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Se han registrado en el Archivo 35225 hechos de 177 países que pertenecen a 1198 fenómenos. De ellos se han revelado 2834, otros 11033 están en la fase de prueba para la conformidad de una de las 322 versiones.

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OVNI. Estados Unidos

ID #1636550591
Añadido Mié, 10/11/2021
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
Мурриета, CA
Estados Unidos

Descripción completa del evento:

"Me senté hasta tarde, anoche o temprano, sin importar cómo lo vieras, viendo la televisión de la NFL cuando escuché a dos perros del vecindario comenzar a ladrar desesperadamente. Aproximadamente 2-3 minutos después, escuché un Crescendo suave muy bajo, vibraciones guturales que eran tan bajas que comenzaron a sacudir los gabinetes de la cocina.

Al principio pensé que era nuestro calentador haciendo sonidos locos, pero pronto me di cuenta de que el sonido venía afuera. Salí por la puerta principal y al instante encontré la fuente de los sonidos. Cuando miré hacia arriba, había un cuadrado muy grande, tal vez triangular, dependiendo de si lo había visto en ángulo, automóvil/barco, como sea que lo llamaras. Parecía girar de derecha a izquierda y hacer maniobras lentas en el rollo.

Las dos fotos del objeto que tengo muestran que está haciendo maniobras de balanceo. Cuando me di cuenta de que era algo que nunca había visto antes, ni civil ni militar, me metí dentro de la puerta principal, agarré mi Teléfono celular del poste de luz y tomé una foto bastante decente.

Por supuesto, como la mayoría de las imágenes de Ovnis, es un poco borrosa. Mi Teléfono celular es un Teléfono de muy baja resolución. Después de eso, corrí a mi habitación y agarré mi cámara digital con la esperanza de obtener una toma más detallada, pero estaba tan nerviosa y emocionada por lo que vi, la segunda toma que tuve tiempo de tomar tampoco fue buena.

En mi opinión, el objeto se movía a alta velocidad por su Tamaño aparente, no soy muy bueno adivinando velocidades, pero diría que se movía a mediados de los cien. El objeto continuó moviéndose de sur a Norte y finalmente desapareció en la noche.

Para describir el objeto, diría que parecía una enorme Caja de pizza retroiluminada en dos de sus paneles aparentemente de cuatro lados que estaban opuestos entre sí. Una cosa que noté al ser militar, y el hecho de que hay bases en todas partes aquí, al principio pensé que era militar, principalmente porque la instalación tenía un color azul y gris militar. Sin embargo, nunca me he encontrado con este barco, ni militar ni de ningún otro tipo".

Noticias originales

Date: February 7, 2008
Location: Murrieta, California, United States

When I looked up, there was a very large square - possibly triangular, depends if I was seeing it at an angle, machine/craft, whatever you want to call it. It seemed to be spinning from right to left and making slow banking maneuvers.... To describe the object, I would have to say it looked like a huge pizza box with lights on two of its seemingly 4-side panels that were opposite of each other.

Computer illustration of the object, created by the witness. From the witness: "I have also
included a 3D photoshop image of what the craft looked like from my perspective." (view of
object as seen from the side.) Graphic and pictures are © 2008 to owner. (Credit and
copyright, Brian Vike, HBCCUFO.org)

Photograph of the object taken by the witness. According to the witness, "the two pictures I
have of the object seem to show it making banking maneuvers." Graphic and pictures are ©
2008 to owner. (Credit and copyright, Brian Vike, HBCCUFO.org)

Source: HBCCUFO.org/Brian Vike, editor (also, credit to Rense.com)

Murrieta, California - UFO Flat/Square Or Possibly Triangular

Date: February 7, 2008 Time: 2:15 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Murrieta California
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Flat Square - Possibly triangular.

Full Description of event/sighting:

"I was sitting up late, last night, or early, however you look at it, watching the NFL Network when I heard the next door neighbor's two dogs begin to bark franticly. About 2-3 minutes after that, I heard a very low soft crescendoing, guttural vibration that was so low, it began shaking the cabinets in the kitchen.

At first, I thought it was our heating unit making crazy noises but I soon realized the sound was coming from outside. I stepped out side my front door and instantly, I found the source of the sounds. When I looked up, there was a very large square - possibly triangular, depends if I was seeing it at an angle, machine/craft, whatever you want to call it. It seemed to be spinning from right to left and making slow banking maneuvers.

The two pictures I have of the object seem to show it making banking maneuvers. When I realized this was something I had never seen before, civilian or military, I reached inside the front door and grabbed my cell phone off of the light stand and snapped off a pretty decent picture.

Of course, like most UFO pictures, it is a little blurry. My cell phone is a very low resolution phone. After that, I ran into my bedroom and grabbed my digital camera in hopes of getting a more detailed picture but I was so nervous and jazzed about what I was seeing, the second picture that I had time to take was not that good either.

The object, in my opinion, was moving at a high rate for its apparent size, I'm not very good at guessing speeds but I would say it was traveling in the mid-100s. The object continued on its southern to northerly pattern and finally disappeared into the night.

To describe the object, I would have to say it looked like a huge pizza box with lights on two of its seemingly 4-side panels that were opposite of each other. The one thing I noticed from being in the military and the fact there are bases all over the place out here, I initially thought military primarily because the object had a dull military blue-grey color. However, this was no craft that I have ever experienced, military or any other."

Additional Information:


I have attached the two pictures that I was able to take. Like I said, my body was being taken over by my beating heart at the time. As far as being on your radio show, I would be happy to. I honestly believe this was some type of military aircraft, seeing there are at least 3 bases in this area. Now, I don't subscribe to the ideas of extraterestrial life but being in the United States Marines as a Logistics Officer, I have seen almost every class of vehicles and aircraft Uncle Sam has to offer and this craft was of no known origin that I have knowledge of. So, here are the pics and I have also included a 3D photoshop image of what the craft looked like from my perspective.

Take care and let me know when you are planning on doing the show. I almost forgot to tell you that I was researching that next morning to see if anyone had reported the craft. I found nothing local but I did, however, find an article where a guy in Alberta, Canada sighted a very similar craft. The only glitch is that his sighting was around 1:15 a.m. and mine was at 2:15 a.m. There is no way it could have been the exact same object so that draws me to the conclusion that A) The craft has a jump mechanism or B) There are more than one of these things. I don't know. The only thing I do know is that what I saw was amazing. Take care, Brian."


The eyewitness provided two excellent photos and a fantastic graphic of what the object appeared to look like.

Thank you to the witness for their excellent report. Also the Graphic and pictures are © 2008 to owner

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research



Lista de versiones que contienen características que coinciden con las descripciones de testigos o evidencia material
No hay suficiente información

Lanzamientos de cohetes (desde space.skyrocket.de)

  • Sitio: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) Vehículo: Shuttle Carga útil: Atlantis F29 (STS-122) COF (Columbus) ⇑


Verificación de versiones, su confirmación o refutación. Información adicional, notas durante el estudio de los materiales.
No hay suficiente información


La explicación más probable. La versión, confirmada por la investigación
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  • UFO Meldpunt Nederland
  • Паранормальная наука, наука об аномалиях
  • Новости уфологии
  • UFO Insights
  • Mundo Ovnis



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