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Йети. Соединённые Штаты Америки

ID #1621241165
Добавлен пн, 17/05/2021
Автор July N.

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Соединённые Штаты Америки

Только раз снежный человек объявился людям во всей красе, а не в виде следов или фрагментов жизнедеятельности. Зимой 1960 года некий Фрэнк Хансен, военный лётчик на пенсии, охотился на оленей в горах штата Висконсин. Охота была удачной — олени тогда в Висконсине попадались на каждом шагу, и Хансену удалось подстрелить одного. Раненое животное попыталось скрыться, но охотник последовал за ним и через некоторое время наткнулся на труп подстреленного им оленя, который нахально доедали три странных существа — точно таких, как на картинках изображают промежуточное звено между обезьяной и человеком.

Когда бывший лётчик появился в поле их зрения, двое продолжили есть оленя, а третий, по словам Хансена, вскочил на ноги и бросился на него, размахивая руками и громко рыча. Хансен вспоминает, что очень испугался и два раза выстрелил в чудовище, попав ему в руку и в голову, после чего бросился бежать, опасаясь мести остальных.

На следующий день Хансен вернулся на то место (а кто бы не вернулся?) и обнаружил, что олень доеден полностью, два представителя промежуточного звена исчезли, а тело третьего, подстреленного им вчера, так и лежит на снегу. Хансен волоком дотащил свою странную добычу до джипа и привёз тело домой, где предусмотрительно положил его в морозильную камеру. Там останки йети (будем его так называть) хранились долгие восемь лет.

Только в 1968 году Хансен решил показать тело снежного человека учёным. Первыми, кто ознакомился с останками представителя неведомого вида, стали зоологи Бернар Эйвельманс из Бельгии и американец Иван Сандерсон. Оба пришли к выводу, что перед ними — действительно легендарный йети, или бигфут, никому до сих пор не известный и никем не обследованный представитель приматов, возможно, промежуточное звено между человеком и обезьяной.

Сделанные учёными выводы воодушевили Хансена на финансовые подвиги. Он решил заработать самым простым способом — показывая труп загадочного существа на ярмарках за деньги. А если кто будет сомневаться, то вот бумага, подписанная двумя уважаемыми людьми, подтверждающая, что перед зрителями именно то, за лицезрение чего они заплатили свои доллары, а не что-то другое.

Полтора года охотник ездил по городам со своим печальным грузом и даже немного заработал на этом, но финансовую операцию пришлось прекратить, так как им вдруг заинтересовалось ФБР. Хотя почему «вдруг»? С точки зрения представителей властей, если в морозилке Хансена обычная обезьяна, то он обманывает зрителей. А если там пусть очень волосатый, но всё-таки человек? Тогда это уже уголовное дело, убийством попахивает.

Хансен был хорошим охотником, он издалека почувствовал запах опасности и догадался, что ещё несколько показов экспоната — и его домом станет тюрьма. Как только он это понял, холодильник с останками йети внезапно куда-то исчез, а сам бывший лётчик на все вопросы властей только пожимал плечами и вскоре про него и про его странный экспонат все позабыли.

Эту историю мы знаем только потому, что Хансен перед самой своей смертью решил написать мемуары. Вряд ли человек перед переходом в иной мир станет столь откровенно врать, а потому есть шанс, что все это правда. Но самое интересное состоит в том, что история имеет продолжение.

В 2013 году некто Стив Басти, уроженец штата Техас, являющийся по совместительству хозяином музея всяких редкостей и диковинок, заявил, что в его распоряжении оказался холодильник с глыбой льда внутри. А сквозь лёд просматривается крупное тело, напоминающее человеческое, но сплошь покрытое волосами. Что это конкретно, Басти утверждать не осмеливается, но есть подозрение, что он обнаружил те самые останки бигфута, пропавшие без вести в конце 1960-х годов.

По словам техасца, дело было так. Хансен, справедливо опасаясь преследования со стороны властей и судебного крючкотворства, надёжно спрятал морозильник с трупом и больше никогда его никому не показывал. В 2011 году охотник, первым в мире подстреливший снежного человека, умер, а его родственники, деля наследство, обнаружили морозильник и решили его продать вместе с содержимым. Тут и подвернулся Стив Басти, предложил родственникам приемлемую цену… и — вуаля! — перед нами пусть и не живой, но прекрасно сохранившийся снежный человек во всём своём великолепии. Спешите видеть!

Здесь есть только один нюанс. Те, кто видел останки йети в 1960-х годах, когда их демонстрировал сам Хансен (таких людей не много, но они есть) и имел возможность сравнить их с тем, что показывает Басти, утверждают, что они сильно отличаются друг от друга. Есть подозрение, что либо хозяин музея, либо родственники бывшего лётчика подменили труп, чтобы потом продать его как можно дороже, а в морозильнике лежит кто-то другой или что-то другое. Так что история о подстреленном в горах Висконсина более полувека назад йети остаётся открытой.


Выставивший тело в 1967 году на государственной выставке Фрэнк Хансен уверял, что это "Сибирское существо", якобы (два варианта), то ли выловленное в замороженном виде в Беринговом проливе, то ли пойманное где-то на Камчатке и позже убитое и замороженное, а потом уже мертвым купленное им во Вьетнаме, а порой - что он застрелил это существо в лесах Миннесоты, где жил.

Оригинальная новость

This is the actual sideshow gaff billed as "The Minnesota Iceman" by Frank  Hansen in the 1960's. This is a one of a kind hoax that was fabricated by a mid-20th century showman.

The Iceman was featured in an issue of Argosy Magazine (as you can see in the pictures) and spawned decades of debate as to its authenticity. For around 40 years the whereabouts of the Iceman were unknown to the cryptozoology community. The "creature", while under ice, baffled the famed zoologist (and so-called father of cryptozoology) Bernard Heuvelmans who examined it in it's heyday.

Stories circulated as to the origin of the creature ranging from "a hunter shot it in the great North woods", to "it was killed during wartime in Southeast Asia", and even that it was found floating in the ocean encased in it's signature block of ice.

It is thought that the "creature" was actually crafted by one of Disney's early Imagineers. Regardless of who actually did create it, the quality is flawless, and it has stood up remarkably well to the rigors of time and repeated freezing.

The chest freezer that it is housed in is unfortunately not operational at this time. It has been looked at by a licensed refrigeration contractor who determined that the compressor needs to be replaced. A new custom sheet of glass was added in September of 2012.


The corpse of a snowman went on a tour of the United States. A unique tour of the United States, in which hunter Rick Dyer and his promoter offer a look at the body of a real Bigfoot (Bigfoot), was in jeopardy.

The other day, an exhibition in Arizona was disrupted, because, as the organizers of the tour said, it was not possible to find a suitable place to place a unique exhibit. The exhibition of the copy was organized by Rick Dyer, who called himself "The Spy for Yeti." Its website says: “I followed the creature. I shot him. With tears in my eyes, I watched him take his last breath. " According to Dyer, this was in 2012.

To organize a tour called “I told you so,” the man hired promoter Andrew Clacky, who told CBS that the body had undergone DNA analysis, MRI scans, autopsy, and more other scientific tests last year. However, the results of the tests, for some unknown reason, are still not available.

Clacy negotiated with various establishments in the Valley whose owners might be interested in hosting the exhibition. As the organizer expected, shopping centers and other places where it was possible to exhibit the rarest exhibit should have been ready to fork out, because the exhibit will certainly gather huge crowds in their territory. However, no one is in a hurry to invite the owner of the remains of Yeti. This is due to the fact that Dyer is the person who organized one of the most massive hoaxes with Yeti in history.

In 2008, he already stated that he had shot Yetty and even intended to sell his body to the one who would offer the highest price. As it turned out later, the mythical creature was an ordinary rubber doll, filled with water and frozen. The story attracted the attention of the public across the country and Dyer had to hide for many months.

Apparently, precisely because of the notoriety of the Yeti hunter, the promoter was unable to find the venue for the exhibition, since no one wanted to pay for the show. It is noteworthy that even the International UFO Congress, which begins its five-day conference in Scottsdale, did not want to host the exhibition of Dyer and Clacy.

“He's a famous cheat,” said conference organizer Maureen Elsberry. “We are a respected conference, and we don’t want to defame our name by contacting a charlatan.”

Dyer and Claycy insist that the body with which they decided to travel around the country is not another fake. However, the failure in Arizona did not upset the enterprising couple and now they are heading to Albuquerque, however, so far there have not been anyone who wants to host the exhibition.

The corpse of a snowman went on a tour of the United States. A unique tour of the United States, in which hunter Rick Dyer and his promoter offer a look at the body of a real Bigfoot (Bigfoot), was in jeopardy.

The other day, an exhibition in Arizona was disrupted, because, as the organizers of the tour said, it was not possible to find a suitable place to place a unique exhibit. The exhibition of the copy was organized by Rick Dyer, who called himself "The Spy for Yeti." Its website says: “I followed the creature. I shot him. With tears in my eyes, I watched him take his last breath. " According to Dyer, this was in 2012.

To organize a tour called “I told you so,” the man hired promoter Andrew Clacky, who told CBS that the body had undergone DNA analysis, MRI scans, autopsy, and more other scientific tests last year. However, the results of the tests, for some unknown reason, are still not available.

Clacy negotiated with various establishments in the Valley whose owners might be interested in hosting the exhibition. As the organizer expected, shopping centers and other places where it was possible to exhibit the rarest exhibit should have been ready to fork out, because the exhibit will certainly gather huge crowds in their territory. However, no one is in a hurry to invite the owner of the remains of Yeti. This is due to the fact that Dyer is the person who organized one of the most massive hoaxes with Yeti in history.

In 2008, he already stated that he had shot Yetty and even intended to sell his body to the one who would offer the highest price. As it turned out later, the mythical creature was an ordinary rubber doll, filled with water and frozen. The story attracted the attention of the public across the country and Dyer had to hide for many months.

Apparently, precisely because of the notoriety of the Yeti hunter, the promoter was unable to find the venue for the exhibition, since no one wanted to pay for the show. It is noteworthy that even the International UFO Congress, which begins its five-day conference in Scottsdale, did not want to host the exhibition of Dyer and Clacy.

“He's a famous cheat,” said conference organizer Maureen Elsberry. “We are a respected conference, and we don’t want to defame our name by contacting a charlatan.”

Dyer and Claycy insist that the body with which they decided to travel around the country is not another fake. However, the failure in Arizona did not upset the enterprising couple and now they are heading to Albuquerque, however, so far there have not been anyone who wants to host the exhibition.

According to www.kp.ru, in the US state of Georgia, a body was allegedly found belonging to a bigfoot. Residents who discovered the body sold it for $ 10 million. Igor Burtsev, Ph.D. in history, who learned this sensation from his American colleagues, reported the fantastic find.

The story of the find is this: in July, two residents of Clayton County, Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer accidentally discovered a huge humanoid creature covered in red hair in the forest. In their eyes, it died of wounds.

With the assistance of local residents, called for help, the corpse was managed to be taken out of the forest. The body was placed in a suitable-sized freezer.

“The head of the research group of cryptozoologists Tom Biscardi saw the corpse,” Igor Burtsev quoted www.kp.ru. - And the famous anthropologist from the University of Idaho, Jeff Meldrum, took biological material for analysis. Experts believe that the creature is a bigfoot - “Bigfoot,” according to American terminology. His height is 2 meters 70 centimeters. Weight - about 300 kilograms. There are photos and even videos. ”

According to rumors, the body was sold for $ 10 million to an unknown buyer who is going to publish yeti photos on September 1. However, this is not the first discovery of this kind: previous stories about yeti turned out to be myths.

New incident details and body descriptions appeared (see and discuss the topic in our forum):

“Whitton is a policeman who is on leave for injuring ... Dyer is a correctional officer. They are co-owners of bigfoottracker.com and Bigfoot Global LLC., A company that offers expeditions for observing bigfoot. Now, they are working with the Bigfoot Hunter Tom Biscardi and his company Searching for Bigfoot, Inc. to study the corpse and publish relevant information.

... They announced the discovery of the corpse a few weeks ago in a radio show ...

Creature DNA data will be presented on Friday August 15th at a press conference ... .. in Palo Alto, California. The press conference will be closed - only accredited journalists are invited to it.

Here are a few of the key features of a big foot body:

seven feet seven inches (231 cm) tall

weight over 500 pounds (226 kg)

the creature possesses the features of a human and ape-like monkey

the creature is a male

creature coat is reddish brown, eyes are brown with a gray tint

the creature has two arms and two legs, on each limb five fingers

feet are flat and resemble human

foot size: length - 16 and 3/4 inches (42.5 cm), heel width - 5 and 3/4 inches (14.6 cm)

the length of the brush from the edge of the palm to the end of the middle finger is 11 and 3/4 inches (29.8 cm), width - 6 and 1/4 inches (15.9 cm).

upright creature (several similar creatures were noticed on the day the corpse was discovered).

the structure of the creature’s teeth is more likely to be characteristic of man than a humanoid monkey.

dNA is currently being analyzed, the results of which, along with photographs, will be presented at the conference. "

According to preliminary data, its growth is about 2.5 meters, and its weight exceeds 200 kilograms.

In the southeastern United States (Georgia), hunters discovered the body of a snow man. According to them, when they noticed the Yetti, he still showed signs of life.

According to the Americans, he was mortally wounded in a fight with his relative and died a few minutes after the men discovered him. The body has already been delivered to the laboratory where the examination is being conducted. Moreover, there is information that is very intckback  California will soon host an event where the find will be shown to the public. According to preliminary data, its growth is about 2.5 meters, and its weight exceeds 200 kilograms.

In turn, users of social networks called the news that came from across the ocean complete nonsense. People reinforce their skeptical view of myth with humorous pictures and ironic comments: "American REN-TV hunters have probably reviewed," "Will go to the company to an alien and lunar soil ...", "And I can’t name Dzhigurda already, he shaved recently."

Meanwhile, according to scientists Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, specializing in the search for the Bigfoot, the individual has practically no similarities with modern people. It looks more like a large erect monkey. As for the intelligence of the Yetti, it is not yet possible to establish its level.

As noted, after researchers receive the creature’s DNA, his body will be delivered to California. There a large-scale exhibition will take place, where anyone can see the snowman with their own eyes.
  Exhibit traveling exhibition
  The fact that "Bigfoot" exists, at least in the form of a corpse, it became known in 1968. A traveling exhibition began touring the territory of the USA, among the exhibits of which there was a refrigerator box with a block of ice inside. In ice it was possible to distinguish a frozen hairy body. He was shown for money, calling a humanoid creature either Neanderthal or Bigfoot.

Frozen Yeti Face

Scientists became interested in the nightmare exhibit, then the FBI. And they probably would have taken possession of him, but the corpse suddenly disappeared. For several decades, nothing was known about his fate. There were only legends in which people believed less and less.
  And recently - in the summer of 2013 - Steve Busti, the owner of the Museum of Oddities in Austin, Texas, announced that he had found the same frozen yeti with a box.

According to Basti, a block of ice with the contents was hidden by the owner of the exhibit - someone Frank Hansen, a resident of Minnesota, a retired military pilot. And secretly kept for many years. But he died a couple of years ago. After that, the Hansen family decided to sell the corpse.
  Basti promised to expose yeti in his museum on July 4 - on Independence Day, but for some reason has not exhibited so far.

In 1969, Hansen showed a frozen yeti to scientists. The body was examined by Belgian zoologist Bernard Heuvelmans and the American by Ivan Sanderson.
  The shocked Aivelmans assured that for the first time in history a fresh corpse of a man similar to a Neanderthal man was found, and suggested that he be called "homo pongoids." The scientist published an article in the Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, remembering with kind words the legendary researcher of the Bigfoot, the patriarch of Soviet cryptozoology and the founder of hominology - the science of the Bigfoot, Boris Porshnev, who had been holding the hypothesis that yeti - This is a Neanderthal who has survived to our time. In a word, troglodyte.

Komsomolskaya Pravda contacted the doctor of historical and philosophical sciences, State Prize laureate professor Porshnev. And he wrote an article for the Club of the Curious, which was published in early 1969 under the heading “Find in a Block of Ice”.
  Here is what Boris Fedorovich told about a frozen yeti:
  “For more than a year and a half, a certain Mr. Frank Hansen drove a metal coffin with a glass lid around a US fairs in a special van with a refrigeration unit and fluorescent lamps. It contained the corpse of a "prehistoric man" frozen in ice. Neither scientific nor administrative institutions showed the slightest interest in the exhibit. But recently the American zoologist Ivan Sanderson and the Belgian zoologist Bernard Aivelmans, who was visiting him, heard about this recently. The owner allowed two days to inspect and photograph his amazing property, but did not give it up for preparation and avoided accurate information about how he got with him ... What did Sanderson and Aivelmans see? The latter has already published a hasty scientific report in the Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, and I have in my hands a more extensive typewritten report, accompanied by several photos. This is the corpse of a man lying on his back 180 cm tall, all covered (except for the face, hands and soles) with dark brown hair 7-10 cm long. The head is thrown back into the ice, so that the forehead is not visible ...

The version of the “Ice Age Man” immediately disappeared: this hairy creature was killed by a bullet in his right eye. Another bullet crushed a raised arm. Blood smudges near the head - fresh color. An expert examination says that this individual is stored in ice for no more than a few years ... Anatomical analysis showed that the proportions of the body parts of this creature no further deviate from the norms of normal modern people than in fossil Neanderthals. But some deviations are very expressive and coincide with Neanderthals. The head thrown back reveals an unusually short neck, so that the head of a living person looked pressed into the shoulders. He has a rounded and sloping chin, a straight and long mouth cut with almost no lips, a short upturned nose with gaping rounded nostrils. The brow and forehead are visible. But the trunk and limbs are notable for their distinctive originality. A fairly powerful chest is more convex than in humans. It directly passes into the stomach, tapering egg-like downward, without any narrowing at the waist. The upper limbs are longer than the human norm and appear to reach the knees when they hang along the body. Legs, on the contrary, are somewhat short. The hand is large, wider and shorter than the human norm, and the thumb is longer than the human. The foot is much wider than human proportions and massive. Toes are located almost perpendicular to the axis of the foot - not as oblique as in modern humans, but in exactly the same way as in the Neanderthal fossil ... The general picture of the hair arrangement is completely different from the cases of painfully increased hairiness found in people ... "

The shooter admitted his deed
  Before his death, Hansen published a kind of memoir in which he reportedly shot the “Bigfoot” in 1960 in the mountains of Wisconsin while hunting deer. He essentially knocked out a bullet with a part of his temple, just like our Ilya Muromets, who wounded the Nightingale the Robber by firing an arrow from his bow (“knocked out his right eye with a pigtail”).
  About who the Russian hero actually fought against, read How Ilya Muromets killed the Bigfoot.
  Hansen got the Bigfoot 7 years before Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin made their famous film when they encountered a yeti in the wooded and wild mountains of California on October 20, 1967. They had guns with them, but did not shoot.

According to the hunter, this was the case. First he shot a deer. But he didn’t kill - he ran away. Went to look for him. And he found surrounded by three yetis. They tore the deer's stomach - they ate the insides and drank blood, scooping it with their hands. One of the creatures rushed at Hansen, screaming wildly and waving his arms. He fired with fear several times - he hit the head and arm.
  The hunter left a battered yeti. He returned after a few days. The corpse was well preserved, as it was frosty in the forest.
  From the forest, the yeti migrated to Hansen’s house in Minnesota, then to the freezer, then to the exhibition, then to the cache.


Список версий, содержащих признаки, совпадающие с описаниями очевидца или материальными свидетельствами

Преднамеренная фальсификация

К этой версии относятся любые фальсификации, имитирующие необъясненные феномены как со стороны: розыгрыши, флешмобы, фейковые новости, обман свидетелей, инсценировки и т.п.

Существует немало способов из подручных материалов изготовить нечто, похожее на призрака или летающую тарелку, не применяя при этом видео и фотомонтаж.

Многие самодельные вещи, изготавливаемые ради шутки, розыгрыша или прямой имитации мистического существа или события можно принимать за необъясненное не только на фотографиях и видео, но и в реальности.


Проверка версий, их подтверждение или опровержение. Дополнительная информация, заметки по ходу изучения материалов

На фотографиях, снятых с близкого расстояния, хорошо видно, что выставляемый сейчас йети является куклой.

sideshowworld.com пишет :

Это настоящая афера, которую Фрэнк Хансен в 1960-х объявил «Миннесотским ледяным человеком». Это единственный в своем роде обман, который был сфабрикован шоуменом середины 20 века.

Ледяной человек был показан в выпуске журнала Argosy Magazine (как вы можете видеть на фотографиях) и вызвал десятилетия споров относительно его подлинности. Около 40 лет криптозоологам было неизвестно о местонахождении Ледяного человека. «Существо», находясь подо льдом, сбило с толку знаменитого зоолога (и так называемого отца криптозоологии) Бернарда Хёвельманса, исследовавшего его в период его расцвета.

Рассказы о происхождении этого существа варьировались от «охотник застрелил его в великих северных лесах» до «оно было убито во время войны в Юго-Восточной Азии», и даже о том, что оно было найдено плавающим в океане заключенным в свой фирменный блок льда.

Считается, что это «существо» на самом деле было создано одним из первых творцов Диснея. Независимо от того, кто на самом деле его создал, качество безупречно, и он замечательно выдержал суровые условия времени и многократные заморозки.

К сожалению, морозильный ларь, в котором он находится, в настоящее время не работает. Лицензированный подрядчик по холодильному оборудованию осмотрел его и решил, что компрессор необходимо заменить. Новый нестандартный лист стекла был добавлен в сентябре 2012 года.

По найденныйм на данный момент данным сложно сказать, что было показано изначально, но сейчас это явно подделка. 


Версия, подтвержденная в результате расследования, или наиболее вероятное объяснение

Преднамеренная фальсификация

К этой версии относятся любые фальсификации, имитирующие необъясненные феномены как со стороны: розыгрыши, флешмобы, фейковые новости, обман свидетелей, инсценировки и т.п.

Существует немало способов из подручных материалов изготовить нечто, похожее на призрака или летающую тарелку, не применяя при этом видео и фотомонтаж.

Многие самодельные вещи, изготавливаемые ради шутки, розыгрыша или прямой имитации мистического существа или события можно принимать за необъясненное не только на фотографиях и видео, но и в реальности.

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