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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Yeti. United States

ID #1643888367
Added Thu, 03/02/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
озеро в Чейни
United States

The guy thinks he noticed a bigfoot walking past a lake in Cheney, Kansas, USA, at night when he was driving by.

In the video, which was shared on Facebook and Reddit, the driver films over his dashboard as he stops on a dirt road to take a look at a "shooting star."

But he very quickly got more than he could have wished for when he caught a huge brown figure walking on the lake in front of him.

He said:

I took girls to look at the stars and get away from the lights of cities. There was a shooting star. I drove up there to look at her. You just need to be careful not to leave late, the lake is low.

Then he was interrupted by his daughters, who shouted "what the hell is this!" from the back seat.

The father zoomed in on the image of the supposed bigfoot as the whole family wondered what it was before his panicked little girl demanded they turn around and go home.

Perhaps the footage with the bigfoot shows a tall ape-like figure passing by the lake.

Original news

A bloke reckons he spotted Bigfoot walking past a lake in Cheney, Kansas US at night while he was driving past.

In a video, which has been circulating on Facebook and Reddit, the driver films over his dashboard as he pulls up on the dirt track to take a look at a 'shooting star.'

But he very quickly got more than he could wish for when he caught a huge brown figure walking by the lake in front of him.

He said: “Driving the girls out to check out some stars and get away from the lights.

“Hey, there's a shooting star, maybe I can pull up here a take a look.

The Facebook video got over 15.7k views (Image: Reddit)

“Just gotta be careful not to drive out into the late, the lake's low.”

Then he was interrupted by his daughters who yelled 'what the heck is that' from the back seat.

The dad zoomed in on the alleged Bigfoot as the whole family questioned what it was before his panicked little girl demanded that they turn back and go home.

The possible Bigfoot footage shows a tall apish figure walking past the lake

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The Facebook clip received over 15.7k views and was later shared with the subreddit r/bigfoot but not everyone is so convinced by the sighting.

One user said: “Yeah because an actual Sasquatch would just squat there waiting for the car to pull up before running off.”

Another added: “The fact that one of the children is the first to notice the figure lends credibility.

Reddit users believe the Bigfoot sighting was faked by the dad (Image: Getty Images)

“The fact that the father stops exactly at the point to observe the figure does not.”

A third said: “As soon as the clip opened with the guy explaining to the camera his innocent reason for being out driving around it was pretty obvious how authentic this was going to be.”

A fourth wrote: “Hahaha I love how it’s the kids that are like 'F*** this. Take us home now.'”


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Vandenberg AFB, California (USA) Vehicle: Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) Payload: USA 326 (NROL 87)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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