Added | Sun, 16/07/2017 |
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There are plenty of hoaxes and fakes, wandering on the Internet from year to year. They not only have a mystical character, but also relate to the vagaries of the atmosphere or physical strength. They are already refuted on the basis of basic school knowledge about the world and physical laws, but, contrary to common sense, there are not only social networks and blogs but also in news media citing competent sources (without direct links).
Let's start with the news about the possible end of the world. She started to walk around the web in 2011, describing one of the possible doomsday scenariosthat will come very soon (this fall, in the spring of this year, in September, etc.).
NASA has confirmed that Earth will survive 6-day immersion in complete darkness in December 2014.
Rebuttal: the Source of this information was the website of a humorous/satirical news Huzlers.com. More can be read www.independent.co.uk. Russian version - 3dnews.ru
It is worth noting that NASA denied this and several scenarios of doomsday in 2012, however they had to repeat it in 2013, and the already mentioned 2014 and again in 2015. Every year they are limited to a little more than a simple refutation style "again, no; we did not write" with reference to your last rebuttal.
But in 2017 again there were headlines in the style of "Prediction from NASA: Earth will plunge into darkness for 15 days". Maybe in 2018 will come up with a new reason for the end of the world?
Continue to bring the most famous and order bored joke (10 years, her mind already wandering on the Internet), which even has its own name - the Mars hoax:
The text is usually like this:
August 27 at 00:30, lift up your eyes and look at the night sky. On this night, the planet Mars will pass just 34.65 million miles from earth. The naked eye planet will be visible as the full moon. It will look like two moons above the ground! Next time Mars will be so close to the Ground will only be in 2287. Share this news with your friends, because no one living on Earth had ever seen.
(Besides common sense) a few of the sets denials: klimkovsky-music.blogspot.ru, astronews.ru, wek.ru
The next fake is wandering under the title: "on January 4, gravity will disappear?" and similar.
The text of one of many similar news:
In the Internet you can find the alert that indicates that on January 4 we will be able to feel our bodies for a few minutes become light or even in a more radical version of weightless.
All this happens due to the gravitational influence of the celestial bodies. on this day, Jupiter and Pluto will be placed in such a way that it will affect the earth's gravity. This in turn can result in short-term, but unpredictable consequences.
This joke is already far from fresh, and even with a very respectable beard.
The first time she told the British science writer and broadcaster, Alfred Patrick Moore. The first of April 1976, during a broadcast on BBC radio he announced that on this day, as a result of connection of Jupiter and Pluto, in the weakened gravity. Many listeners called to this day in the Studio, talking about what notice weight loss or even flew into the air. It served as a proof of how people can be deceived, believing everything the media say. Actually, the joke was aired, and calls from listeners.
This year information was repeated several thematic sites, illustrating a joke the logo of NASA. In the United States raised the alarm station Daily Buzz, which is even explained that soaring will continue for three seconds. The station later tried to explain that it's just a joke, but it was enough to get tens of thousands of people began to repeat in social media, "confirmed" on TV. The story ended with the fact that the Agency NASA has commented on the statement about the gravitational anomaly in his Twitter briefly: "the Message is a fake."
Rebuttal: newsone.ws
Since the flow of such "news" is not the end, the article will be updated. I invite members and our readers to gather information about such "jokes" with references to confirm that you can find them in one place. Participate in information gathering and leave in the comments links to this kind of news.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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