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Yeti. Russia

ID #1505205510
Added Tue, 12/09/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Старый Кутугун
Irkutskaya oblast

In the 1990s I worked as a paramedic on a helicopter air ambulance. Our office was in Nyurba, and we are often called the herders, the hunters, Geophysics, and many others who needed medical care. Distances there are large, sometimes flying for hours to the patient or the victim.

One winter got an emergency call from amakinsky expedition that was looking for diamonds. There is very much dented by a bear. Still on the rise, our doctor Tikhonov said:

Winter, bears sleep, probably the connecting rod.

And here we are flying on Old Kucugum, behind a minus of 40 degrees. Under us for portholes floats taiga, with its frozen rivers, hills. Two hours later, landed on the area, the base camp of geophysicists. While, when the blades get up, we got out of the helicopter. We were met and escorted into one of the tents.

On the bunk lay and panted a man of about forty, pale, eyes closed. We were told that he went to check the traps and, apparently, stumbled upon a bear who did not lay down in hibernation. Well, what followed was another man. He heard two shots, ran and saw a battered, unconscious geologist. There he froze, but his companion dragged him to the camp.

After examining the wounded man, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to be hospitalized in Irkutsk, as he has broken ribs, arm and a serious concussion. Abrasions, however, there was little that the victim of the bear atypical.

And then a geophysicist, which brought a comrade in the camp, said:

Is not a bear made a mess of him. The traces I saw the bear are not. It's definitely Bigfoot. The traces of this big (he spread his palm inches to fifty). Blood there was a lot of snow. See, Serge got him. He went to the side of a hill. Yakut reindeer herder said he saw him near the herd, so big, hairy, like an orangutan, but more than twice.

We looked at each other. Then did the wounded injection, a splint on his hand, and the guys on a stretcher and carried him to the chopper. He had not regained consciousness. Chuchunaa in the myths of the evens and Yakuts call the local equivalent of Bigfoot. The stories of the residents, is a wild man, living in impassable mountainous areas. Is characterized by high growth, good physique, physical strength, abundant hairline. Dressed in animal skins, weapons – knife, bow and arrows. Society of people avoid, seeing the person hiding. According to legend, stole from the people of deer, food and women. The helicopter rose into the air to a height of thirty meters and took the direction of the hill that rises not far from the camp. And then we all saw the window standing among the trees a hairy humanoid creature is very tall, about three meters. It stood, raising its bloody hands, as if calling us. My colleague rushed to the pilot, but he flatly refused to sit, saying that there is space for planting is not: "why would you want this monster? It is all of you here will break!" So we left the snow man, apparently dying from gunshot wounds, on that hill.

Many years have passed, and I still reproach myself, and all the others that helped this creature. Because, apparently, he had asked for.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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