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Aquatic creatures. Mongolia

ID #1510649487
Added Tue, 14/11/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
озеро Уурэг

In Mongolia appeared his Loch ness monster? A local resident by the name of Sodnomdorj walked near the lake Uureg and suddenly noticed on the surface of the pond, an ominous dark figure about 250 metres from the shore. The surprised man hurried to get mobile and capture their amazing discovery on video.

Include the following entry, you will be able to see an elongated dark object slowly floating in the twilight on the lake. Skeptics, of course, immediately declares that it is, say, a log or a pile of garbage, but the author of the video does not believe in such theories. According to him, we are talking about a living creature an impressive size.

First, says Sodnomdorj, I have seen it firsthand, and the human eye easily distinguishes the living from the dead. Second, in that moment, I felt this beast with every fiber of your body as we, the faithful, had contact with him at the level of energy or something, but I knew well that this is not the log...

Length of the lake monster, according to the estimates of Sodnomdarjaa, is 7-8 meters. When a mysterious video appeared on the world wide web and attracted the attention of many users, the Mongols remembered a medieval legend about a giant creature in the lake Uureg.

The locals call it the Blue bull. If you believe the legend, this cryptid appears on the surface of the pond once in 60 years and produces a sound like the bellowing of a bull. Then the monster disappears again in the depth of six decades. Some parents even scare a Blue bull, naughty children, claiming that he would give them in case of disobedience to be devoured by a huge water monster.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Not infrequently it happens that the trash accidentally or intentionally left by the person, may be something abnormal: signs of alien eggs alien, unknown water and land creatures, etc.. Also, this debris can enter into a chemical reactiile physical interaction with the environment. For example, to burn the grass or to form a ball.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Vandenberg AFB, California (USA) Vehicle: Minotaur-C-XL-3210 Payload: SkySat 8 (SkySat C6) SkySat 9 (SkySat C7) SkySat 10 (SkySat C8) SkySat 11 (SkySat C9) SkySat 12 (SkySat C10) SkySat 13 (SkySat C11) Flock-3m 1 (Dove 0F06) Flock-3m 2 (Dove 0F02) Flock-3m 3 (Dove 0F13) Flock-3m 4 (Dove 0F4C)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

The object is not moving, not making a sound at all and shows no signs of a living being. This is most likely a log or a pile of debris on the surface of the water.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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