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Chronoanomalia. United States

ID #1668759839
Added Fri, 18/11/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Гоблин-Крик, WA
United States

A resident of the USA on one of the Western forums published a story that happened to him in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State (USA).

After this event, he believes that time travel can be completely real and spontaneous, that is, sudden and imperceptible to the traveler himself.

Below is his story:

I've always loved nature. I was lucky enough to be born in the great Pacific Northwest, more precisely, in the Cascades of Western Washington. My father and I spent most of the first years of my life exploring the mountains, fishing and hunting.

I know some places in the Cascades like the back of my hand. One of these places is called Goblin Creek, located up the Index-Galima road from Highway 2. When I was a child, we went there to fish and shoot, and also to collect a special kind of stone, which, if cut in half and polished, resembled a picturesque painting depicting a view of the mountains from a cave.

I don't remember the real name of these stones, we just called them "picture stones".  A friend and neighbor of my father owned an art gallery/mineral shop that used to be a church.

If you've ever driven through a Startup on the road from Sultan to Goldbar on Highway 2, you may remember seeing a robot sculpture outside the store that my father built. It was here that we sold the stone for $2 per pound. It was a lucrative income for a teenager.

The walk from the stream where we collected stones to the dirt road wasn't particularly long, but it was long enough that you could get lost on the way if you didn't know where to go. In all the years that we have spent at this stream, I have seen only two other people there.

One of them is a supervisor who heard gunshots during our target practice and tracked us down to make sure everything was OK. The other is the subject of my curiosity.

When I was about 14 years old, I distinctly remember dragging a backpack full of these stones from the stream to my father's truck. On the way, I ran into a man who looked to be about 30 years old.

We both seemed surprised that we could run into someone in this rather remote part of the mountains, but as I approached this person (he was heading down to the stream, I was heading up to the road), he seemed to become more and more frightened, as if he had seen a ghost. He didn't say anything when I passed by, he just looked at me, trying to find the right words to ask me about something.

Walking past him, I remember thinking how much this guy looks like someone who could be in my family, the resemblance was amazing. I continued on my way to the truck, unloaded my load of stone into the truck and headed back to the river, to my father. When I arrived, I told him about the meeting and asked if he had seen this person, to which he replied that he had not. Since then, I remember this meeting very vividly.

Last year I was visiting my family in Snohomish and decided to go to old Goblin Creek for nostalgic purposes. It's been about 15 years since I was there last time. On the way there, I found out that the Index-Galim road was washed away a few years ago, fortunately, I knew another way there through the Jack Pass.

I found a dirt road, parked where my father used to park, and continued walking through the woods to the creek. Along the way, I saw something that shook me to the core. When I was about halfway through the forest, I was amazed to see that someone else was coming from the stream, a boy of about 14.

He was wearing a backpack that looked like it was weighed down by a heavy load. As we got closer, I became more and more confused and shocked that the boy looked exactly like me at his age. I wanted to say something to him as he passed by, but I couldn't find the right words to express what I was thinking at the moment.

He walked past me and walked on. I walked a little way and finally stopped, and then it dawned on me.

I remembered a meeting as a teenager and realized that I had just experienced the second half of this experience! Both the man and the boy were me, only with a difference of about 15 years! I turned around to catch up with the boy in the dense woods of Western Washington. I ran all the way back to the road where my truck was parked and found nothing.

Besides the road, he had nowhere to go, and I didn't slow down for so long that I wouldn't be able to catch up with him. He just wasn't there. Curiosity got the better of me, and I hurried down to the stream, half expecting to find my father, who was fishing 15 years younger, on the shore, but I didn't find anyone.

As a result, I went home and decided that this experience was too incredible to tell my friends and relatives about it.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

It is a pity that the year of the incident and the source are not specified. It is necessary to find the original to which the publication refers. The story is very similar to the plot of one of the Twilight Zone episodes.

The Twilight Zone

TV Show|1959

A series of unrelated stories containing drama, psychological thriller, fantasy, science fiction, suspense, and/or horror, often concluding with a macabre or unexpected twist.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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