ID | #1696325552 |
Добавлен | вт, 03/10/2023 |
Автор | July N. |
Источники | |
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Состояние | Гипотеза
Исходная информация
Изображения, на которых якобы изображена семья снежных людей , гуляющая по лесу, могут быть одними из самых ярких за всю историю, но не все в этом убеждены.
Сообщается, что снимки с высоким разрешением были сделаны в северной части штата Нью-Йорк, и на них изображен предполагаемый снежный человек в кадре с чем-то вроде ребенка на спине. Предполагается, что изображения были сделаны в Биконе в штате Нью-Йорк в США, который, как сообщается, является горячей точкой для наблюдений снежных животных.
Был даже запущен специальный блог, в котором можно было просмотреть изображения этого места, несмотря на подозрения относительно их достоверности. В аннотации к блогу, предположительно созданной в 2014 году, говорится:
«Я создал эту страницу в ответ на многочисленные наблюдения снежных людей в районе Бикона, штат Нью-Йорк, за последний год».
Оригинальная новость
Images purportedly showing a family of Bigfoots hanging out in the woods could be one of the clearest of all time – but not everyone is convinced.
The high-resolution snaps were said to have been taken in upstate New York, and show an alleged sasquatch in frame with with what appears to be a baby on its back. The images are understood to have been taken in Beacon in New York state in the US, which is reported to be a hotspot for sightings of sasquatch.
A dedicated blog was even started up to look at images from the area despite the suspicion surrounding their validity. A blurb for the blog believed to have been started in 2014 says: “I started this page in response to the numerous bigfoot sightings in the Beacon, NY area over the past year.”
Many of the images on the site appear to show the furry subjects, including children, stroking and hanging out with deer in the woodland.
Conversation about some of the pictures from the area was written on the website The Crypto Crew, with the author of the page saying: “The Beacon Bigfoot videos have been around for a little while now and most, including me, think they are nothing more than fakes.”
Other images show an alleged baby bigfoot, with the author of the web page saying: “Yep, it's a family thing. I hope they are on private property because someone might shoot them.”
Most recently, the images from Beacon which have sparked this latest debate were posted on Facebook. Commenting on the image, one person said: “Momma with a newborn. They wash them off in a nearby creek after birth”.
Another person said: “Come on people it’s BF with several more there. Maybe the enlarged pic will help you.”
One of the images posted on Facebook shows what some think, "certainly looks like a baby clinging to its back."
Another was very sure, saying: "That a baby bigfoot on its back".
Others, however, were less into the idea that this could finally be Bigfoot. One person said: “Nope looks like Quasimodo”.
Another added: “It could be, but it Isn't.”
One sceptic added: "Nope, if it looks human in size and proportion it's much more likely a human than it is a bigfoot. Nothing about this picture speaks to [the] anatomy of anything but a human, if a human could fit in the suit, that's probably the answer."
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