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НЛО. Соединённые Штаты Америки

ID #1636550591
Добавлен ср, 10/11/2021
Автор July N.

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Дата происшествия: 
Мурриета, CA
Соединённые Штаты Америки

Полное описание события:

«Я сидел допоздна, вчера вечером или рано, как бы вы это ни смотрели, смотрел телеканал НФЛ, когда я услышал, как две соседские собаки начали отчаянно лаять. Примерно через 2-3 минуты после этого я услышал очень низкий мягкие крещендо, гортанные вибрации, которые были настолько низкими, что они начали трясти шкафы на кухне.

Сначала я подумал, что это наш обогреватель издает сумасшедшие звуки, но вскоре понял, что звук идет снаружи. Я вышел из входной двери и мгновенно нашел источник звуков. Когда я посмотрел вверх, там был очень большой квадрат - возможно, треугольный, в зависимости от того, видел ли я его под углом, машина/корабль, как бы вы это ни называли. Казалось, что он крутится справа налево и совершает медленные маневры в крене.

На двух фотографиях объекта, которые у меня есть, видно, что он совершает креновые маневры. Когда я понял, что это было что-то, чего я никогда раньше не видел, ни гражданское, ни военное, я залез внутрь входной двери, схватил свой мобильный телефон со световой стойки и сделал довольно приличный снимок.

Конечно, как и большинство изображений НЛО, оно немного размыто. Мой сотовый телефон - телефон с очень низким разрешением. После этого я побежал в свою спальню и схватил свою цифровую камеру в надежде получить более детальный снимок, но я так нервничал и был в восторге от того, что видел, второй снимок, который у меня было время сделать, тоже был не очень хорошим.

По моему мнению, объект двигался с высокой скоростью для своего кажущегося размера, я не очень хорошо умею угадывать скорости, но я бы сказал, что он двигался в середине сотни. Объект продолжил движение с юга на север и наконец исчез в ночи.

Чтобы описать объект, я бы сказал, что он выглядел как огромная коробка для пиццы с подсветкой на двух из ее, казалось бы, четырех сторонних панелей, которые были противоположны друг другу. Одна вещь, которую я заметил, будучи военным, и тот факт, что здесь есть базы повсюду, я сначала думал военным, прежде всего потому, что объект имел унылый военный сине-серый цвет. Однако я никогда не сталкивался с этим кораблем, ни военным, ни каким-либо другим».

Оригинальная новость

Date: February 7, 2008
Location: Murrieta, California, United States

When I looked up, there was a very large square - possibly triangular, depends if I was seeing it at an angle, machine/craft, whatever you want to call it. It seemed to be spinning from right to left and making slow banking maneuvers.... To describe the object, I would have to say it looked like a huge pizza box with lights on two of its seemingly 4-side panels that were opposite of each other.

Computer illustration of the object, created by the witness. From the witness: "I have also
included a 3D photoshop image of what the craft looked like from my perspective." (view of
object as seen from the side.) Graphic and pictures are © 2008 to owner. (Credit and
copyright, Brian Vike, HBCCUFO.org)

Photograph of the object taken by the witness. According to the witness, "the two pictures I
have of the object seem to show it making banking maneuvers." Graphic and pictures are ©
2008 to owner. (Credit and copyright, Brian Vike, HBCCUFO.org)

Source: HBCCUFO.org/Brian Vike, editor (also, credit to Rense.com)

Murrieta, California - UFO Flat/Square Or Possibly Triangular

Date: February 7, 2008 Time: 2:15 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Murrieta California
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Flat Square - Possibly triangular.

Full Description of event/sighting:

"I was sitting up late, last night, or early, however you look at it, watching the NFL Network when I heard the next door neighbor's two dogs begin to bark franticly. About 2-3 minutes after that, I heard a very low soft crescendoing, guttural vibration that was so low, it began shaking the cabinets in the kitchen.

At first, I thought it was our heating unit making crazy noises but I soon realized the sound was coming from outside. I stepped out side my front door and instantly, I found the source of the sounds. When I looked up, there was a very large square - possibly triangular, depends if I was seeing it at an angle, machine/craft, whatever you want to call it. It seemed to be spinning from right to left and making slow banking maneuvers.

The two pictures I have of the object seem to show it making banking maneuvers. When I realized this was something I had never seen before, civilian or military, I reached inside the front door and grabbed my cell phone off of the light stand and snapped off a pretty decent picture.

Of course, like most UFO pictures, it is a little blurry. My cell phone is a very low resolution phone. After that, I ran into my bedroom and grabbed my digital camera in hopes of getting a more detailed picture but I was so nervous and jazzed about what I was seeing, the second picture that I had time to take was not that good either.

The object, in my opinion, was moving at a high rate for its apparent size, I'm not very good at guessing speeds but I would say it was traveling in the mid-100s. The object continued on its southern to northerly pattern and finally disappeared into the night.

To describe the object, I would have to say it looked like a huge pizza box with lights on two of its seemingly 4-side panels that were opposite of each other. The one thing I noticed from being in the military and the fact there are bases all over the place out here, I initially thought military primarily because the object had a dull military blue-grey color. However, this was no craft that I have ever experienced, military or any other."

Additional Information:


I have attached the two pictures that I was able to take. Like I said, my body was being taken over by my beating heart at the time. As far as being on your radio show, I would be happy to. I honestly believe this was some type of military aircraft, seeing there are at least 3 bases in this area. Now, I don't subscribe to the ideas of extraterestrial life but being in the United States Marines as a Logistics Officer, I have seen almost every class of vehicles and aircraft Uncle Sam has to offer and this craft was of no known origin that I have knowledge of. So, here are the pics and I have also included a 3D photoshop image of what the craft looked like from my perspective.

Take care and let me know when you are planning on doing the show. I almost forgot to tell you that I was researching that next morning to see if anyone had reported the craft. I found nothing local but I did, however, find an article where a guy in Alberta, Canada sighted a very similar craft. The only glitch is that his sighting was around 1:15 a.m. and mine was at 2:15 a.m. There is no way it could have been the exact same object so that draws me to the conclusion that A) The craft has a jump mechanism or B) There are more than one of these things. I don't know. The only thing I do know is that what I saw was amazing. Take care, Brian."


The eyewitness provided two excellent photos and a fantastic graphic of what the object appeared to look like.

Thank you to the witness for their excellent report. Also the Graphic and pictures are © 2008 to owner

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research



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  • Место: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) Носитель: Shuttle Нагрузка: Atlantis F29 (STS-122) COF (Columbus) ⇑


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