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Anomalous zone. United States

ID #1496128539
Added Tue, 30/05/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Седро-Вулли, WA
United States

Recalls with a shudder, Kanye, a resident of Washington state, are strange and terrible month, held in 1998 at the Academy of cascade training in the city of Cedro-Woolley. At that time she was only 16 years old, and seemingly pretty comfortable building of the Academy with a huge audience, filled with fun and happy students, would be to delight a young girl. However, she felt uncomfortable, she was very worried and tried to convince myself that it's just nerves.

Together with her band she went to the dormitory where unpacked and looked around. The first thing the girl noticed, were long, like hospital corridors with flickering lights, room with combination locks and a shared bathroom. In a large room housed three bunk beds and three high drawers. It was very stuffy, the air was stale and humid. At the only window facing the courtyard, was a steel grating. The girl reluctantly began to unpack.

"The first night I woke up in 2 hours from what's included lamp. I turned my head to see who of my roommates turned on the light, but all slept soundly. My heart dropped into her stomach. I got up to turn off the lamp when movement outside the window caught my attention. I looked in the yard and very clearly saw a girl in a night gown and a boy in a shirt and brown pants playing red ball - this time a girl, sleeping next to, began to thrash about in my sleep. - I tried to Wake her, to show her what I saw, but when I looked out the window, the yard was empty."

Scared to death girl all night did not sleep a wink. In the morning she never told anyone and tried to forget about ghosts last night. She fell asleep right after school and woke up again late at night.

"I woke up around two and went out into the dark corridor. In the bathroom blinked the light and I felt someone watching me. I got out of there as fast as I could - she lingered at the water fountain and when she leaned to the trickle of water, I felt that someone approached from behind. I was truly grateful to this man that I'm not alone now. I motioned "one minute" to let him know that I see him, but when after a moment I raised my head up, there was no one".

She hurried to her room and saw that her roommate is awake. She was scared because she woke up from the click of included lamp. The girls got to talking and agreed to nighttime not to leave the room alone.

Fear added and the girl who uneasily rushed about in a dream. Often at night she got out of bed and paced the room, talking to herself and sometimes for 10 minutes, stood over the sleeping girls. But the next morning she could not remember.

"I was very bad, from the constant lack of sleep I felt dizzy and fell right in the classroom. For the month, I developed severe anemia. I knew I should leave," much later, Kanye, which most never returned, learned that the hostel building was very old and that he was an abandoned cemetery.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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