed adventitious (nodal) roots, and then the side shoots that come to the surface and grow like the main stem.
Winter crops usually constitute an average of five to six shoots, and spring — half to two shoots per Bush. Most often, the side shoots are formed from the closest surface node. This is the most developed node, called a tillering node.
Adventitious roots form a fibrous root system.
Elongation, or the beginning of booting. In the period of tillering begins the formation of a stem with nodes and a rudimentary ear. The growth of the stem, i.e. the transition of a plant into a new phase of development — the tube starts after tillering. In this phase the internodes elongate. Cereal on the stem is formed of five to six internodes (in maize up to 15 and more). Simultaneously with the growth of the stem starts and differentiation of the rudimentary spike (panicle).
The stalks of wheat, rye, barley, oats and other plants a hollow (straw). The cavity formed in the early stages of the formation of the stem in the result of the withering away of the medullary parenchyma. At the nodes of the stem of cereals thickened. In plants with hollow stems in this place there is a partition.
Schematic section of the node of the grain: the floor. St. — the cavity of the stem (the straw); VL. — leaf sheath; micro — partition of the node; PR — conductive beams.
Earing, or the inflorescence emerge. With the further growth of the stem of the ear or panicle emerges from the vagina of the upper sheet — the phase of earing, in which hard to grow leaves, straw, formed into a spike, panicle. During this period, grain crops have high requirements for food, water, warmth and light. In maize first appear in panicles (sultans), and the female inflorescences (ears).
Bloom. After the ear or panicle from the leaf of the tubes there is a phase of flowering and pollination: floral scales are revealed and appear ripe anthers and stigmas. Incomplete pollination due to the unfavorable conditions during flowering (wet weather, lodging, etc.), and also as a result of genetic or other defects of the organs of fertilization may be incomplete grain content of ears, panicles, and spadices, which causes incomplete.
Maturation. After pollination (fertilization) of the flower begins maturation phase: development of the ovary, seed formation, embryo and accumulation of spare substances in the endosperm. The maturation phase in the grain is undergoing profound qualitative changes: morphological, anatomical and chemical. Grain formation is divided into three periods: formation, filling and maturation.
Grain growth begins at fertilization. During this period, formed the elements of the grain (germ, endosperm and shells). Weevil grows rapidly, increases the amount of water. The increase of dry matter is relatively weak. The contents of the grain liquid, the humidity is 70...75%. Phase ends with the attainment of final grain size in length.
Filling — the period from the beginning of the deposition of starch in the endosperm until the termination of this process. Grain moisture is reduced to 38...40%. Filling lasts 20 to 25 days. The loading period is divided into four phases, between them there is clear distinction — they are gradually into one another:
- the aqueous phase state — the beginning of the formation of the cells of the endosperm. Dry matter is 2...3% of the maximum number. The phase duration is six days;
- phase predmostnaya content of the seed is watery, opal. Dry matter is up to 10%. The phase duration is six or seven days;
- phase of milk state grain contains a milky white liquid. Dry matter is 50% of the mass of Mature seed. The phase duration is 7 to 15 days;
- phase pasty state, the endosperm has the consistency of dough. Dry matter is 85...90% of the maximum number. The phase duration is four to five days.
Maturation begins with the cessation of revenues from plastic substances. Grain moisture is reduced to 12 to 18% and even 8%. The grain was ripe and fit for technical use, but the development of the seed is not yet finished. In the period of maturation there are two phases:
- the phase of wax ripeness — endosperm waxy, elastic, sheath yellow. Humidity decreases to 30%. The phase duration is three to six days.
- phase of solid maturity, the endosperm is solid, the fracture mealy or vitreous, shell thick, coriaceous, coloration typical, the humidity, depending on the zone 8...22%. Phase lasts three to five days.
In the period of maturation in the education field, the seed does not end there. The completion of the complex biochemical processes occurring in grain, require extra time to obtain a new and most important properties of the seed normal germination. Therefore, after harvesting, seeds must go through two periods: the post-harvest ripening, which lasts from several days to several months, depending on the culture and external conditions, and full ripeness, which starts from the moment when the seeds are ready to begin a new cycle of plant life, i.e. when the germination reaches a maximum value.
Variants of occurrence of simple formations
Simple formations can occur because of many reasons. From natural causes there are three: wind, natural lodging and mycelium.
Natural lodging can be caused by a number of reasons.
On the basis of more than a century of study of lodging of the plants can be considered as indisputably established the connection of this phenomenon with the lack of light, excess nitrogen nutrition, an abundance of moisture (rain, excessive watering, etc.), strong winds. Under the influence of these factors, the plants lose their normal vertical position, begin to bend over and finally withered away. When a large ear and a powerful leaf surface, creating a heavy load on the stem, plants are naturally withered away rapidly. Thus, the growth of the crop and increases the risk of lodging. For example, if excessive moisture is noted the rapid growth of plants, the internodes grow, stretch, and the formation of skeletal structures (synthesis of cellulose, lignin within the cell wall) is delayed, so the strength of the stem is reduced.
Natural lodging is of two types: basal and stebleva. If plants Lodge before, with the sprouting of the nodes of the straw they can still climb, if after lodging vykolachivanii is impossible.
Take a closer look at the impact of the wind.
Strong gusts of wind and turbulences can put the plants in rather bizarre forms. Often the resulting picture does not look like the picture, but with a good imagination it is possible to find some regularities.
As to natural causes of lodging include diseases of plants and their infection with larvae of insects.
Lodging can contribute to fungal contamination of cereals, such as rust, cercosporella basal rot, etc.
From pests that lay larvae, one can cite the example of the Hessian fly. In the phase of stem elongation (before earing), the larvae feeding on the growing stems, it causes a weakening of the tissue in damaged areas and as a consequence lodging and colonalist stems.
Lodging of crops leads to disruption of the photosynthetic activity of plants, deterioration of bulk grains, resulting in reduced grain weight, resulting in reduced sowing qualities of grain.
An ordinary mushroom can easily be mistaken for a simple formation.
Under identical conditions, the fungal mycelium grows from the center with the same speed, forming a circle. With time the Central part of the mycelium dies from lack of food, and extreme continues to bear fruit. Each year a ring is expanding at 10-15 centimeters." Circles with a diameter of several tens of centimeters to a few meters, formed by fungi. These circles form the various types of fungi: mlechnikov, Govorushko, mushrooms, toadstools, morels, etc.
In places where the mushrooms themselves are not visible (the grass is very high) they appear along the boundary is a smooth circle occurs strip more juicy and tall grasses - it is especially noticeable on normally dry areas.
The same simple structure can be obtained by accidental or mechanical impact.
For example, the machine that made the hook on the field, circling a puddle on the road, left almost symmetric semicircles on both sides of the puddle. Over time, it became quite classic simple formation which crosses the road. While it is possible to observe all of the modern signs of authenticity. For example, bending the legs of the stem.
Plant, flattened the machine
To consider in detail the principles of creating artificial formations in this article, we will not. There are many specialized resources which detail the mechanism of their creation, for example, reference [21], [17] in the source list. Hudojnikami in this area have positioned themselves Rod Dixon, wil Russell and John Lundberg.
The General conclusion
Thus, we can conclude that all the "anomalies" of the plants, taken from the circles are not the anomalies themselves. This is a normal development of the plant under certain conditions that can be created, for example, hurting them in a particular phase of development, it will not happen fractures of the stem and the plant will lose vitality. Therefore, those signs of authenticity of the circle, which is used by modern scholars, may not be used. Considering each case of occurrence of the circle, we can only say, he was artificially created (no matter by whom) or occurred from natural causes, but we can't say "real" this formation or not.
And to highlight the signs of authenticity of formation is possible only in case, if you decide which circles the real.
Now the main is the point of view that the phenomenon of "circles" is definitely abnormal nature, to provide these "anomalies" does not work. Therefore, it is necessary to find or confirm this "anomaly", or another explanation. The easiest option is to trace the development of the formations in the smallest detail. That is, if you go the historical way and is considered the "true" formation with those signs that existed before him for the active interest and attempts to repeat, it is necessary to find and analyze all possible data prior to 1990.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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