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Se han registrado en el Archivo 35225 hechos de 177 países que pertenecen a 1198 fenómenos. De ellos se han revelado 2834, otros 11033 están en la fase de prueba para la conformidad de una de las 322 versiones.

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OVNI. Brasil

ID #1489508637
Añadido Mar, 14/03/2017
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
07.05.1952 16:30
Барра да Тижука -

7 de mayo de 1952 – barra da Tijuca, Brasil. Durante el rodaje de un reportaje para la revista "O'Cruzeiro", los periodistas Ed Kessel y Joao Martins vieron un objeto volador inusual acercándose a ellos.

Cuando el objeto voló directamente sobre ellos, Kessel tomó cinco fotos en blanco y negro. Más tarde, la fuerza aérea brasileña encontró otros 40 testigos que también vieron el objeto.

Las cinco fotografías fueron tomadas por el fotógrafo de Prensa Ed Kessel en compañía del periodista João Martins (según sus declaraciones) y publicadas por primera vez por la revista "O'Cruzeiro" en la edición del 24 de mayo de 1952. Se afirma que las fotos fueron tomadas el séptimo día de este mes, cuando supuestamente se vio un disco volador en las cercanías de barra da Tijuca, Brasil.

A las 4:30 pm, Martins notó repentinamente un objeto que se acercaba en el aire a alta velocidad. Al principio pensó que era un avión. Martins se dio cuenta de que era algo extraño. Este "avión" volaba hacia los lados. Él gritó: "¿Qué demonios es este?"Keffel tenía su Rollei-flex a mano y Martins gritaba:" ¡Toma fotos, Kessel!"Ed Kessel agarró su cámara cargada y tomó cinco fotos en unos sesenta segundos, obteniendo así la secuencia de fotos más sensacional del disco volador.

La fuerza aérea brasileña llevó a cabo una investigación y emitió una conclusión positiva de que las fotos eran auténticas. Sin embargo, su informe no se hizo público hasta 1959.


Noticias originales

Of all photographs of alleged UFOs, the Barra da Tijuca series is considered by the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) to be “one of the best (and possibly the best) on record.” (at that time) However, the authenticity of the photos has been challenged; and some photo analysts suspect a hoax. The five pictures were taken by press photographer Ed Keffel, while in the company of reporter Joao Martins (according to their statements), and first published by O Cruzeiro magazine in its May 24, 1952, issue. It is claimed that the photos were actually taken on the seventh of that month, when a UFO — a flying disk – was allegedly spotted in the vicinity of Barra da Tijuca, Brazil.

The Brazilian Air Force conducted an investigation and released a positive statement that the photos were genuine. However, their report was not released to the public until 1959. It was first publicized by Fernando Cleto, an official of the Bank of Brazil, through a television program called “The Enigma of Space.” Mr. Cleto had carried on a quiet investigation of UFOs for years and received the cooperation of the Brazilian “Investigation Commission on Flying Saucers”, organized by the Brazilian Air Force under the command of Colonel Joao Adil de Oliviera.

According to Mr. Cleto:

On May 7, 1952, Joao Martins and Ed Keffel went to the place called Barra da Tijuca to do a routine job for their magazine. At 4:30 P.M., Martins suddenly spotted an object approaching in the air at high speed. He thought at first it was an airplane he was facing . It looked like an airplane. There was still something strange, Martins realized. That “plane” was flying sideways. He shouted: “What the devil is that?” Keffel had his Rollei-flex at hand and Martins yelled: “Shoot, Keffel!” Ed Keffel grabbed his loaded camera and got five pictures in about sixty seconds, thus obtaining the most sensational photographic sequence of a flying disk.

The following is a personal statement written by Mr. Martins, which was also endorsed and cosigned by Mr. Keffel:

I herewith confirm that in May 1952, I saw an “unidentified aerial object” at Barra da Tijuca, as was published, with every detail, in the review [magazine] 0 Cruzeiro at the time. Together with me was the photographer-reporter Ed Keffel, an exemplary professional, well-succeeded and well-respected for his honesty and seriousness, who obtained a series of photos of the above-referred object.

These photos were also published by the above-mentioned review, for which both of us worked at the time. Besides being a journalist, I am also an engineer; and I also have a large experience and knowledge of meteorological, astronomical, and optical phenomena. I have experience of all known types of aircraft and can state that the referred object cannot be framed in any natural phenomena or aircraft of my knowledge.

Neither I nor Ed Keffel tried to derive any financial profit from the fact. We were at the time exclusively contracted by that review [0 Cruzeiro], and there we handed in our report and the photos, without receiving any extra bonus for either. Neither did we receive-nor did we wish to-any payment from anybody, either for the account or for the photos or for the appearances we were practically obliged to make on different occasions on television… I narrated the fact in free talks to military authorities and university auditoriums.

I do not know what that object was, and because of this, I classified it in the category of “unidentified flying object”, commonly called a “flying saucer.” The incident, besides the annoyances it entailed, contrived to call my attention on the subject as an only advantage, and consequently I have done research on the subject with the greatest detachment, both in sightings here in Brazil and abroad. . .

As to the position of the Sun and the shadows on the foliage, as seen in one of the photos of Barra da Tijuca, it is easy to confirm them. One need only go there; and it is easy to reach the spot, at the same hour and time of year corresponding to the fact. This, in fact, has already been done, back in 1952, by technicians of the Brazilian Air Force, as was later divulged in detail by researcher Cleto Nunes by means of TV and the Press.

Criticism, denial of the facts, or discussions by whoever does not know the subject or knows it from a distance or through reading third-hand publications, that are usually incorrect, can only be due to intolerance or dishonesty of purpose. As to me, I ignore them, for I am a professional who does not base his career on that report, nor have I the time to lose in sterile debates. I reported merely what I saw and whatever I had to say has been said.

Skeptics contend that in photo # 4 (see above) the shadows on the foliage indicate lighting from the right, while the light on the object seems to come from the left. Jim Lorenzen, director of APRO, disputes this finding by stating: “To shine from the right, the Sun would have to shine from the southwest quadrant of the sky- a thing that it never does in that part of Brazil. Moreover, the growth on the hillside is complex; and generally no clear object-and-shadow pattern exists.” The inconsistency of shadows was first noted in the literature by Donald Menzel and Lyle Boyd in their book The World of Flying Saucers (1963); this finding was endorsed by William K. Hartmann, who later analyzed the photos for the University of Colorado UFO Project. Hartmann stated: “This case is presented as an example of photographs which have been described as incontrovertible evidence of flying saucers, yet which contain a simple and obvious internal inconsistency.”


Lista de versiones que contienen características que coinciden con las descripciones de testigos o evidencia material


El montaje en la fotografía comenzó a usarse casi inmediatamente después la aparición de la técnica de fotografía. Se subdividían en técnicas de fotomontaje sin manipulación de imágenes después de recibir la foto e retoque la foto en sí o su negatividad (placa, película, etc.)

Falsificación deliberada

Esta versión incluye cualquier falsificación que imite fenómenos inexplicables como desde el exterior: bromas, flashmobs, noticias falsas, engaño de testigos, escenificaciones, etc.

Hay muchas maneras de hacer algo similar a un fantasma o un platillo volador con materiales improvisados, sin usar videos y fotomontajes.

Muchas cosas caseras hechas para una broma, una broma o una imitación directa de un ser o evento místico pueden confundirse con algo inexplicable no solo en fotos y videos, sino también en la realidad.


Verificación de versiones, su confirmación o refutación. Información adicional, notas durante el estudio de los materiales.

Contradictorias vresias.

La fuerza aérea brasileña (FAB) envió agentes secretos al lugar donde se iban a tomar estas imágenes y realizó pruebas con tapas y discos de cartón. El día en que estos agentes se encontraban en el lugar de las pruebas, reporteros extranjeros entrevistaron a pescadores que mencionaron la presencia de pruebas militares con copias de cartón y tapas de ollas. Los periodistas publicaron la noticia de que todo el asunto era un engaño. 

Se cree que la controversia en torno a la autenticidad de la foto casi terminó décadas después, cuando el ufólogo de São Paulo Clodeir Covo (INFA) pudo demostrar que el caso era en realidad una estafa. Para ello, fue al lugar el mismo día del año en que se tomaron las fotografías y realizó diversas pruebas con las que demostró la falsificación.

Ahora el caso se considera una falsificación, pero me gustaría encontrar los materiales de Clodeira Covo con evidencia para una imagen completa.


La explicación más probable. La versión, confirmada por la investigación
No hay suficiente información

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