ID | #1685973273 |
Added | Mon, 05/06/2023 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Investigation
Initial data
In May 2002, one morning, Ms. L.S., 40, an accounting analyst at a bank in Bucharest, felt an itch in her right shoulder at work.
Looking closer, she discovered that she had a mark, as if from a blow, noticed by her colleagues, as can be seen in the attached photo, taken later by her daughter-in-law. The family doctor referred her to the Kolentin Hospital, to a dermatologist. Here she was asked if she somehow got a tattoo or slept on an object. After a negative answer, she was asked if she believed in aliens...
The sign lasted about 6 months, dried up during this time, and then disappeared. He does not remember that at the time of the appearance of the brand, she dreamed anything or had an unusual meeting. But she unwittingly made a connection with how cattle are marked by their owners.
The reason for the appearance of the sign remains unclear.
Original news
Mai 2002, intr-o dimineata, doamna L.C., de 40 ani, analist contabil la o banca din Bucuresti, a simtit la servici cu o mancarime la umarul drept. Uitandu-se a constatat ca avea un semn, parca stantat, vazut si de colegii ei, asa cum se observa in fotografia atasata, facuta ulterior de cumnata ei. Medicul de familie a trimis-o la spitalul Colentina, la dermatologie. Aici a fost intrebata daca nu si-a facut cumva un tatuaj sau daca nu a dormit pe un obiect. La raspunsul ei negativ a fost intrebata daca crede in extraterestri... Semnul a ramas cam 6 luni, timp in care s-a uscat si apoi a disparut. Nu-si aduce aminte ca in perioada aparitiei stigmatului sa fi visat ceva sau sa fi avut o intalnire neobisnuita. Dar L.C. a facut involuntar legatura cu modul in care sunt insemnate vitele de stapanii lor. Cauza semnului ramane inexplicabila.

This version include any unexpected event or unexpected confluence of circumstances (in this case, not necessarily with a deadly or traumatic outcome, not necessarily directly influencing a person's or animal), as well as its consequences, which were taken as something mystical or paranormal.
Usually (e.g. in the Labour code) in an accident include:
The shape of the burn is similar to the back of a hair dryer.
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