ID | #1642767798 |
Added | Fri, 21/01/2022 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Hypothesis
Initial data
A strange situation happened a few years ago in India. Then the remains of a creature surprisingly similar to dinosaurs, officially extinct 65 million years ago, were found. It should be noted that this is not a fossilized skeleton, but quite fresh bones, still covered with pieces of dried meat!
According to the British The Mirror, the body was found in Jaspur, Uttarakhand. The body was found by an electrician who was cleaning an abandoned substation that had shut down 35 years ago. The discovery of these remains caused universal horror. Everyone who saw the corpse declared that they did not look like any known animal except a dinosaur.
This "dinosaur" could have been quite small, perhaps the size of an average bird. It looked like the creature was running on two strong hind legs and was probably a predator. In appearance, it looks like an extinct theropod called Dromaeosaurus. The length of the found creature is only 28 cm .
Now the bodies have been sent to scientists who will identify and date them. Hindu experts admit that no one knows what kind of animal it is yet, but it is very similar to dinosaurs. However, experts said that nothing can be said for sure yet, and they will turn to this find after receiving the results of the tests.
Paleontologist Aarian Kumar from the University of Delhi, in turn, categorically rejects the assumption that it could be a dinosaur. He is convinced that all theropods died out 65 million years ago, and their remains could not have survived to this day, even with pieces of tissue on the bones.
However, in an interview, he admitted that he looks like a theropod dinosaur. Theropods are predatory dinosaurs that walk on two legs, the most famous of which, of course, is a tyrannosaurus, but there were also small deinonychs up to 3 meters long. At one end of this suborder there are giants in the form of the aforementioned Tyrannosaurus or very small individuals like anchiornis, reaching a length of 30-40 cm and considered possible ancestors of today's birds.
Jaspur's remains were sent for identification to a paleontologist from Kumaun University in Uttarakhand. According to critics, the photos probably depict the mummy of a cat or some mutant animal. No one asks if there are small theropods in India today.
Original news
Do dziwnej sytuacji doszło kilka lat temu w Indiach. Odnaleziono wtedy szczątki stworzenia, które jest zaskakująco podobne do dinozaurów, które oficjalnie wymarły 65 milionów lat temu. Trzeba zaznaczyć, że nie jest to skamieniały szkielet, tyko całkiem świeże kości, pokryte jeszcze kawałkami wysuszonego mięsa!
Według brytyjskiego The Mirror, ciało zostało znalezione w miejscowości Jaspur, w stanie Uttarakhand. Zwłoki zostały znalezione przez elektryka, który porządkował opuszczoną podstacji, która została zamknięta 35 lat temu. Odnalezienie tych pozostałości doprowadziło do powszechnej konsternacji. Wszyscy, którzy widzieli te zwłoki twierdzili, że nie są podobne do jakiegokolwiek znanego zwierzęcia, z wyjątkiem dinozaura.
Ten "dinozaur" mógł być dość mały, może wielkości średniego ptaka. Wygląda na to, że stworzenie biegało na dwóch silnych tylnych nogach i prawdopodobnie było drapieżnikiem. Z wyglądu jest podobny do wymarłego teropoda zwanego dromeozaurem. Długość znalezionego stworzenia to tylko 28 cm.
Dromeozaur - źródło: wikipedia
Teraz zwłoki zostały wysłane do naukowców, którzy zajmą się ich identyfikacją i datowaniem. Hinduscy eksperci przyznają, że nikt jeszcze nie wie jakie to zwierzę, ale jest bardzo podobne do dinozaurów. Specjaliści stwierdzili jednak, że nie można powiedzieć obecnie nic pewnego i odniosą się do tego znaleziska po otrzymaniu wyników badań.
Paleontolog Aaryan Kumar z University of Delhi, z kolei kategorycznie odrzuca sugestię, że może to być dinozaur. Jest on przekonany, że wszystkie teropody wymarły 65 milionów lat temu, a ich pozostałości nie mogły być utrzymane w takim stanie do dnia dzisiejszego, nawet z kawałkami tkanki na kościach.
Jednak w wywiadzie przyznał, że na zewnątrz przypomina dinozaura z podrzędu teropodów. Teropodów to drapieżne dinozaury, którzy chodzą na dwóch nogach, najbardziej znany z nich to oczywiście Tyranozaur, ale występowały też niewielkie Deinonychus o długości do 3 metrów. Na jednym krańcu tego podrzędu są giganty w postaci wspomnianego Tyranozaura lub bardzo małe osobniki jak Anchiornis, który osiągały długość 30-40 cm i są uważane za możliwych przodków dzisiejszych ptaków.
Szczątki z Jaspur zostały wysłane do identyfikacji przez paleontolog Uniwersytetu Kumaun w stanie Uttarakhand. Według krytyków na zdjęciach przedstawiono prawdopodobnie mumię kota lub jakieś zmutowane zwierzę. Nikt raczej nie zadaje tam pytania czy po Indiach w naszych czasach nadal biegają niewielkie teropody.
The discovery of a mysterious creature resembling a dinosaur with flesh still on its bones has left scientists baffled.
The partially-preserved corpse was uncovered by an electrician cleaning out a sub-station left untouched for 35 years.
The creature – which was found in Jaspur, a small city in Uttarakhand, India – has now been sent for analysis, including carbon dating, which will reveal its age.
Experts say that although it looks like a small dinosaur that could be near impossible as flightless dinosaurs have been extinct for 65 million years.
Dr Parag Madhukar Dhakate, a Conservator with the Indian Forest Service, said that the creature would remain an enigma until scientific analysis had been completed.
He said: “It looks like a dinosaur, but we can't say anything until all the tests are done.”
Aaryan Kumar, who is pursuing a PhD in Paleontology from Delhi University, told local media that it was impossible for a dinosaur skeleton to be so well preserved after so long.
He said: "Non-avian dinosaurs have been extinct for the past 65 million years but it does resemble theropods, a suborder of dinosaurs which included bipedal carnivores.
“But a dinosaur skeleton could not have been found in such a well-preserved condition after millions of years without it being in a fossilized state.
“The only even slightly possible way is it was chemically preserved to store it in a museum. But if that was the case, how did it end up here?"
The Deinonychus, the Coelophysis and the Dromaeosaurus are among the dinos that resemble the shape of the 28cm-long creature.
They’re all types of theropods, a suborder of dinosaurs that ranges in size from the mighty T Rex to the tiny Anchiornis.
Dr Dhakate said the specimen had now been sent to Dr Bahadur Kotlia, a paleontologist at Kumaun University, for historical analysis.
One initial suggestion is that it could be a genetically distorted animal foetus from within the goat family, but for now the mystery remains unsolved.
The bizarre find comes after scientists announced they had discovered dinosaur blood inside a piece of amber that is almost 100 million years old.
Famous creatures

There are a huge number of different living organisms on our planet. According to recent estimates, the number of species of organisms on our planet is approximately 7-10 million. However, only 15% of the data are described today.
According to the calculations of Canadians, 2.2 million species live in the world's oceans, 6.5 million on land. There are only about 7.8 million species of animals on the planet, 611 thousand fungi, and 300 thousand plants.
Post-mortem changes

Because ordinary people are rarely familiar with the nuances of postmortem changes in organisms, it can often take them for something mystical.
Gray meat flies eat rotting tissue, leaving a sharp edge. This explains the "surgical" removal of organs and parts of the skin. However, such behaviors of the flies many take for the interference of aliens or attacked by unknown creatures.
The main signs of this injury:
Rocket launches (from
- Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) Vehicle: Falcon-9 v1.2 Payload: Dragon CRS-13 (SpX 13, Dragon C108-F2) TSIS 1 ⇑ SDS ⇑
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