ID | #1603204783 |
Añadido | Mar, 20/10/2020 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | UFOs, paranormal story archive
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
La testigo de diez años, junto con sus padres y su primo, caminaba por el bosque.
Los adultos estaban a unos 30 pies (9 m) por delante de los dos testigos jóvenes cuando notaron a su izquierda, a unos 10 pies (3 m) por delante, algo que parecía una pequeña figura de robot de pie junto a un árbol.
El "robot" les saludó con la mano en un ángulo de 90 grados. Al acercarse, escucharon un chasquido cada vez que agitaba su mano. Tenía grandes ojos rojos redondos y nunca se movió, simplemente siguió saludando a los testigos.
Los adultos parecen simplemente ignorarlo, o de alguna manera no lo notaron en absoluto. Cuando los testigos se acercaron a la figura, ella le gritó a su prima que la tocara. Su primo lloró y huyó.
El testigo siguió acercándose, pero cuando llegó al árbol, la extraña figura desapareció.
Noticias originales
Date: January 1977
Location: Near Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
Time: afternoon
Summary: The 10-year old witness along with her parents and cousin were hiking in a wooded area. The adults were about 30 ft ahead of the two young witnesses when they noticed to their left about 10 ft ahead what appeared to be a small robot-like figure standing next to a tree. The “robot” was waving at them with an arm, at a 90-degree angle. As they got closer they could hear a clicking sound every time it waved. It had large round red eyes and it never moved, it just kept waving at the witnesses. The adults seem to simply or ignore it or somehow did not see it at all. As the witnesses approached closer to the figure, the witness yelled at her cousin to go touch it. Her cousin began to cry and ran away. The witness continued to approach but as the reached the tree the strange figure had disappeared.
Source: UFOs, paranormal story archive
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